What are Hive's chances for survival?
This post is an invitation for discussion.
You can drop your opinions in the comment section, or you can write posts and leave the URL as a comment.
However you'd like to join this discussion - feel free.
Here is what I'd ask. (please do take the time to read?)
Realize that if someone is taking the time to comment, they probably would like to see Hive thrive - just like you.
They most likely have strong opinions on HOW Hive could thrive best. These opinions usually come from personal convictions and experiences. For example, I hate spam and plagiarism. This is most likely because spam destroyed a platform I enjoyed, and because my book was plagiarized twice. Personal experiences drive convictions. Realize that you're reading from a person who lived a different life than you. Breathe before responding and try to check any arrogance before typing.
A lot of people are on the "precipice" right now. Please don't be guilty of pushing them over the edge just so you can cut off your nose to spite your face. If you're too angry to respond - the least you can do is read and try to understand.
Everyone here matters. You can try to dismiss their opinion because they are "just ....." but Hive needs every role/person here. More than that, in order to grow - we need MORE of each role, in my opinion. Sustainability depends on solid, balanced, steady growth.
I admit that I am the QUEEN of huge comments. But PLEASE don't leave massive comments here. If you know your comment is going to be huge - JUST FOR THE SAKE OF THIS POST - please WRITE a new post, drop your post link in the comment section, and invite people to read your view there. It will be easier, I think.
Here is what the post is about.
If you have been here long, you have seen many of Hive's problems. At times, the temptation is to just push it aside and stick to your clique. No one likes animosity. No one wants to say anything that will make them a target. No one likes to be negated.

Problems seldom disappear that way. They usually are infections that continue to fester under the surface until they get much worse.
I would be willing to bet that 99% of the people reading this know SOMEONE who has said "I just don't want to be here anymore" for multiple reasons. They are often accused of being whiners, complainers, people who should just leave...etc.
The focus gets taken off of the REAL, inherent problems that caused the conflict and gets shuffled to name-calling, bullying, and negativity that overshadows Hive's potential.
The other day I spoke to someone who has been here a long time, has a significant wallet, writes beautifully, engages genuinely, rewards generously and ethically - but is generally private and soft-spoken. (Based on my on-chain interaction, you might think you know who it is - I guarantee you do not. Don't bother assuming. lol)
The reason why I'm qualifying their characteristics - is because I want to show you they aren't spammers, scammers, plagiarists, whiners, or any of the other things that would "disqualify" their opinion for your consideration.
In a private conversation, what they said broke my heart - and prompted me to reach out to others.
(paraphrased) "I just don't want to be here anymore. Many of the older Hive generation has gone, and I guess I might go too. It's just not the same anymore. We see more scammers all the time and people who just constantly take. I write because I love to write, so I'm still here. But, if I was on the outside looking in - nothing would interest me to join now."
I try not to engage in screaming matches anymore, but believe me I'm fighting for Hive. When I see people passionate and angry - I see that they care enough to still fight. Even if they are on opposing sides and their veins are bulging in a battle- they are PASSIONATE about protecting what they love.
But when I heard what was said in that private conversation? My heart broke hard.
That person was completely indifferent to Hive. They won't last much longer. Most likely, they will power down and go away and WE WILL HAVE LOST YET ANOTHER STRONG USER. To be replaced by what?
Who are we attracting right now?
HOW are we attracting STRONG USERS? We know we are attracting spammers! plagiarists! scammers! We know that we have NO PROBLEM getting NUMBERS here who will earn, cashout, earn, cashout.
But when YET ANOTHER STRONG USER has given up - (and we KNOW there are more) - their surrender should shake the foundations of Hive.
- Are you getting burned out? Do you feel like our case study above?
- What would breathe new life into your Hive Journey? (Please don't say money, unless YOU YOURSELF are offering to sponsor something. lol)
- What would it take to make it interesting for you again?
- Do you need a new crowd? Do you need to move around and read new content?
and I'm adding ...
