Stand guard at the door of your mind

The bedtime routine can make a huge impact in your life. I always considered sleep to be very important, especially after reading a book about the topic which blew my mind ( you can see my review of it here )


As I mature I change. For the past 3 years I did not own a TV. I plan to keep it like this because I see that the presence of a big luminous screen in people's bedroom affects the way they sleep, recreate and share intimate moments with their partner. The TV can kill romance, sleep and overall health.


I love silence. I like it when I just enjoy a quiescent moment. Our time before sleep should feel relaxing, rewarding, peaceful.

I have made a habit of always listening to personal development podcasts and interviews. They motivate me and they help me understand myself and others better. I believe that if we do not make time to feed our mind with good things then life will live us instead of us being in charge of our destiny. Self-education plays a huge role in this.


One might say: I am at the end of my day, tired from work, I just want to bury myself in my couch, watch TV and destress. If you have done this in the past years and if you are pleased with the results then continue. There is no reason to change if you are happy right? But if the routine is not working for you and you look at your life with disappointment and regret, maybe it is time to look at things differently.

A good book before sleep can help. I find it even better to have a little notebook and write down what matters to me, my thoughts and ideas .


wool socks are a must for me


I want to grow on all levels and this requires dedication and commitment. I want to fulfill my dreams about financial independence and richness so I study success and money. I am not interested in wasting any more precious time. Time is valuable, 2 hours wasted per day with gossip, TV, drama, scrolling, arguments, fights, drain you of energy. Energy that you could use for yourself and for your dreams. Energy that could lead you into taking action and see how you can change your life. In a week they would add up to 14 hours. In a month there would be more than 42 hours wasted on ....nothing. What if you would start to use those hours for YOU?


My change in mentality happens gradually. I notice that being involved with crypto made a radical shift in my mindset. I want financial wealth and I will have it. Discipline and good mental practices must be built. We trade time for money in a regular job and we have LIMITED TIME ON EARTH. I analyse people and I see fathers and mothers who miss their children's chuldhood because they run for their money, they exhaust themselves. I see men and women having arguments about money because they do not have enough. Sadly they break up thinking that it was about the money (wrong, it is about the lack of financial education, money is plenty and you can always have more, the Universe is abundant). I see people dying because they can't afford healthcare. If when we put ourselves to sleep we are oblivious to the way world truly functions then why are we living?

Personal development and dedicating time just for you is not selfish. It's not weird. It is not exhausting. You do yourself and humanity a big service if you decide to assume the responsibility of becoming a better human. I think that we owe it to the Universe to see how far we can reach, how much can we become. I study. I am commited to become better day by day.

The Universe put in my path a wonderful guy which has the same goal. We became friends and he is encouraging me as much as I encourage him. We send each other educational stuff and we talk about it.He has two wonderful kids and a gorgeous wife and he is smart but he sees the mouse trap of financial debt and poor financial education. He is as we would call it in business : hungryyy. He has a passion for photography and has numerous awards. He is very talented but he has put himself in the mouse trap of working for a boss until this has made him lose contact with his love : photography. He is aware of it and he makes efforts to change the way he looks at life. I admire that. I admire a person who wants to change! I want to surround myself with people like these, who self educate. Of course that I also decided to give him and his wife a cute gift consisting in books. I find that giving a book to someone at the beginning of anything , friendship or more, can pave the way to a beautiful relationship of growth.

I will end this with a saying that remained in my soul for a long time after I have heard it: stand guard at the doors of your mind. These words belong to one of my favorite authors who wrote about money. Jim Rohn. Before going to sleep think about this. How much have you fed your mind with garbage or quality stuff? How will you change the way you treat your mind and your life? Sleep on it and think....



I have the same socks ☺️
No TV for me either
I just hope your positivity will continue and your hair will stay pretty 😊

Thanks so much! I love socks, especially wool socks🤩🤩

I also love my hair, it is lovely to read such a kind comment, thank you🤗 Have some great holidays!

