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RE: Stand guard at the door of your mind

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

Definitely helpful!
I’m somewhat developing a night routine as well... After my yoga, I take a shower and go back to my room and try to sleep in the silence. Internet had been a problem for me as I was always on my phone at sleep time. Since I put a timer on the router, the regulated internet time has decreased the distractions.
I’m definitely all for silent nights... ❤️


Hi Mamali🤗 Well you have definetely grew momentum. Yoga and then a good shower, this is great actually! It allows room for silence and introspection.

I am smiling reading that you gained control of the Internet time. A screen can be very enticing but it steals from our me time.

Silent nights..yup...those are wonderful. Have you ever managed to sit in a comfortable silence with someone? It is a very soothing experience. We don't have to talk, to look at screens, to run from our silent interaction. To be able to sit with your partner / a loved one in silence is very nice. I rarely had the occasion and it felt beautiful. The thing is that there is an error thinking that we always have to talk to fill in the silence, that we always have to do something or occupy our time with TV. This error breaks apart more human interaction than anything else. within. This is where peace is.

Hugs 🤗

It is a struggle getting the habits right... But definitely worth it.
The peace and the feeling of satisfaction is all I need at this period of my life. <3

Peace. Yes. This is the best state of mind and spirit your heart ever needs. Sending you good vibes from Romania and a hug🤗

Thank you dear! 🙏🏻💚🙂