- Are you part of the problem? If so - how WILL you bring something from YOU to change Hive for the better?
- How do we appeal to GOOD content creators that are looking for a home?
I would contribute more than this if it made a difference.
I think that's the problem hehehe
people don't realize that it always makes a difference.
I haven't heard from you in... hmm 2 days?
and i just smiled so huge.
you made a difference for me! ❤️ isn't that something special?
our connection here - that's what matters. the big big picture is affected by a lot of little pictures.
you are in my little picture, and i'm grateful
you're actually also in my big picture! so - that's kinda nice too.
Thanks for making me smile today. I needed it. (and i'm tearing up right now cuz its that kind of day... and sometimes one sentence is all that matters to make a difference)
Well then this should make your eyeballs float:
Are you on discord?
i am indeed. i have my very own server. LOL
but you wouldn't want to be in there... hahaha i'll just give you my digits
and same name here ;)
I definitely agree. I think what keeps this platform alive is the diversity of the users. We need a variety of opinions in order for this platform to prosper. We also learn through the opinions of others thus we get to open our minds and see things from a different perspective. Diversity of opinions also promotes healthy discussions. We should refrain from dismissing the views of others just because we aren't on the same wavelength 🤗 Thank you for your post!
I agree - opinions matter on all levels.
Even when the people don't really do a great job expressing themselves, they do have some points that are hidden underneath their inability to communicate well.
I've found that if you take the time to try to hear people, you can see their point - even through the distortions. If you can help them voice what they want to say - they can sometimes calm enough to express valid points clearly. and sometimes what they have to say is very shocking and necessary to hear! lol
you look like you are very new here - so... welcome to Hive :)
I totally agree. I believe that the purpose of this platform is to amplify the voices of those who want to speak out their thoughts regardless of the differences. All points are truly valid and I guess it's true, there is a reason why at some point in our lives, we have to hear the opinions that are opposite of ours and that is to learn and have an open mind! Thank you so much. Looking forward to learning more from this platform :)
I'm actually loving my time on Hive. I am involved in a few communities, as well as a unique initiative by @dibblers.dabs where we all work together to write a novel :)
In short, the writing and feedback are making it fun.
However some time ago I did see some disagreement on Hive. Not in my regular communities, but elsewhere. I left my opinion in a calm manner, unsure what the result would be. I'm happy to report that there was no backlash whatsoever. Hopefully this will encourage others to speak out if they feel strongly about something.
Seth Godin The remarkable marketing genius.
Had written in his book "the dip"
Saying , there's not a thing as winners never quit. Though, if it can't bring the best of yourself on the long sustainable rung. Then you're heading towards a Dip and more likely to quit as a choice , with a strong reason behinds it " I AM NOT FULFILLING MY PURPOSE BEING HERE"
(no visibility nor appreciation for my work)
Therefore I ll be starting my own blog And having my unique compassionate audience, who does really care and read to Understand and comprehend to extract the value
Your last sentence is very important here. and I would encourage you (though I have a feeling you already do - or at least I hope you do.. hehehe) to make sure that you engage with that audience so they feel heard and appreciated too :)
Add me on discord if you like : racemlaadhar#8412Thank you so much @dreemsteem I'll be happy for your visit once it's launched.
of course :) I would love to visit!
People blog in all spaces and all places - and there is room for all to thrive! You just have to go where you grow! 😊
and if you get to create that space for yourself?? wonderful! No one can fault you for building your own dream!!! hehhe
(but you should still stick around here too maybe !)
Sure do. I've been here since 2017
Quite a journey. Quite an experience and learning All the way.
Strongly saying that this Hive and steemit are the reason behind I getting to know about crypto and Blockchain.
And that was priceless. Meaning, these social Blockchain platforms are the roots of where everyone should start and expend his acknowledgment to grow bigger.
I think that's The point where people are Missing out,
Reading to learn not to scan read it, in hopes for an upvote.