My pleasure sweets , merry Christmas to you 🎄

I read it without missing a word and I completely agree with you about the article, the way you think and act is a great inspirational way, "stand guard at the doors of your mind" 😉
thank you for sharing

Hey! Thanks so much, I am grateful for having so many people enjoy this article, it is indeed very inspiring to study success and successful people in order to apply their principles in one's life

Have a beautiful day🤗

This type of content should predominate. Thank you very much for these very wise and motivational words. Wow, you said a lot of valuable things about money and working for someone else and you don't know how right you are. I stopped working for others and it was the best decision I ever made, I don't regret it and I don't miss it at all. Besides the fact that it is enslaving, you never get out of that cycle of obeying orders and being paid a salary that is often miserable. It doesn't reward you in any way. And the worst thing is the other issue you mentioned here which is the waste of time that doesn't come back. Working for someone else wastes too much of your valuable time. As well as wasting it by focusing your life on unimportant things, like the ones you mentioned: watching TV, social media, spending the day on your mobile phone.... It's a very interesting reflection you made, I think that all these things together are a global problem that is affecting us more and more. The positive thing is that many of us have already opened our minds to change and realised it. It all comes down to changing our habits to healthier ones and of course this includes getting the right amount of sleep. Best regards and a hug. Thank you ♥.

Hi! I congratulate you for getting out of the boss-employee vicious circle. I think that many humans had the experience of enslaving through labour. Working is noble and there is nothing wrong in providing a service to people. But being paid poorly or treated like a slave is disrespectful and inhumane. It takes a lot of courage, backed up by suffering, in order to say : no more.

Can you remember the moment when you finally decided to take a leap of faith and free yourself? What was the main motivation behind it?

This enslavement pandemic is worse than any disease. It is invisible. It kills the spirit. It crushes the joy of living. Every time I hear a person telling how they barely get out of bed hating to go to work, having a visceral reaction of fear, exhaustion, panic, despair, every time this makes me ponder and analyise where we are at as a species. Something is wrong in the ecosystem if so many individuals suffer from depression, chronic fatigue, illness because of the work they do. It makes you question the sanity of the collective population. It is disturbing. I often wonder what would superior creatures think of us looking back from space, seeing how much suffering is on this Planet for a currency we call money....

Anyway, sleep is vital. Cutting back on sleep to make a living is a trap. Because winning money with the cost of getting ill is a sure way of not making it until the end, where the "you finally retire and enjoy life" candy stick awaits. It is a no brainer to liberate oneself, but exhausted overworked fearful minds can no longer see this. I hope that there will be a change, humans deserve so much more

You couldn't have said it better. Right now I have a best friend who can't stand going to her job because they exploit her, treat her badly and don't pay her well. On top of that they want her to work overtime. They don't leave her alone, she can't even eat in peace. Every day she tells me that she is tired, that she can't take it anymore, that she doesn't know how much longer she can go. Thank you for your words and I also hope that we improve as humanity, we deserve a better world. Keep sharing your reflections because they are great. Greetings ♥!

Your friend is not in a good situation. She is aware of it. Until she takes action the situation won't change. I have been in that place of complaining to friends about A or B. But only me can make a change. Complaining is good if it is followed by action, otherwise it is just an extension of suffering. You can't tell your friend what to do, but you can support her in the decision of changing her life if she wants. Usually people make a change when the suffering becomes unbearable, when health crumbles, when illness appears. I hope that your friend won't wait until then, it would be a pity. Life is full of oportunities. We can always change

Blessings and have a splendid day🤗

such coziness =)
You are so pretty. I love your hair. Very cute

Thank you🤗

I agree with you. Like you, I myself have not watched television for almost five years. Even though people in my house, often turn it on, it's just to break the silence. I myself am not at all interesting to watch it.

I think what is presented on television will only confuse my mind even more. Of course I don't want that. I prefer to watch some documentaries or study philosophy on some youtube channels. Not watching TV is the best way to keep your mind sane.

Thank you for representing me through this post.

Hey! Congratulations ! 5 years is quite an accomplishment and further more, to stay away from family influences in a conscious way. Very nice!

Documentaries are very cool, I enjoy watching them too, it help to have a good education in many domains.

Not watching TV is the best way to keep your mind sane.

Amen to this! So many people function in a state of fear or hatred because of the "news" served to them. They have no idea why their day is off, they think the whole world is out to get them. Infection of the mind through the TV , it is sad to watch. And somehow scary to see how the human mind can be so easily manipulated through fear.

A lot of people use TV as a silence breaker. Why must silence be something bad? Shouldn't people who love each other's company be pleased to share a silent moment of peace together? I quite never understood this and I always found myself feeling deeply uncomfortable whenever I had to go to family meals where the TV was loudly on.

I truly desire that more people give up the TV. They would discover a new way of living and communicating with loved ones.

