How about adding some equality to this post and mention all the people who have died as a result of the Vaxx?
Or try mentioning that the statistics of global deaths do not suggest anything different has happened in the last 20 years.
Flu deaths were also no existent over the last two years despite the fact it kills around 600,000 people annually.
Trying to conflate flat earthers to the mRNA in anyway is disingenuous and a false equivalency.
Take the Vaxx and shut up about it!
Death rate?
"More than 346 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through August 2, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 6,490 reports of death (0.0019%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. FDA requires healthcare providers to report any death after COVID-19 vaccination to VAERS, even if it’s unclear whether the vaccine was the cause."
0.0019% compared to the millions and millions dying and could die and could have died if there were not lockdowns and simple restrictions, which could had been much shorter by now if people were not spreading disinformation. The amount of deaths would have also been lower.
The very few people...compared to the millions...
Your whataboutism is weak.
If you actually have health issues that could cause a great risk, don't take the vaccine. People who don't have said issues, now have an even greater reason to get vaccinated. To help protect those who can't.
The stat do show millions of more than usual deaths. Memes dont count....
If you are unsure of the risks speak to your medical professional. Youtube, reddit, 4chan, etc are not legit sources. You are more than welcome to go to a vaccination center or medical center, and someone will be glad to explain all this as well and listen to your concerns. Many will also be happy to tell you the horrors of what they have seen due to this virus.
And the far right is always known for the equality when spreading disinfo....
Im not conflating flat earthers to mRNA, I am comparing them to people who are willfully ignorant and spread disinformation about vaccines and the covid19 like a flat earther spreads out right disinformation about the geology.
This is not the flu. Humanity has had 100s of years to evolve their immune systems against flu viruses. We also use flu vaccines very successfully against the flu...
I took the vaccine. You should to. It's great. It's safe. I am much much much much much much much more protected from covid19 and variants. Thats the point.