Bees needs delicious nectars to feed on and the product of their honey would be the finest there is. anywhere it lands anyplace it goes she'll always remember the sweet fragrant of the Hive
I've felt 'burnt-out' for quite awhile now but I know if I quit, it'll send the wrong message to people I'm doing this for. I've been here through it all, never left once and seen some really brutal conflicts, even been involved in a few. Trying to be the better person, I let things roll off the shoulders and be the change and example vs the conflict with obvious power-tripping ego-maniacs. At the end of the day though, you cannot argue that people are not here for the money. I dare say nobody would be without that incentive. It's not super hard to get a following and find like minded people in cyberspace. People put up with a lot of bs to attain bigger pockets. They would most likely post their pictures on IG or blog on Tumblr. So, for things to change, I think more giving and less nitpicking would go a long way.
I think that we all need to face some harsh realities. Hive wants to be the social media chain for web3. Part of social media is spam and recycled content. I hate spam and recycled content too but if Hive wants to be a home for ALL social media users and pull them away from facebook and the others we are going to have to accept that some users want to post that way and respond less harshly.
Hive is far more than just a blogging or social media platform for web3 though- there is a lot more going on here and constant development. Recent changes like polygon bridge, valid defi through pools, DLUX bringing additional second layer options, outposts, games, and other changes are all major steps that don't just apply to blogging. If we looked at NUMBERS objectively- Hive is a gaming blockchain- there are for more on chain transactions for Splinterlands than anything else. It's all a matter of perspective and we have to step out of our "cliques" and view the chain as a whole to see everything that is being built.
Hive wants to grow its user base. Part of growth is going to involve change, new users that engage differently, maybe cash out regularly instead of powering up... Users who treat Hive like its their job. Users who only post through DBUZZ, Users that only want to post images, Users that only play the games, Users that only trade tokens to earn profit. Users that only mint and trade NFT's. User's that develop new dapps, games, tools.
All of these users are valid and as the blockchain grows and more people find their own use for the chain we need to be open to those uses.
As far as community goes, I think that new communities are springing up all the time around tokens, ideas, and projects and it's up to us as users to make those communities valuable places to be and be supportive of each other rather than focused on negatives!
I LOVE this comment.
I agree with all of it (except for the take on spam.)
I say this as one who watched everything we invested poof into thin air after 18 months on another platform that was DESTROYED by spam and plagiarism.
I believe we hold that strong line and show them it doesn't have to be that way. That they can earn without stealing.
My opinion...but it will not change, because when stealing is allowed...it becomes acceptable and then word spreads and then it becomes IMPOSSIBLE to stop.
But the rest.of what you said??? AWESOME. I so agree. Now how do the ones who are already doing it . (Like you) keep pressing forward and take it to the next level?
How do we not stagnate in the fact that what we are doing is enough... But just the beginning.
I think collaboration is a way.. (which makes.me think it might be fun for DreemPort to shine the light on your pizza...or NEXT group story hehe)
And I also think a forum of community leaders with like minds should crop up... Just informal...like those monthly network meetings where people share what they're doing to get others excited.
Hmmm mind churning lol
I wonder if @shadowspub would like to host something like that? A monthly community leader forum?
might be interesting ... would be similar to the witness chats.
Would be interesting to see how many would like to praticipate
I think it would be good to foster connections between tribes and remind everyone that we are all engaged in the same chain. It's sometimes easy to get focused on a specific tribe or frontend and forget that Hive is massive. Even if community leaders just did a regular roundup of developments and changes in their communities and projects it would help new users realize just how massive the scope is and what is possible!
How often have you felt late to the party because you didn't find an announcement post in time! I learned a lot at Hive Fest that I wasn't even aware was happening and I think more regular events to share info like that would be really beneficial to the chain.
don't know about Dreem but when I use the term 'community leader', I'm talking about people like @dreemsteem and others who are doing something to work across the chain. Just because someone forks out some Hive to setup a community, it doesn't make them a leader. For someone to be a leader, there needs to be a purpose that others will follow and share.
