hahahahahahahahaha well this sounds AMAZING!!!!!
I was going to participate, but the recording part of it was really daunting to me LOL
I didn't know we could have personal assistants! hahahahahaha
I wasn't going to formally enter the competition with registration and all of that - because I didn't think I could commit to it fully and I didn't want to pull everyone else down! LOL
But if we can team up???? I'm so down for that!!!!! I do the commenting and you keep track of my excel sheet and report for me?? hahahahahahahahaha
I don't know if that's against the rules though??? Let's ask @wil.metcalfe to be sure!!!
If he says yes - let's do it!!!!
I think it's part of @wil.metcalfe 's goal to have an all inclusive community and seeing your followers are enormous, I believe he would sign up to it and boy would it be fun.
Fun for me too, I love helping out whenever I can.
hehehe well - let's see what he says! We have time, because my level doesn't compete for another 2 weeks I think haha
Unfortunately some people (your self included Dreems! 😜) Have the SignUP period and the staggered Category Launch's for Operation #Ping confused.
I did my best to convey to people that the SignUP time was tick-tocking it's way down and I did think that a 7 day SignUP period was enough...
It's mostly an implementation thing... Processing SignUP's while running logistics in the background for Operation #Ping would really be challenging. That's why I decided to compartmentalize SignUP's and the 3 seprate 7 day windows for each Category during Operation #Ping!
Will you join me for the next Operation #Ping? 😉
for me or for him? hahaha
I was going to not formally register - but still participate! hehehe
Did @pappyelblanco not register?
Whether you register or not, you have a PA in me.
I did and I'm having so much fun with it.
Thanks @wil.metcalfe for this amazing opportunity.
Hehehehe yeah!!!! Let's do it!
When you finish this level...then let's talk about how we can set our sights for my level! Hehehe
It will be fun! Lolol
Aye Aye Captain!!!
Most certainly @pappyelblanco! I'm imagining you with the music cranked busting moves in the comments section of peoples posts! Sounds fun alright! (Now you know what I'm doing over here on this end! hahaha! 😁)
@dreemsteem! Look at this! You have your very own PA! I want a PA now! hahahaha! 😂
Hahhahahahaa well petition for one!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
P.S. MUSIC VIBES! (This is the stuff the fueled me through the Operation #Ping design and build out... and I'm still running with it! HYEAH!) 🤩Oh my gosh ..speaking of music... I've been working out with the Oculus doing the Supernatural app
It is SO good
I had it on a 14 day trial just to see!
And I added the subscription now hahahaha it's SO good .it's the first time I've ever been EXCITED to work out!!!
lol! No! No! @pappyelblanco has signedUP in time and is in the system. It's just that there has been some people trying to signUP after the SignUP period.
It's to bad they missed it, all situations considered, but I have had to stick to that decision otherwise Operation #Ping would be 10 times more tricky to manage.
Right now all my energy and focus is into giving the current participants a top notch experience. That can be pretty hard to do if my attention on multiple components.
Anyways! I just wanted to make sure I was clear so that people can focus on cheering/helping/supporting/etc! ANNNND yes! Nothing saying one can not "just for the fun of it" participate as well! That might be lots of fun actually!
Buuuuut I'll be honest Dreems... I'm really missing you on this one! 😉
@dreemsteem, if you are still up to it I would love to help out.
Yes!!!! I wanna do it! Hahaha
You won't be missing me!
Hehehee I will be there for my week!!! 😂 I just didn't want to register and commit when I knew I couldn't be there 100%
And I'm glad that @pappyelblanco got his reg in on time!!!! Woooots!!!
Ok well we will try some behind the scenes stuff when is time for my level, and then I'll let you know how it worked! Hehehe
A.O.K.! So your going to bring the @DreemPort Pirates along side the #Comet.Ranker #Ping Portals and be our shadow testers/support!?
I love this idea Dreems! ❤️
Thank you for being willing to find a way to be a part of Operation #Ping in this creative way! ☄️
It's good to know I won't have to be missing your effervescent self!
I'll admit it!
I am going through some serious Dreem withdrawals over here! 😜
Putting this together was an all in and all out process! And it took it's toll... But believe me when I say, "There's nothing else I would rather be doing than #Ping'ing my way across the Hive Universe and heatingUP everyone's followers lists!" 🤩
100% I love this idea!
I love this idea! It's such a great way to approach things especially with bigger accounts like yours Dreems!
There you go!
A way that we could make things work for next time we host Operation #Ping! 🤩
hehehe ok - should i give it a try this time unofficially? since I'm not registered - I can do an experiment for you and let you know how it worked??
Hmmm... That's a pretty large experiment and without all the incentives of badges and consul stats. Are you sure you want to take that on Dreems?
No no...just.me and him hahahaha
Just that aspect of him helping me! That's all hahahaha
Then I'll let you know how smoothly it went, and if I would try it again that way or if it's easier as an individual! Hehehe
Ok! Wonderous! I love that this is an "US" effort!
I look forward to watching and finding out how things go Dreems! I'm glad you managed to doubleUP like this! You have enough followers on the list to warrant extra collective effort! I like it! 🙌