11? well, that was the last time I counted. lol When things are calm, most are very quiet. But when things are chaotic, it's like a great symphony - out of tune. loud. abrasive, annoying. all battling to scream their solo.
and they do not let me sleep! LOL
I'm the kind of person that would prefer to find ways to laugh and become a maestro of the symphony and whip them into shape to harmonize with one another and work together to create a masterpiece.
So on days when I have way too many things to do on my list - I add one more thing.
Apparently, I make a funny video.
What? It only took 4 hours to create a 2 minute video... 🤣
According to my fitbit, I slept for 3 hours and 27 minutes last night.
Which means I still had 16 more hours to get everything accomplished today. LOL
I came close!!!
hey...There's always tomorrow hehehe
Hope you enjoy meeting hmmmm 6 of my 11 voices in my video!
Don't worry - you'll never meet the Tiger. She is the only one we let sleep as LOOOOONG as she wants 😂
▶️ 3Speak
That was so well done, and straight out hilarious! What a talent you have 🙂!
I am really surprised it only took 4 hours, I can imagine that coming up with characters must have been at least few more hours!
Well done to you ^^
What do you mean "coming up with?" 🤔
hahahahahahahahahaha that's exactly what i said below... hahahahahaha
There was no effort coming up with those characters.
They were practically begging to be put on the world stage (and some have already spent a lot of time in the public hahahahaha)
the other voices are pretty upset with me now, they want to know when its their time to shine.
I told them - we'll see how well they behave this week LOL
some have agreed.
some are mysteriously quiet.
I think I smell a mutiny cooking. hahahahahaha
The most confusing thing to me is the people who don't know how to tune out the bad voices.
ahhh well.. I'll have to say I'm one of those, every so often.
I'm learning how to keep them at bay. But for years - they would just take over for about 4 weeks (in a 6 month period)
but learning how to recognize the signs that those voices are getting stronger has let me battle much more efficiently hehe
i'm 45 - so... it was about time ;)
What's the voice sound like you're reading this response with right now?
oh - i'm in the good phase right now.
can't you tell? hehehe
when i'm laughing it's a sign that all is right in the brain of Dreem.
actually - that's not true.
I know how to fake it well during those hard times.
but the people that know me well, know when the laughter doesn't ring clear. not sure how they do that. hehehe but they're sneaky watchers ;)
Hahahahahah I think we will all tune in for the sequel 😃
this should be very fun! hehehehe
thank you for laughing with me today!!!!! hehehehe
I wonder what Tiger will say when she wakes up :) ... Great video by the way :) Do you often have a meeting with yourselves?
oh.... i didn't' have to come up with the characters at all.
and there are plenty more. hahahahahahahaha
@bluefinstudios and @shadowspub can fully attest to meeting almost all of them! hahahahahahahahaha
the reason why i have that pirate outfit - is because I have many many many videos playing that pirate captain role LOL
actually - it's still my picture for my discord channel hahahahahahah
people see that avatar and they think its just a cartoon - but it was a cartoon made of an actual picture of me hahahahahahahahahahahaha
thank you so much for coming to laugh with me!!!! hehehe
Is that our Captain Fantastic? 😂 Ohhh, the captain wins this round. The accent is on a whole new level 😂.
I see our busy tiger with her to-do list trying to kill all the voices in her head, but the sleepy tiger doesn't want anyother thing but sleep. And that's weird. Tiger never gets more than 4 hours sleep and we know it 😂. How come the red-faced tiger doesn't know this? 😂
And, there is more. The jumpy tiger keeps track of her steps like no man's business. Other voices just can't distract her from that 10k steps target. Methinks whenever she looks at her Fitbit watch, the only that hits her mind is the 50 Hive at stake.
Haha... Super Duper Tiger.
Thanks for this trailer on a Sunday morning. I'm waiting for the first episode of this series 😂. Netflix will spend a fortune to have it listed.
hahahahahahaha i also think the Captain was the best!!!!
I was laughing so hard at all her expressions when I watched it back again. and the "NO" hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
oh my gosh.
oh yes - the Tiger.. The Tiger was going to make an appearance in this one as a sleeping Tiger that the others didn't want to wake LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
but the sleepy one. oh - that is the one that fights me back all the time.
that is the one that comes out when things get very quiet (or maybe finally causes the quiet) LOLOL that one is when sleep will keep me silent for days hahahaha
so so funny... Netflix. LOLOLOL hmmmm I think Netflix has better things to entertain others with - but for you and me - we will watch the whole series together hahahahahahahahaha
OH MY God! 😮😮😂😂
I laughed so hard that I had a tear in my eye!