I totally agree with that. There needs to be real sustainable effort to keep a community rolling and engaged! A lot of people come to hive for one thing or another and decide to stay because of the people they meet in the process. Without community that couldn't happen.
As you get to know me, you'll find that community and fostering it is important. I'm not real big on silos. I prefer to see people encouraging others doing things.
One of the 'side-effects' of PYPT has been the connections between individuals and projects that have flowed from listening to people talk about what matters to them.
Yesterday, one of the presenters talked about a project he was running that was very close in purpose to another project. We suggested the two connect and discuss collaborating.
i'm getting excited about it hehehehe
i will be looking for you there!!! 😂🤗
yeah - i would be there :)
I'm open to any and all possibilities, collaborations are a good thing and involving folks from across the whole chain to have reasonable discussions about some of our challenges can only be a good thing! I think that folks who are building and engaging on the chain will find their communities and I can't advocate enough for the various community discords as ways to find like minded users and build connections with people. One of the major reasons I am deeply involved with !PIZZA is the focus on community building and the multi-tribe outlook to curation, onboarding, and rewards!
I want to clarify I'm NOT advocating for spam or plagiarism to be rewarded, I'm just pointing out that retweets, shares, paraphrasing and other forms of recycled content are a major factor in all other social media. Hive doesn't have a good way to deal with that aspect yet and it's going to see more and more of it as growth continues!
I love your mindset! (And I kinda want to make that happen hehe)
And I see more of your point now about the recycled media.
However, the biggest difference I see is that people use those things on the OTHER social media and DO NOT get paid for it.
We are getting paid for our work...and thats why it needs to be taken very seriously. Because if Hive is paying people for plagiarized work, that is so very un-good. 😜
It's definitely not good! However- I would say that in some cases on other social media people do get paid for their recycled content. If they have ad revenue they can post recycled viral content that drives traffic and get paid even if it is a retweet or copy pasta. Hive is a different situation where the earnings come from a set amount available in a rewards pool. I certainly think we should protect that reward pool when we can- Copying an article from elsewhere to post on Hive is blatant plagiarism and would (probably) get called out on other socials as well... but I also believe there is value in viral content and Hive makes it hard for users to participate in that!
You know what I do?
When I see things that I'd like to add to my post that are of that nature - I simply put a link to THEIR site. That helps everyone
No one should be coming to my post to give me the activity for THEIR content. They can read my take on it - my views that I've added - but for the actual content itself - I don't just drop it into my post. I drop the link that drive traffic back to THEM and say - here you go if you want to see more.
I think that can be a valid compromise
Yeah that is what I try to do as well! Reblogging etc is one way we can help propagate valuable content as well. There are ways we can make it work for sure.
what exactly do you mean by 'recycled content'?
posting a meme that has been posted elsewhere, paraphrasing someone else's content, retweeting, posting snippets from an article, quoting lyrics without attribution, posting the same content on a different platform, and various other ways that people post on traditional social media that might be frowned upon on hive.
I've had pockets of "meh", mostly when the steem/hive breakaway happened.
Some of what I had come to understand of the blockchain was shaken and I had to wrap my head around all the betrayals, finger-pointing, the choice of one over other... all that jazz.
I also wondered when some of my favourites left or became less active (read that as you and Marianne too). However, over time I got to know more Hivers that I could connect with.
This place is not perfect but there are some pretty amazing peeps here and that keeps me here for now :D
I also like that I don't have to stick to one thing, I like dabbling with different topics - didn't someones say Variety Is The Spice Of Life? :D
And I allow myself time off if need be, it keeps the burnout at bay
I think you really nailed the individual responsibility!!!!
