Oh wow!! Congrats! I am only in my 3rd year but boy did I grow a lot personally because of it. Now that I have a home I do not even feel the need for one. I find it disruptive. And I am glad that I managed to cut it out from my life. I choose my information and this is the best way.
I also noticed , looking back in my past, how the TV can literally zombify you. This is why many couples lack a sexual life or even normal conversations which should happen in a bedroom. I also find it disturbing if the TV is on during family meals. It is like a bunch of people gathering , eating and not talking.
The more I think about the benefits of not owning a TV the more I appreciate the silence , the value of a meaningful conversation between two souls which share a room. I am sure that many people would feel the same if they would get "off the drug".
Thanks so much for stopping by🤗
Ahhh brilliant🥰 Fear is really a virus, it spreads and contaminates the whole being.
I remember reading one time a phrase which made me think. That all what people do have 2 basic emotions at the core: fear or love.
Excluding fear means welcoming love in our life. The love for freedom, for liberation, for evolution, for growth.
Someone said that the TV era will end when people will realize the absurdity to look at a box and wrap their life around it. Decades passed since that phrase was spoken. The box still is enticing for so many. Click click once you get rid of the box you realize that life is so much more. Expansion of the mind. Outside the box.