Is this our Tiger Lily lol.... "There is always treasure for hunt" 😂.
All the characters are super hilarious and i can't believe it took you 4 hours to develop the character. This is a talent 🤣🤣.
I love the pirate character hahaha.
you KNOW that these are NOT characters - but TRULY PEOPLE THAT LIVE INSIDE MY HEAD.
of course you know Captain Tiger LOLOL
now you have seen her with your real eyes - though... there are videos with her on the internet hahahaha
let me show you one LOL
hahahahaha you and @kenechukwu97 and maybe @wrestlingdesires will enjoy it hahahahahahaha
it is when we were doing the Spunkee Monkee project.
and you can see @quirky.countess in there too -
feel free to look around at all the videos on that channel if you want - you'll find a lot of how the Captain came to life!!!! hahahahaha
be sure to watch the bloopers at the end -LOLOLOLoh my gosh @dandays - look at the video above. hahahahaha
@moon-city - if you want to giggle some more. hahaha this was from 2 years ago - in the midst of our Spunkee Monkee project.
we had SO much fun with the kids!1
@kaerpediem - remember this?!?!?!? LOL
Jesus! Remy! 😂😂😂. I guess making this have been very hilarious for you both.. Lots of laughing and lots recording retake 😂.
Those looks funny 🤭🤭
its so much fun thought - the laughter never ends!!!!!!
They say off their knott in England to describe the people in the above video I just watch and I'm not even British.
i had to watch it 3 times.
i have another video that literally has me wheezing with laughter whenever i watch it.
but i can't show you now. i can't give you ALL my good stuff at once.
gotta slip them out, one at a time.
right when you start to regret your decision for following me BOOM. i'll drop another video for you hahahahahaha
I already regret it you whack job!!
wait wait wait.
look at what my son said when he saw the video...
awwwwwwwwww... see???
you're family now!!!!
You know that's pretty incredible right?
He's lucky to have you.
lol, that was so fun :) When was it taken???
That was adorable :-)
hehehe and super fun to do!
if i had 48hours of the day - i would make videos.
lots and lots of fun videos to release my wiggles
i have too many brain wiggles hahahahahaha
I have had those talks in my head :D
I can relate and LOVE that you are having so much fun making videos
hahahahahaha oh my gosh - its like an ongoing thing.
when people say "do you ever talk to yourself?"
i'm like huh? no i don't talk to myself.
i talk to all the voices.
-Hahahaha! what would be the best word to describe you ha?? Hahahha!!! Funny hahaha!!! The super busy mind of yours. With different accents of different personalities..of one person!! You as a pirate looks so cute hehe the one that was actively counting her steps were happily doing her work with a contagious smile hehe..every new video..new excitement hehe..11..well I loved that number and you have that 11voices and still, you are on the right mind hehe! Awesome video!! Love it..hahaha!!!!! Have a good sleep! Blessed night!! See you tomorrow..love lots!❤❤💕🌷
hahahahahahahaha I'm so glad you laughed with me!!!love you Cherry!! how are you feeling???? are you recovered fully yet????
and momma???
-Hehehehe and who will not laugh at that video hehehehe..not yet! Still feel so weak, but my fever is not that high now, but need to regain my appetite to eat, more on water and fruit juices..sleeping from time to time with music Hehehe. Mom is just the same, she doesn't know I am sick. Maybe tomorrow I'll be able to get some fresh air and manage to stand without the feeling of dizziness. Hehehe..but I am thankful to God, he is taking good care of me and didn't give me the difficulty of having hard breathing. So I am still fortunate and manage to smile, laugh hahaha! It's part of my colorful life..my stubbornness always made me busy with everything, so this sickness came to me and beat me down sweetly hahaha. Love lots!❤❤💕
Have a blessed day!
Lolol. Funny! Nopes! It is the satire! I watched it thrice. Haha.
I can relate to the one who wants to sleep again. Lol. I loved her suggestion too. A lot could be done while having the meeting of voices.
Lol. The treasure hunter always wants the hunt on the list and I know she doesn't miss a chance finding and appreciating the quality stuff.