I think, to this day there are still many people who have not been properly educated about the language of television for mental health. People are still very happy to watch various news broadcasts that do not fully represent their interests.

This is very true. At school nobody teaches you about this. You are fed a lot of information which proves useless in many real life situations.

Unfortunately more parents abandon their kids in front of screens because it is easy and cheap. There will be years until someone will realize the side effects. I still have hope though because there are parents who are more open minded and want to do better. Progress will happen gradually and the power of example is the best way to help anyone open their eyes.

Thanks so much for taking time to read and comment🤗

the issue I have with this is that most of the self-help information out there... you never know whether it's true or not; I watched a video on Youtube (I can't link to it right now since I'm at work) but it was basically discussing the traps of this mindset, as well. You can get caught up in the self-help industry just as easily as you can get caught up watching TV.

Hello! Well this is a valid and interesting point of view and I can understand it perfectly! There is a whole industry around everything, from soap to sleep to self motivation to crypto to how to raise a squirrel. Any idea has potential to be exploited in numerous ways. Is it ethical? Is it right? Can we trust others when they tell us this and that?

I think that any information, regardless of the domain from which it comes from, must be passed through our own filter. I don't say that these ideas are the best , the new Bible. No. I say look at your life, analyse how pleased you are with it and if any of these ideas could improve it or not. Most of all, I would say : look at the result you've been getting. If you have read the book, did the course, improved the sleep, got away from a bad job and still life ain't better...then switch it. I believe that we take our own decisions. I believe in facts, in numbers. Currently many people working for a boss are predominantly unhappy, many studies reveal this. They also suffer from various illnesses connected to stress. These are the results of the life they are living. Should these be changed? Here comes free choice: we are free to look at as many motivational self help materials we want. Nobody will force us to do anything. The choice of what we become is always ours, no matter the circumstances. I hope my answer helped in some way😁Thank you for stopping by🤗

I am perfectly happy right now... I think that if I changed anything in my life... it would be my living situation, but it doesn't mean that I'm unhappy. I love my job, my family, my friends, what else could I ask for?

Beautiful! A happy person who has it all put together, I am happy for you, this is awesome🤗🤩

dont 'consume' it (being it books, or master-classes, or... anything). use your own head and criticism. etc etc etc.

Very inspiring!

Thank you😁

Wool socks make almost anything better! That is why I love to knit them.

Hahahaha I totally agree! I adore wool, it feels so comfy to wear it and I like that it is all natural.

You knit? Very nice, I would like to see some of your work, I saw a whole community of needleworkmonday where people show off their wool work. It is fabulous🥰

Needlework Monday is one of my favorite communities.I am there every day reading or posting come visit us. Here a a few of my socks in this post:

I admire the amount of patience that it takes in order to knit! Thank you for sharing this with me😁

This is very insightful, I think I need to work in myself

Hello girl! Thanks a lot, I am happy that I inspired you! You can realize anything if you put your mind to it, the first step is the most important. Just do a tiny step, it will add up to your progress🤗

Well I agree that TV can be a waste of time and it also affect our health when we watch it late night. You have taken a wise decision to not own a TV. Spend time with your loved one who really deserves your time. Gorgeous photos 💖

Hey! Yes, I feel better since I gave up owning a TV. I accomplish more things and get more things done and I am more relaxed. I would never go back to owning one.

Thank you very much for reading me and also for appreciating my pictures🤗

Thank you for this helpful post, I learn to stop feeding my soul and mind with garbage long time ago, but I think my fiancée need to see and read this.

he still spend little bit of his time watching some time wasting TV shows after a stressful days. According to him, it help him to relax but I think he just need a little push to change his mind set.

Hey girl! It is my pleasure , I just felt an urge to write about it and help more Hiveians rise their level and become better.

TV shows can be a time vampire. They suck up the hours and by the end of the day you end up spending 5 hours watching...drama. I am not against shows, but my questions is: how do you feel after watching? Does it improve your life and mental health? I put these questions every time, we should monitor ourselves carefully. Kids watch violent shows, adults watch violent Tv or just drama. How can this help?

There is the saying: be the change you want to see. We can't change people or force them. We can lead by example so I feel confident that you can inspire your fiancee by being yourself the role model. Slowly he will feel inspired by you. I guarantee you. Stay strong and feed that mind the good things, you will get the rewards multiplied

Hugs and thanks for reading this🤗

Great post. Very inspiring and insightful.

