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RE: Living with 11 voices in my head

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

hahahahahahahahahahaha yes - I don't sleep at all - but that voice is always tempting me to just sleep the day away for good! hahahahaha

and thinking - hmmm isn't it better to just do - rather than talk? LOL so the sleeper is valuable to me hahahahahaa even though the chipper one put tape on her mouth LOLOLOL

and yes - you remember that pirate captain?? hahahahahahahahaha

oh my gosh - i was laughing so hard!!!!! LOLOL

yep - i had about 28 minutes of video recorded - but then editing, editing, editing... down to 2 minutes hahahahaha

I feel like I spend the day as a director, producer, and actor LOL

SO MUCH FUN. i needed that :)
thank you for your laughter! i love sharing it across the world with you hehehee


I know you sleep very little.

as a director, producer, and actor

You didn't mention the writer. What one can produce without a good script.

It was worth spending time on ❤

Well... I didn't write the script.

the voices did.