Comment on Anti-vaxxers

in Proof of Brain4 years ago (edited)

Anti-vaxxers are the flat earthers of the medical world.

Anti-vaxxer dies of Covid after mocking ‘experimental vaccine’

Anti-Vax Radio Host Who Called Fauci a ‘Power Tripping Lying Freak’ Dies of COVID

The sister of a man who died from COVID-19 after calling vaccines 'poison' wants people to get shots in her brother's memory

This is not a hoax’: Family reveal tragic final words of anti-vaxxer, 28, who died of Covid

You being skeptical of "the media" does not make your reddit/youtube/4chan/discord/bullshit source anymore accurate. Just because the Pfizer vaccine gave me better wifi doesn't mean it's not doing an amazing job safely protecting me from Covid, which is real and not a hoax. Yes, it can infect children. Kids die. Young people die. Healthy people die. Not just old or obese people. Or whatever News Max or some "expert" on Youtube told you.

10,000s of people have died and will die who do not have to. If you dont want to get vaccinated, wear a mask still when in public, or even better, stay home unless you are unable. I'm sure some far right tin hat will get upset and this post will get downvoted but I don't care, those are the people spreading disinfomation and are willfully ignorant about basic science.

If you seriously can not get vaccinated due to a legit health reason, I understand. If you are seriously hesitant, turn off Youtube or whatever other disinfomation machine you might be watching or listening to and see a medical professional, like your doctor. Ask them about the vaccine options, your health risks, any of the very rare side effects, etc and find out if you actually do have anything to be concerned about. You owe it to yourself and every other person you come in contact with, rather you know them or not.

Liberty is a two way street. Living is a HUGE part of someone's liberty, you being willfully ignorant about basic science and health is not and never will be more important. Private companies not wanting to give you a soap box for your lies and dangerous health misinformation is not "illegal", "communism" (its very much part of capitalism), "censorship", or whatever you tell yourself at night to help you feel better and pushed you to "own the libs".

I don't have anything else to add. At this point no one should have say the above at all.

To everyone who has gotten vaccinated, is getting vaccinated, at the very least ignoring conspiracy theories/trying to insure they do not have a medical issue that might be of concern/something similar, Thank you!

It should be clear the wifi part was a joke but you never know with some people on the internet.


Get your injections and live a long a fruitful life as a lab rat...


Using certain bloated terms shows, how manipulated a mind can become. Us vs them, the oldest trick in the book of tyrants. Reading peer-reviewed studies gives a clear image of the scam, what comes to animal tests and a purely hypothetical mRNA technology.

It is pretty funny, how people pretending to have the higher moral stand actually cheers for medical tyranny, trying to make others look like sub-humans. Adolf started the trend decades ago, some still continue the heritage, which is pretty sad.

Its not us vs them. Lol. But nice try. Stop your paranoid fantasies. Thanks.

Then your title makes no sense.

It doesn't make sense to you so it just "doesnt make sense at all"...... 🙄😆 ok

You're smarter than me. I'm the dumbest guy in this whole thread so nothing I say matters.

I merely pointed out the comment by catventurist you responded to, that's all, the one where you said "Its not us vs them" and called that person paranoid. Your title has "anti" in it. That word itself is very divisional and it's in your title, that's all.

Have a nice day.

Lol...its divisional... Being an anti-vaxxer is the divisional part.
Letting more people die over irrational fears, propaganda, fearmongering by the far right, refusal to understand basic science, etc. etc. etc. is the divisional part.

You trying to pretend none of that matters since you feel triggered, is not divisional.

"You're smarter than me. I'm the dumbest guy in this whole thread so nothing I say matters."

What ever you gotta tell yourself to feel better....

If youre ok with people dying over disinformation, then....

You can move along now, kid.

It is hypothetical techology . I never said I am morally superior than anyone else LOL. Stop scapegoating fantasies and get to reality. "oLdEsT tRicK iN thE booK"......
Thanks, have a nice day.

How about adding some equality to this post and mention all the people who have died as a result of the Vaxx?

Or try mentioning that the statistics of global deaths do not suggest anything different has happened in the last 20 years.

Flu deaths were also no existent over the last two years despite the fact it kills around 600,000 people annually.

Trying to conflate flat earthers to the mRNA in anyway is disingenuous and a false equivalency.

Take the Vaxx and shut up about it!

Death rate?

"More than 346 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through August 2, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 6,490 reports of death (0.0019%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. FDA requires healthcare providers to report any death after COVID-19 vaccination to VAERS, even if it’s unclear whether the vaccine was the cause."

0.0019% compared to the millions and millions dying and could die and could have died if there were not lockdowns and simple restrictions, which could had been much shorter by now if people were not spreading disinformation. The amount of deaths would have also been lower.

The very few people...compared to the millions...

Your whataboutism is weak.

If you actually have health issues that could cause a great risk, don't take the vaccine. People who don't have said issues, now have an even greater reason to get vaccinated. To help protect those who can't.

The stat do show millions of more than usual deaths. Memes dont count....

If you are unsure of the risks speak to your medical professional. Youtube, reddit, 4chan, etc are not legit sources. You are more than welcome to go to a vaccination center or medical center, and someone will be glad to explain all this as well and listen to your concerns. Many will also be happy to tell you the horrors of what they have seen due to this virus.