I think the same way - (and yes i missed you too - but other things connected us in that season and then since you and others were still here - i had a home to come back to! hehehe)
but now - what about the Hive responsibility part?
what do you think is the way that we attract and keep the good kind of users?
i'm really struggling with that part hahahaa
From my experience, I brought friends and family in - I'm the only one still swimming
They stopped for reasons like not getting enough engagement and upvotes - but that happens even in centralised. You have to make your rounds first and connect. You have to give as much as you want back, initially perhaps even more (we've been there)
Some already have their connections on fb, ig...here they need to start from scratch with people they don't know.
I think the ones who have kept through it are the ones who enjoy creating or have made connections. And if they have them both - they are in a good place.
How to keep the good users... I want to say not the money but I think money will definitely make it harder for them to leave, not all but most. Also of course appreciation for their work.
At the same time, there must be a part of them that want to be here. So many good ones have left... but if they are not feeling it then...
There are many things here already that can attract the good ones and keep them here - it takes two to tango.
ps: I am just reading all the comments, I too want to know :D
Personally, for me, I change myself and become a better version of myself and continue to enjoy my time being our Hive community.
This is a super engaging topic! I started writing something a few days ago, but then I saw all the cool comments, and ended up reading everyone's thoughts instead hahaha. 😁
Very thought provoking questions, I think I felt burnt out a few times, last week when we met at the Hivefest, I had to take 5 days off it, not checking my feed, completely disconnect from it, and it felt better afterwards.
Personally, this place is becoming more awesome by the day, I am growing with it, and I want to take it somewhere, by producing the best fucking content on the internet, create a funnel of awesome people, and stick together.
I am happy I met you, you have the right energy for this world, and the people that evolves around you are equally as awesome.
Finding like minded individuals is why I am here, knowing that they care about me (and I equally care about them) is why I am staying.
I like the idea, I am going to make a post and link your post with that :) I think this is the right chance to steam off and say something that I never said before. I know the right community for such a post :)
hey - can you check your DM please?
I think myself much as in life on hive your circle of friends and contacts will change
And depending on an individual’s perspective seeing people leave and if your not making new friends or contacts perhaps I should say then it can be a bit demoralizing and make some consider leaving
Ok that may be a sitting on the fence response I guess but trying to think rationally rather that throwing my personal take but I will just add
Many people I had regular contact with in here have left for various reasons but I also have developed many new friends as well and I am still enjoying my time on here and have no plans to leave, I personally feel hive is going to keep growing and get stronger
I feel the same, my circle on Hive has held some of the same original people (as they were on Steem) but a lot of new faces and new communities too. I've been pretty happy with the connections that I've made - but I'm not sure if that's enough for others? or if it really is time for them to leave? I really hope not.
You are one of the new friends I've made this time around hehehe I knew OF you before, but never really made a connection. But @andysantics48 made that connection for me - and I found a new community (actually - WW brought me into contact with 2 OTHER new communities too) and new friends! so - its worked well for me! hahaha I don't want to leave either. That's kinda the hope of this post - that we can find the best way to grow stronger.
I think although for some its a negative, the changing faces and communities one find son here is a great thing, keeps it interesting. LIke meeting you nd then becoming involved with Dreemport has opened up a new circle of posts I would otherwise never have seen
as I have said I think its takes all type, some embrace change, some hate it, and hence if their circle on here gets smaller, they choose its time for them to move on, which I respect its all an individuals choice
Hahahhahaa you know I gotta upvote that one lololol
That's the reason we did it...and you are proof that it's working to me 😊
Thank you for being so faithful with that too!!! I love having a team that is so rock solid!!!!!!!
I have been called dumb as a rock many times but this may be a first for rock solid so thank you
Thanks also for the upvote but I am just who I am
Ps I was joking I have never been called dumb as a rock
i know exactly who you are (well except that spanking part which i now know hahahahahaha) but i like to upvote the things i love! hehehehe
yeah - rock solid for sure :)
you have no idea how blessed i am with this team!
Lol now your assuming it’s me that likes spanking I never said that lol
All that time and nothing to chauffeur it.
