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RE: Comment on Anti-vaxxers

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

I'm sure some far right tin hat will get upset and this post will get downvoted but I don't care, those are the people spreading disinfomation and are willfully ignorant about basic science.

Less than 30% of black Americans have taken the shot.
Biden, Harris and many left wing people were on record before the election saying that they don't trust the shot.
The science is showing that if you are over weight, have vitamin D deficiency and over the age of 65, COVID will affect you a lot more, but for most people, you have less than a 0.1% chance of dying.

Hesitancy to get the shot is bi-partisan.


Read my post. Hesitancy isnt the same as believing out right conspiracy theories. It effecting some people more than others is not the same as "it wont effect x demographic here" like many far right propagandists like to claim, such as "kids cant catch it", "it doesnt cause isssue with young people", "healthy people arent getting it", "its only effecting obese and old people", etc.

Black people arent a political party.

Vitaman D deficiency is easy to fix. Covid is killing way more people over 65 than vaccines are causing them any of the rare side effects.

The vast majority of the "will effect x group more" most often means they are getting the more common side effects, flu or cold like symptonsk fatiguq, fever.

Out right denial of legit science, calling covid a hoax, claiming its something to do with 5G, out right not getting it no matter what (not the same as hesitancy), anti-science tin hattery, blaming immigrants, and so many other ridiculous claims, are far from bi-partisan.

90% of Black Americans votes go to the Democratic Party. I'm sure you knew this.

You can't know who all is not vaccinated and for what reason. You are just making assumptions without facts.

Thats still doesn't make black people a political party. It does show you how black people prefer the DNC over the GOP.

I am not assuming who is and isnt vaccinated. I know that vast majority of the DNC, which means all the black people you tried to tokenized in your previous comment, have been or plan to be vaccinated. Most of Republicans over 50% have been or plan on getting vaccinated.

I made it clear over and over , that people should speak to medical professionals if they believe they may be at risk of a severe adverse effect from any vaccine, and that all those who can (not just refuse to over petty or made up reasons) should get vaccinated even more due to said people that you tokenized.

Seems like you're the one making assumptions and grasping for straws...

You're math and logic is very faulty.

Sorry I offending your far right feels.....