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RE: We're all POB Curators

in Proof of Brain4 years ago (edited)

I may not be responding from the position or perspective of so many others, but... I have a life’s work ready to publish. 1000s of pages, two full size books, plus many vids and transcripts from Sessions with people.
Because I have helped so many with their trauma memories over the last 25 years I’d discovered many horrible things to be true.
So, I also track and monitor 20 diff topic threads.
I gave up on Steem as an option because of the whales, so to speak.
I envision the Whales as Doorways, just as are all of us.
Some doorways block light and truth, other doorways want to close against it and not let it through.
The whales can help you get your msg out, or block you.
I am used to a world which blocks me.
I went organically viral from posting on fb twice and each time they put me in jail for a week. It was not due to negative content, merely too much activity!
The last time, when I gave up, I took a pic of the notification after they locked me away from posting or commenting for a week! You have 783 Reactions in the last two hours!


Well, colour me intrigued.
It sounds like your knowledge packs a punch. I've never heard of people being locked up for going viral before, that is some real dystopian shit, lol.

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Yes, I thought that to be an important point to make. There was no complaint from facebook other than simply too much activity in too short of a period. Said they had to make sure I was a human.
No, really! But, the algorithm kicked in the first time at 300 Reactions in two hours. They locked me down and bothered me with some stuff to make sure I was human.
Then it seemed like they let me loose to go viral finally.
But, no... as soon as I hit that 783 the algo kicked in again. And again... no content complaint, merely too much activity.
And again... I had to spend hours proving I was human, which took a week.

that's the Zuckster :)

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That is bizarre.

I had to spend hours proving I was human, which took a week.

How did you finally manage to prove you were a human? That sounds like something we all need to know, lol.

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