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (1/2)@tattoodjay, I sent you an on behalf of @samsmith1971
After 5.5 years on Hive I'm still happy. I get more engagement than on any other platform I've used plus I earn something. Generally it's a positive experience and I say that as someone who has helped deal with abuse of the platform for years. That is bound to happen when money is involved, but we have the tools to deal with it.
It might seem hard work if you are just chasing the money. Many won't make enough to justify their time, but then billions post for nothing elsewhere.
I think you tend to get out what you put in.
Hi there.. let me just say I saw you at HiveFest and wanted to say hi and make an introduction, but I was intimidated by the awkwardness of the situation hahahaha
So...hi lol
I agree...
But let's say the focus is more on Hive now...what can Hive do (and I don't think money is the answer) to make this place more attractive to the right type of content creators and not just attract them, but keep them?
For someone here so long...I'd love to hear what you think might work!
Thanks for engaging! 😊
A lot of people will chase rewards, so they post in generic communities like GEMS in hope of votes. That is not too likely to get them engagement though. Why not use communities as I think they were intended, to bring like-minded people together. I have various interests, so I will follow the communities around those. The rewards are a bonus on top of the fun. I have built my account up through engaging with loads of people.
You should have said Hi at Hivefest. Maybe next time. I would hope there can be other events in Altspace or elsewhere throughout the year.
Yeah we are gonna have some informal "meets" soon...cuz that place was just so fun hahaha
I didn't expect it to be!!! But so many strangers really wore down my social stamina hahahahah
And yes... communities SHOULD be used properly. but when bad activity goes unchecked,it spawns more and more.
Are communities basically self-governing? If so ..what's to stop a bad community from thriving and pulling more to the "dark side" lol
I'm asking more along the lines of...what does Hive do to prevent that?
Just like living in the real world. let's face the fact that bad things always happen. Pointing to what that user said about his complaints. This is my answer, nothing good happens when you choose to escape instead of correcting it."
I think that's enough and will write it into a post for more. lol
hahaha ok - well I look for your post to see more of what you see!
And i agree - you can only fight for something you love, if you stay.
But if the user has lost the love here, why is that? What changed here? Is there a way that HIVE can prevent that from happening more? That's my hope to find out.
I want to say to the person you're talking to .. come into PYPT ... engage with Dreemport.
Hangout, participate or just listen in until you find new like-minded people. People come and go in our lives but we continue to live in the community, most of the time. PYPT is meant for connecting people. Plagiarized content and spam are not welcome. Those who are trying, of all abilities, are welcome.
I get it when you've got used to a circle of people and they move on, it feels lonely. If you're generally a quiet person, it's harder not to want to move on with them. There are lots of good people still here and friends you haven't met yet. Cause you know, strangers are friends you've not met yet.
I hope that they aren't ready to throw in the towel just yet. I do think that maybe changing up their groups and meeting new people might help!
Hive is still big enough that there are lots of people that you "just haven't met yet"
I meet new people all the time that say "How have i never seen you before?" lol
so - maybe part of the solution is forcing yourself to sit at another lunch table hehehe
yeah if the circle you're familiar with is getting smaller.. there's basically two choices if you're still interested in creating content -- stick to the smaller group until there is only you... or expand and go where more people are and keep looking until you find people that you connect with. We have to do the same offline. Difference is, offline your area is local, online, your area is really the world.
And our circle is so much bigger to choose from.
It's hard to find more new people. but it can happen - and usually does when you least expect it hehe
to be honest, I don't really put an effort into meeting new people. That's true both offline and online. I find just following my tendency to be curious just seems to bring people into my life because I notice something about them.
No, I don't feel burned out -- but, I am a long-hauler now who came here as an established author and business person. It is easy for me to lean into support systems and both give and receive, and on the other side, Hive is good business at the moment with more opportunity both here and to be flipped elsewhere than I can actually take advantage of because of other responsibilities I have. Add on the fact that I asked the Lord for a way into crypto that I could understand -- He answered my request and until He directs me to leave what He pointed me to, I intend to remain. The combined mindset does not yet admit to burnout -- but I was literally built as a creative for Hive. I was doing things best done on Hive on Facebook and YouTube before Steem existed. I am an OUTLIER, and if you look around, the outliers -- major creatives who can adapt across many areas and communities -- are a lot of the TRUE content creators who are doing well here.
