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RE: A walk through Nietzsche's Will to Power // Um passeio pela Vontade de Poder de Nietzsche

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

the power to grow a little within the community? The power to desperately withdraw all that POB and buy something we need? Pay the bills? Yes, paying bills is one of our powers, sometimes "we can" not pay. Or maybe the power to become financially independent of jobs that chain us? In my case, it is all this at the same time, but without a doubt the power to be active and feel integrated into this community so intense and pulsating that it has transformed Hive into something much bigger than we can conceive yet!

In this you gave something very true, and that few fully understand.

Some will only realize when it may be too late, others have already understood and are building a better future in a systematic and patient way.

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That's what I've been trying to do! But it is complicated living in this social "steamroller" that puts us in checkmate sometimes. I avoid taking it out and I can see how much we can grow here, but sometimes it is necessary to pay some bills! In addition, persistence and consistency, stick with it!:)