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RE: Stand guard at the door of your mind

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

This is mind refreshing and a state to restrategise. This phrase kept ringing in my mind "Personal development and dedicating time just for you is not selfish. It's not weird. It is not exhausting. You do yourself and humanity a big service if you decide to assume the responsibility of becoming a better human". Thank you for the words of encouragement, it has sunk into my heart.


Hello! Thanks a lot, I am really grateful that my words sunk into your heart. A little seed has been planted and I am sure that you will make the good choices which will improve your life.

Self-care is huge. When you put yourself first you have time for your heart, mind, body. And from that place of growth you can give back to others. There is nothing selfish in that on the contrary, it is the biggest proof of generosity that you take great care of yourself.