How to appeal to good content creators who are looking for a home -- Hive needs to get clear on what it wants to attract BASED ON WHAT IS ALREADY COMING TO IT, and advertise to that market. Splinterlands has reached the gaming market, but it is unrealistic to expect that to roll over into content on Hive -- that's a different type of person. We need to be visible to people who create powerfully and consistently because it is what they do, and to whom a little crypto is a bonus and communities in which they can interact and build with like-minded people would be a great opportunity.
But actually two people last week joined @shadowspub PYPT show ...and they came from Splinterlands and we're amazed that you could write on blog and get paid for it
One had a super brilliant idea, and wrote about it... But now that he's here, what is the community doing to support him?
It's hard to find new users and a handful of people can only do so much hehehe
My hope is that some of the things in the future will come out and support a lot more GOOD newbies who want to bring their content here .
There will always be outliers, of course ... the vast numbers of users of Splinterlands will yield people who adapt beautifully. I do see them trickling in ... but compared to the number in that market, I say again ... they are outliers, people who gap across once presented an opportunity.
Nuts and bolts: when I meet new people, I suggest they add the "introduceyourself" tag to their post if they haven't already. Heyhaveyoumet is also a good spot for them to immediately meet more people. I also suggest the following: consistency in interacting and posting is the key to everything here. The old Steem formula is still applicable with the beginner number of RC Credits here: one post, five comments per day OR, ten comments per day. Because I am a math person, the way I would advise people to go from there is to write a solid post and make five comments per day, and then respond and reach out on two days with 10 comments per day. The struggle for VISIBILITY can be solved algorithmically, and if we break down that the MATH of this is necessary and DOABLE, we will lose fewer people.
HIVE will survive, Leo will survive, even POB will survive. Why? Because the community stays together. No screaming, no fighting makes me lose my mind because I see people progress and achieve their financial freedom, we survived a cruel crypto winter and a Justin Sunny attack. People in Hive give me hope and that's why I'm here for the long run
i love this comment and i love your energy! hehehehe
and now i must follow you and hopefully we will cross paths again very soon!!! :)
Follow you back,my new friend.
This is too many questions for me @dreemsteem,
Everything is in the development stage. Some things are clunky like adding pictures or videos to the blockchain. I'd like to see an app that can handle the data without slowing down because of the blockchain. Essentially an app that functions at a fast speed allowing for challenges and interactions while in the background processes the input on the blockchain in time... This way the time doesn't bother the user. I know some front ends are faster than others but they are all slow at this point. The games are in a similar situation. Sometimes Hive jumped on the de-fi bandwagon, the NFT bandwagon and metaverse but too little and too late.
The platform is still very friendly although from time to time I see some scammers. I also see evidence of some users fishing Hive for their own benefit. I would hope most people could have sense not to support fishing and scams.
For Hive the trending section is important. One of the things that's kind of bothers me about crypto blogs is the trending section. There is usually no scamming and fishing but except for a couple articles it is unrelatable. Ok there was one article from dalz and the punk giveaway from acidyo and Soul Gazing from Clayboyn. They were worth reading.
I don't know. It's a mixed bag. The cool thing is that Hive doesn't own us. We have a lot of options where to write and create and how to be rewarded. I try not to get too affected by the mood but just write for me and a few friends.
Love your constructive things that you'd like to see up there!
and it wasn't too many questions hahaha you actually answered them all - in your own way.
so you're not getting burned out - you enjoy the friends you have. yeah there are scammers but you kinda stay away and do your own thing - so overall - you're feeling good and that Hive is here to stay and just needs time.
That about it?
I rarely look at the Trending page. I have certain accounts I follow who often talk about things going on in a more informative way than a lot of what I have seen on the Trending page.