I try to read before bed every night and usually do but I never get very far in the book. I usually fall asleep after only a few pages. I guess that's the point though. If I actually want to read for real I have to do it in the morning.

In terms of money, I think crypto is a game changer for a lot of people. I think it opens up a lot of doors that many people didn't have access to previously.

Good luck in your endeavors!

Hello! Thanks a lot! I really feel that we can change our behaviors a lot by observation and practice.

You know, I remember when I was super young and saw couples who read in bed together before bed pictured as boring on TV. What a subliminal way of making people think reading before bed is boring.....

Fortunately I have changed my ways a whole lot since then. I admire you for reading before sleep, it is proven scientifically to help our mental health and sleep.

I dream about sharing my bed with a person who will read silently by my side. A wonderful sight for any kind soul.

Crypto changed me. Thanks to Hive I have been exposed to it and made me realize that we can play a different game in our lives, a game that isn't taught in school. I am sure that future generations will explore even more. My kids and my nephews will have a crypto wallet well before turning 10, I guarantee you. I will make the first deposit for them hahaha. Here's some bitcoin kid, let's play and multiply it. Fun right?

Thank you for your wishes, the journey has just begun and I am happy that I can share my thoughts with others and maybe help them as well.

Hugs from Romania🤗🤗

Beautiful writeup. Alot of times we work so hard for our bosses and have no time for ourselves.

We do so much and forget that even as little as 30minutes everyday on our life goals draws us closer consistently to our dream.

Jim rohn happens to be one of my best public speaker. He is such an insightful man.

The thing I like the most about him us how he relates some of his thoughts with the Bible.

This is a great post and I wish you success in achieving your goals.

Hi you😁 Thank you a lot for appreciating my writing!

I liked Jim's life story. He was so poor that he considered his asset. At one point he didn't even had a dollar to pay for some girl scout's candy. He then met Earl Schoaff who changed his life.

A boss will always decide the course of your life, you can't tell him how much you are worth , he will tell you. I find this quite a hard pill to swallow as we people should know our own worth. To be undervalued really shrinks your self esteem.

I think that it is always about making time. Making time for what you want, for what you dream. When you work too much you have less time for thinking. And this is why many people don't make a change.

The Bible has many good principles and yes Jim Rohn made valuable observations connected to it.

I appreciate that you took the time to read me🤗

The TV can kill romance, sleep and overall health.

That’s why I didn’t own TV for more than a decade now

Oh wow!! Congrats! I am only in my 3rd year but boy did I grow a lot personally because of it. Now that I have a home I do not even feel the need for one. I find it disruptive. And I am glad that I managed to cut it out from my life. I choose my information and this is the best way.

I also noticed , looking back in my past, how the TV can literally zombify you. This is why many couples lack a sexual life or even normal conversations which should happen in a bedroom. I also find it disturbing if the TV is on during family meals. It is like a bunch of people gathering , eating and not talking.

The more I think about the benefits of not owning a TV the more I appreciate the silence , the value of a meaningful conversation between two souls which share a room. I am sure that many people would feel the same if they would get "off the drug".

Thanks so much for stopping by🤗


Ahhh brilliant🥰 Fear is really a virus, it spreads and contaminates the whole being.

I remember reading one time a phrase which made me think. That all what people do have 2 basic emotions at the core: fear or love.

Excluding fear means welcoming love in our life. The love for freedom, for liberation, for evolution, for growth.

Someone said that the TV era will end when people will realize the absurdity to look at a box and wrap their life around it. Decades passed since that phrase was spoken. The box still is enticing for so many. Click click once you get rid of the box you realize that life is so much more. Expansion of the mind. Outside the box.

This is mind refreshing and a state to restrategise. This phrase kept ringing in my mind "Personal development and dedicating time just for you is not selfish. It's not weird. It is not exhausting. You do yourself and humanity a big service if you decide to assume the responsibility of becoming a better human". Thank you for the words of encouragement, it has sunk into my heart.

Hello! Thanks a lot, I am really grateful that my words sunk into your heart. A little seed has been planted and I am sure that you will make the good choices which will improve your life.

Self-care is huge. When you put yourself first you have time for your heart, mind, body. And from that place of growth you can give back to others. There is nothing selfish in that on the contrary, it is the biggest proof of generosity that you take great care of yourself.

