
You are misinterpreting things here, matey - it's humor, not hate.

Oh wow good to know, I had no idea, thought he has being serious all this time. I heard he was getting flagged by a few random witnesses, so I just assumed he was on a rampage or something.

If he's a comedian he should understand there's always a chance of a heckler in the audience. Lucky he's got a good friend like you to have his back, and a good intermediary too. So I guess you can tell humorphil he won't have a problem with me since I had him all wrong apparently, my bad, sorry. Thanks agin! 🤣

I am on a rampage, but you will probably be really rich when you realize what libertarians like me did crossing the void of the social spectrum to phase out the extremists on the left.

lol - no worries matey !... it can be hard sometimes 'getting humor' - especially if the reader isn't in a 'funny headspace' at the time..

Yeah I had woke up on the wrong side of the bed, probably slept on my funny bone wrong.

@coininstant you can sleep again so that you will wake up on the right side of the

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I am white lol

I don't care what you are, it's the inside that counts, and u are gross.

You're also retarded. Haha

Ad-Hoc insults are a logical fallacy, look in the mirror smart one...

Shut up!

This gif reminds me of your cognitive dissonance.


Have you thought about transitioning? Being male is sexist...

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@coininstant i think that @phusionphil is white himself so i feel he was just been humourous..

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^ that's kind a racist comment, Hitler was white too!

You making it look like the poster was a racist who is trying to abuse the white people,and i am saying he himself is white and i do not see any reason why he would want to be a racist against himself...

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Dude, we already concluded that he was joking, not sure why you keep bringing this back up. I was joking too, I was trolling him.

@coininstant just lost about $5 so I think he learnt his lesson about putting down comedians.

Coininstant takes thing too seriously,he cannot even see the humour in the writeup...

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Maybe I was joking too, did you think of that. You all are the ones that take a little flag way too seriously.

Well it is actually possible that you are also joking too but what you call little flag can damage the reputation of that user..especially when they have done nothing wrong to deserve a flag...

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So he flagged me back calling my post spam, that is serious - so I left my flags. What are you his lawyer?? I wasn't joking at first, but my replies to him were on the joke side.