
🤣🤣🤣 I've been using "delicious" for a long time. I also use "YUM" but that is applied very, specifically. I used it just recently for the first time in eleven years. Not going to explain what it is applied to, but I'm sure you can imagine 🤣🤣🤣

yes - delicious has been with me for some time too hehehe

and yum - my favorite use of yum is... well, i'll tell you the 2nd favorite use of it cuz...


hahahah but second favorite use of it was given to me by my aunt.

for .... naps.

yes - the best naps are yummy.
the pinnacle of the nap world is the "yum yum nap"

🤣🤣🤣 We seem to be all about the tasting experience, lol.

for .... naps.

yes - the best naps are yummy.
the pinnacle of the nap world is the "yum yum nap"

I am totally in love with all of that. I love naps, never thought of them as yummy, but they sure felt like that. I'm adding that to my personal dictionary now, thank you. 😂😂😂

hehehehehe you're so welcome!

so - yesterday I took a nap - half standing up LOLOL

don't ask how. lol i was just exhausted and fell asleep - and when I woke up my knees were all locked and sore hahahahahahahahaa

so that was not so yum of a nap - BUT it was so needed!!! LOL

HAHAHA, half standing up, I love it. Have I ever done that...hmmmm, yes, I do believe I have, how about that? LOL

Yeah, really exhausted is what happened to me too. Waking up like that is so not fun.

Yum in that you needed it, LOLOL