And the far right is always known for the equality when spreading disinfo....

Im not conflating flat earthers to mRNA, I am comparing them to people who are willfully ignorant and spread disinformation about vaccines and the covid19 like a flat earther spreads out right disinformation about the geology.

This is not the flu. Humanity has had 100s of years to evolve their immune systems against flu viruses. We also use flu vaccines very successfully against the flu...

I took the vaccine. You should to. It's great. It's safe. I am much much much much much much much more protected from covid19 and variants. Thats the point.


Also, yes 5G was lauched in major cities in March or beggining 2020 and there was a greater demand for online video streaming, etc, so the companies were installing infrastructure all around so yes the internet got "boosted" for everyone.This might help with some sources

5G has nothing to do with Covid. Have a nice day.

Muy buen post sigue así muchos éxitos

The conspiracy around covid-19 is just too much. I don't know what people are gonna gain from peddling lies. Maybe it give them satisfaction.

If I was where vaccine was available for all, I would have had my shot since.

Posted via

Hopefully vaccines get to everyone that will take them.

Yeah, that's our hope.

The question is how do we know what is truth or lies. We can keep our blinkers on and ignore one set of evidence (like this, or we can take them off and not only examine the "evidence" but also who is presenting that evidence.

How do we know? Shit tons of empirical evidence vs flat earth level hearsay, misinformation, and disinformation. It is very easy to find the truth if stop believing conspiracy theories and disinfo like your shared. Natural News (a Conspiracy and Pseudoscience "news" site), not presenting the evidence. The vast majority of the medical world, scientists who specialize in virology and not ones that claim to be "experts" or those who are antivaxxer. Maybe research it and read the actual scientific journals and not the far right propaganda or anti-vax/anti-science disinfo campaign. Where do you find the evidience? All over the place at this point.

OR, maybe like I pointed out in the first place in the OP, go see your medical professional, AKA your doctor. You could go to a vaccination center and ask all the questions in the world. They aren't there to force you to do anything. They will be glad to sort out the myths and lies from the reality and science. Go talk to the countless frontline workers who have seen day after day after day of people going on ventilators or you know...dying. These people have been talking loudly the entire time. The truth is out there and its not on some tin hat site or anti-science web page.

To be clear, dont get it if you dont want to (like I said), but stay home unless you cant, and dont get upset when people ask you to wear a mask around them or inside their business or home. Social distance when you can. And even after the pandemic, wash your hands on a regular basis.

@frot lol

It takes a special kind of stupid to be a retard, thanks for showing me the way

Two retards in one van, Stan.


And biscuits.



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I'm sure some far right tin hat will get upset and this post will get downvoted but I don't care, those are the people spreading disinfomation and are willfully ignorant about basic science.

Less than 30% of black Americans have taken the shot.
Biden, Harris and many left wing people were on record before the election saying that they don't trust the shot.
The science is showing that if you are over weight, have vitamin D deficiency and over the age of 65, COVID will affect you a lot more, but for most people, you have less than a 0.1% chance of dying.

Hesitancy to get the shot is bi-partisan.

Read my post. Hesitancy isnt the same as believing out right conspiracy theories. It effecting some people more than others is not the same as "it wont effect x demographic here" like many far right propagandists like to claim, such as "kids cant catch it", "it doesnt cause isssue with young people", "healthy people arent getting it", "its only effecting obese and old people", etc.

Black people arent a political party.

Vitaman D deficiency is easy to fix. Covid is killing way more people over 65 than vaccines are causing them any of the rare side effects.

The vast majority of the "will effect x group more" most often means they are getting the more common side effects, flu or cold like symptonsk fatiguq, fever.

Out right denial of legit science, calling covid a hoax, claiming its something to do with 5G, out right not getting it no matter what (not the same as hesitancy), anti-science tin hattery, blaming immigrants, and so many other ridiculous claims, are far from bi-partisan.

90% of Black Americans votes go to the Democratic Party. I'm sure you knew this.

You can't know who all is not vaccinated and for what reason. You are just making assumptions without facts.

Thats still doesn't make black people a political party. It does show you how black people prefer the DNC over the GOP.

I am not assuming who is and isnt vaccinated. I know that vast majority of the DNC, which means all the black people you tried to tokenized in your previous comment, have been or plan to be vaccinated. Most of Republicans over 50% have been or plan on getting vaccinated.

I made it clear over and over , that people should speak to medical professionals if they believe they may be at risk of a severe adverse effect from any vaccine, and that all those who can (not just refuse to over petty or made up reasons) should get vaccinated even more due to said people that you tokenized.

Seems like you're the one making assumptions and grasping for straws...

You're math and logic is very faulty.

Sorry I offending your far right feels.....

Preach! :D

I think it will be amazing if/when they make vaccines mandatory!

Are you being facetious?

I dont know what that means :c

I actually believe you


Could be time for your booster shot

Nah mate, I already chucked a 5-hours energy booster shot, so I am good for a while :D

Castration should me mandatory too...

The US tried that during its Eugenics craze. It worked for a time while the medical community kept quiet about it. It didn't last very long once the word got out.

Well.. That would benefit to the Earth though xD

If you do it yes...

If it was mandatory yes :D