4 hours for a 2 minutes video. The video is speaking for its worth and time spent on it. Well scripted and recorded 👍.
And again perfectly imperfect dominated. 😁.
Have a good night rest ❤
hahahahahahahahahahaha yes - I don't sleep at all - but that voice is always tempting me to just sleep the day away for good! hahahahaha
and thinking - hmmm isn't it better to just do - rather than talk? LOL so the sleeper is valuable to me hahahahahaa even though the chipper one put tape on her mouth LOLOLOL
and yes - you remember that pirate captain?? hahahahahahahahaha
oh my gosh - i was laughing so hard!!!!! LOLOL
yep - i had about 28 minutes of video recorded - but then editing, editing, editing... down to 2 minutes hahahahaha
I feel like I spend the day as a director, producer, and actor LOL
SO MUCH FUN. i needed that :)
thank you for your laughter! i love sharing it across the world with you hehehee
I know you sleep very little.
You didn't mention the writer. What one can produce without a good script.
It was worth spending time on ❤
Well... I didn't write the script.
the voices did.
@brandt @nineclaws @moon-city. 👍🏿
This was an excellent way to start my Sunday 🤣🤣. Thank you for tagging me!!
This week has definitely been one of those crazy contest roller coaster rides and this video also came close to summing up the thoughts yammering inside my head. My fav voice was the pirate for sure.
hahahahahahahaha !!!!
my Captain is really a character that I was for kids... my daughter and I did a project on Steemit.
i'll tag you in the video below so you can laugh more (if you like LOL)
Absolutely! Feel free to tag me in the video. I look forward to it! Thank you for making our Sunday brighter ✨ 💛
hehehe just tagged you - i hope you laugh with me and my daughter!!!! LOLOLOL
we sure laughed a LOT
(especially at the end with the bloopers) hehehehe
oh ok!!! then you must have had fun hahahaha you brought friends! LOLOL
Yeah I think you're a lunatic and I love it.
freshly escaped from the asylum
(for the 19th time)
and getting all the brain wiggles out. hehehehehehe
Thanks green eyes 😉
hehehe here it is @edprivat LOLOLOL you asked for the tag 🤣
Thanks so much ahhaha I am about to watch it a second time!
I have watched it several times too!!!!
I can't decide who is my favorite LOLOLOL
the Captain is maybe my favorite for right now - 😂
LOL so well done and I can relate to some of those voices I hear them often as well
Have a great day
hahahahaha right???
of course you do - because we are twins! and you probably have the same voices there! :)
but this was super fun to make hahahaha
my daughter came home and was like - how come you have so many of your costumes out.
i'm like - oh.... gonna make a video with voices in my head.
she's like ok cool byyyyye. and went back to work
because this is normal life in our house LOLOLOLOL
As I always say normal is overrated and a matter of perspective lol
why be normal when we can be so much more fun! LOLOL
how are those outdoor chairs??? did they blow around the yard at all? or still in place hehehe
so glad that storm took a turn away from you - hoping it didn't sneak back in the middle of the night
The chairs are fine there all nodes not that they needed be we got lucky winds only up to 40 mph and hopefully the worst is past us
oh good!!!! thank God! now we just brace for the next right??
how many do you guys get each hurricane season???
Ohh yeah just across in Rhode Island got hit thousands without power well tens of thousands
Here isn’t to bad the last hurricane to hit New England was thirty years ago
We get a few super storms every few years but not to bad
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Thank you so much @kaerpediem and @diyhub !!! hehehee I had a BLAST making this!!! LOL
Love it!!!
Yes, the "stepper" got her productivity going
This is so good and I can so relate <33
ROFLLLLLLLl did you see how proud she was to keep getting those steps while the debate was going on.
you have no idea how often I'm in a meeting and listening (or talking) while jogging in place hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
so yep - that really does happen and i'm like YES! I just got another 2k steps in during that time!! LOLOLOLOL
What people DON'T UNDERSTAND is, the voices CHANGE that fast in real life.
And yes, the Tiger is there, sleeping... you NEVER want to wake the Tiger!
hehehehehe and sometimes the voices are even stronger when the Maestro sleeps - and then they leak out! LOLOLOLOLOL
that's a whole new world in that brain lol with conflicts and debates and all :p
hahahahahaha well a new world for you to see.
pretty much my daily experience hahahahahahahahahaha
day and night LOL
😳😂😂 Ahoy! I am late to the party and can't stop laughing! Truly hilarious and ingenious!