Definitely helpful!
I’m somewhat developing a night routine as well... After my yoga, I take a shower and go back to my room and try to sleep in the silence. Internet had been a problem for me as I was always on my phone at sleep time. Since I put a timer on the router, the regulated internet time has decreased the distractions.
I’m definitely all for silent nights... ❤️

Hi Mamali🤗 Well you have definetely grew momentum. Yoga and then a good shower, this is great actually! It allows room for silence and introspection.

I am smiling reading that you gained control of the Internet time. A screen can be very enticing but it steals from our me time.

Silent nights..yup...those are wonderful. Have you ever managed to sit in a comfortable silence with someone? It is a very soothing experience. We don't have to talk, to look at screens, to run from our silent interaction. To be able to sit with your partner / a loved one in silence is very nice. I rarely had the occasion and it felt beautiful. The thing is that there is an error thinking that we always have to talk to fill in the silence, that we always have to do something or occupy our time with TV. This error breaks apart more human interaction than anything else. within. This is where peace is.

Hugs 🤗

It is a struggle getting the habits right... But definitely worth it.
The peace and the feeling of satisfaction is all I need at this period of my life. <3

Peace. Yes. This is the best state of mind and spirit your heart ever needs. Sending you good vibes from Romania and a hug🤗

Thank you dear! 🙏🏻💚🙂

Try to get a small fireplace with a glass door, it's 1,000 times better than a TV ..... also the same here... I haven't watched TV in years, and I don't want to have it also. I think I have not looked it 8 years 😄👌👌🥃

Wow 8 years! So cool, I congratulate you for that!

I imagine having a fireplace with crackling wood burning. Sitting in that light and watching from my window big snoflakes falling. Drinking from a mug hot chocolate with my loved one. In silence. Returning to bed to a good book and a hug. Of course who would ever need a TV if they have already built happiness habits?

Thanks a lot for stopping by🤗

That is one very good idea ... to have warm what mug and looking out from window :))
I'm sure I going all day drinks then :)) so I need a lot of cocoa powder. :)) and rum cookies and coconut cookies :))

A hot drink and a cosy place to stay is all we need in a snowy day

True :))

lovely post, and we share some thoughts in common. a nice thing to see this text didnt miss a good curation. by the way, your face reminds me one of my best friends!

they run for their money, they exhaust themselves.

this is all the big Rat Race, and I dont see why I must be the part of it, as I use to say.

Hey! Thanks so much for your kind words. I also like my face a lot haha, especially my dimples. When I laugh my face is all about my dimples hahahaha. And I laugh a lot.

The Rat Race is being taught in the early years by our parents. We see them do this and we repeat the same mistake. Until we awaken. The future generations will enjoy more freedom of thought and action because many people already opened their eyes.

Thanks for reading me🤗🥰

'dimples' was a new word to my vocabulary 🤸 thanks!

many people already opened their eyes.

I hope so! helping in this may be considered as a noble and rewarding goal. as this world really became 'out of joint'
I can do design jobs (actually I am a book layout specialist myself) and about 10 years ago I decided not to accept the suggestions 'to work for food' and rather do not work at all, than work for food and be a slave of the job. ok, lets do less personal details and more abstractions :P

thanx to crypto! hope it will not blow like a soup bubble and do head us somewhere, to a better place.

I always learn new words too thanks to Hive so I have improved my vocabulary significantly as English is not my mother language.

Crypto is a great opportunity, I am grateful that I discovered this

I guess so, since you state in your account 'Romania' ))))
same with me. learn a new word from time here and there; Hive have a lot of extra benefits :P

just 5 mins ago got two more into my vocabulary, from this nice post about getting rid of the books.

btw, check the new community dedicated to Minimalizm, where it was posted to -- maybe you'll find it useful place for some of your thinkful posts. cheers!

It helps for sure to add more new words! Can you give me a link to that community?

I have a notebook where I write new words. I think it is a good idea to write them down as I noticed that memory can fail us and we can easily forget new things

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Ah this is great. I feel inspired! Plus a bit lazy... as I watch telly 🤣🤣🤣 I would NEVER have a telly in the bedroom... bedrooms are for sleep, sex and reading!

Reading, sex, sleep would be the order any person would dream of hahahaha. Thanks for reading this🤗

I love the nights where you skip two of those things and stick to one :P

Hahaha yeah, the good thing is that you can always alternate as too much from 1 can easily not be so good lol.