lovely post, and we share some thoughts in common. a nice thing to see this text didnt miss a good curation. by the way, your face reminds me one of my best friends!
they run for their money, they exhaust themselves.
this is all the big Rat Race, and I dont see why I must be the part of it, as I use to say.
Hey! Thanks so much for your kind words. I also like my face a lot haha, especially my dimples. When I laugh my face is all about my dimples hahahaha. And I laugh a lot.
The Rat Race is being taught in the early years by our parents. We see them do this and we repeat the same mistake. Until we awaken. The future generations will enjoy more freedom of thought and action because many people already opened their eyes.
Thanks for reading me🤗🥰
'dimples' was a new word to my vocabulary 🤸 thanks!
I hope so! helping in this may be considered as a noble and rewarding goal. as this world really became 'out of joint'
I can do design jobs (actually I am a book layout specialist myself) and about 10 years ago I decided not to accept the suggestions 'to work for food' and rather do not work at all, than work for food and be a slave of the job. ok, lets do less personal details and more abstractions :P
thanx to crypto! hope it will not blow like a soup bubble and do head us somewhere, to a better place.
I always learn new words too thanks to Hive so I have improved my vocabulary significantly as English is not my mother language.
Crypto is a great opportunity, I am grateful that I discovered this
I guess so, since you state in your account 'Romania' ))))
same with me. learn a new word from time here and there; Hive have a lot of extra benefits :P
just 5 mins ago got two more into my vocabulary, from this nice post about getting rid of the books.
btw, check the new community dedicated to Minimalizm, where it was posted to -- maybe you'll find it useful place for some of your thinkful posts. cheers!
It helps for sure to add more new words! Can you give me a link to that community?
I have a notebook where I write new words. I think it is a good idea to write them down as I noticed that memory can fail us and we can easily forget new things