You mean all these voices in your head? Hmm, you have a very active mind. Blimey, that's the capt'n, my favorite of your voices!
No need to see the tiger, hehehe! So glad she's asleep! Happy Sunday!
yes yes - sleep, precious Tiger.
we shall be so happy if you sleeeeep LOLOLOL
if you look through the comment section - you can see another video hahahahaha
its of me and Remy - and we are laughing so hard
Haha I met this Tiger lily for the first time, I like the dreem voice saying treasure is not on the agenda today, lol
Each look and voice is superb mam but the captain 🤩 firstly I am not going to make this stuff like this as I would consume 8 hours hahaha it's not easy to fill the emotion in each character but you have done it in an incredible way mam.
The best thing I found today ❤
i'm glad you enjoyed it!!!! hahahahaha and yes - you remember that Captain?? hahahahhaa
she liked to do treasure hunts for everyone always hahahahahahahahahahaha
and of course the emotion is inside me all day long - so when I asked them to come out - they said sure! LOLOLOL
Haha, you are lucky if the emotions come out rapidly. In my case when I want to have innocence just like a kitty, what I have is the devilish smile( after each mischief) hahaha
i can't really keep them contained.
they like to burst out haahahahaha
Really funny, great idea. Love the way you shot the video. When do we get to meet the other five voices? Is there a hook?
hahahahaha thanks!!! I had such a blast
and it was going to be a one-off, but I don't know hehehe maybe i'll just do another one to see what happens
thank you for coming to laugh with me!!!! its no fun to laugh alone hehehehe
I bet you did! 😂
I'd love to see you do another one and if you wanted, maybe a series. I know I want to see it. 😂
I'm always up for laughs and you have a great sense of humour, from what I've just seen.
hahahahaha if you double dog dare me ....then......
I triple dog dare you
well damn.
you just went there!!?!?!?!
@dandays - just so you know... @nineclaws is to blame for the next episode! hahahahahaha
I just went there. I do that (now you know)
Bring it on! The Green Eyed Monster will love it, right @dandays?
"Treasure always be on the agenda."🤣
the captain was everyone's favorite - and when I went back to watch - i died laughing at her every time!
what a feisty captain she is hehehehehe

What a fiesty cap'n she be.
On another note, what video format are you using for 3speak? I can't get the
shitmotherfuckerson-of-a-bitchthingy to work.ummmmmm mp4 ...i think??
what do you mean - you can't upload? or you can't see videos?
I upload through my phone - its much faster that way for me!
tell me whatchu need. i help you! hehehe
Bahahahaha! Ohhhhhh M G! Dreems... You had me in stiches and now the doctors gotta take em out! My favorite character... is ALL OF YOU! (But I do love pirates! YARRRRR! 🏴☠️ hahaha!)
But I so know what you mean...
There's all of these little voices inside all of us and it's up to us to love ourselves... but only listen to the ones that bring out the very best in us!
Thanks for this one!
I absolutely ❤️'ed it!
hehehehehehe so far the captain has been the favorite and I gotta say- she's always been special to me
I'm sure you recognize the avatar from discord - that's really me in a pirate hat that someone turned into a cartoon for me hahahahahahaha
and yep- those voices need to balance! most times i got it - but sometimes.. eeek. not so good. LOL
i'm so glad you laughed!!!!!!!!!!! i have watched it several times this morning and i just can't stop laughing every time heheheehe
So darn creative and fun fun fun till daddy takes the Camera (or was that TBIRD? I'll have to ask @bluefinstudios! hahaha!) away!
LOLOLOL i'm sure blue will spill all the beans about me hahaha
That's why I had to call him in here... Your wise to me! hahahaha! 😁😆
actually - not me.
I totally missed it.
but the Captain whispered in my ear. She never misses a trick.
YAAAAAARRRR! Hahaha! A Pirate be known another Pirates tricks! There be something a foot there be! YARYARYAR!🏴☠️
But the Tiger is fun :( ... As long as her claws are directed towards someone else!!!
Oh God... 🤣🤣🤣🤣... This seems similar to what happens in my head.. wow...
Hahahahahahahahhahahaa right???
It's a party! Lololol
Indeed! 😂
Only 11?