I often look at the New listings to catch posts from newbies that would otherwise fly under the radar. Sometimes I find some interesting ones.
Is there a trending page.???
😂😂😂😂😂 I kid.
I don't ever look at it either lol I have too many genuine connections to go to directly
But I love when people.tag me in other posts that I would love. That's a way I meet people often!
I have been hit hard by this lesson, both virtual and in real life, that people come and go. The sooner I accepted that, no matter how hard to accept, the sooner it became easy for me. If that someone you interacted with felt that Hive is no longer worth it, by all means, let them leave. It's the best for everyone. I think that's the beauty of this platform. Everything is done in a voluntary basis.
I agree that we can't keep them longer than they want to be here..
But I also believe that sometimes people just need a new reason to stay and feel appreciated.
It's a balance, right?
And I can so agree with you about learning the painful way that people sometimes just do leave. And if that is their choice....I can tell you now...the Hive community will greatly miss this person.
But...life will go on.
I just wish that we would have an environment that doesn't allow people to be lost over time. Community should regularly be checking the pulse.... It's hard though...there are so many people.
But that's why sub-communties and smaller groups are great. Cuz they can keep up with people on a more personal basis.
Thanks for your comment. And I really appreciate that you went out of your way to respond to a post from someone you never met before 😊
So nice to meet you! Hehehe
I agree with the sub-communities and smaller groups. They make interactions more intimate. But I believe that having a reason to stay depends solely on the person. You can only do so much to make that person stay.
I guess that the type of people here is part of the evolution of the platform. Saying that the platform is now attracting spammers and plagiarists is true, but it's just one side of the coin. We may be attracting spammers and plagiarists because we are growing. It means more people are being onboarded and we can't just selectively dictate those people we want to participate in this space. Being involved with OCD, I saw a lot of new legit content creators with fresh content and drive to make the platform better.
So I agree with the balance. Focusing on just one aspect is myopic. I'm not advocating on focusing only on the positive side either. We should be pragmatic and try to look at the whole picture.
Nice to meet you, too!
Agree and agree and agree!!!!
The platform I was on was amazing...and then we started to grow in leaps and bounds!!! It was the MOST active platform according to Alexa for months.
And then the spammers came (and everyone was thinking...hey! Look at least we are growing!)
12 months later and that platform no longer exists.
All the money is gone. So many people were so hurt.
All I'm saying is... As someone who saw it happen FAST... The attraction of spammers needs to be a HUGE warning sign.
We need to be VERY focused on proactively attracting and KEEPING the RIGHT type of content creator.
That's why we have been actively fighting against plagiarists and spammers. The work involved is exhausting and time-consuming, but it's worth it. We have been actively onboarding people here in the Philippines and out first warning is on plagiarism. If we can catch someone plagiarizing, we already told them that we won't tolerate even if they're our friends.
We are doing the same on our project... I would like to come.talk to you on your post and meet you formally!
If you are bringing people who are already against plagiarism and teaching them...we can be another help for them in the next stage, if you like.
I'll come.meet you on your post very soon. 😊
I'm not really the spearhead of the project. If you want, you can check out @romeskie's post.
Only thing I think would be great... If the Hive-Engine incorporated more random cryptos. The smaller projects that are upcoming, or all projects.
I think they do? Once the project creates a token - it's listed there - no?
I meant all non-hive cryptos...
oh ok, yeah - I think (but dont quote me hehehe) that each project that wants to be listed on any exchange goes through a process of paying to be listed on that exchange. They most likely would want to do something to provide liquidity also? (but again.. just guessing here hehehe) But maybe you'd know better than me! I know just enough about exchanges to get me in trouble LOL
Truth be told,
I came here from Wax Blockchain and technically just a month old in HIVE... even though I am an external market trader, NFT collector (things that nothing to really do with human interactions)
I love to write (short stories, poems, anything of interest) and love people reading what I write and vice versa.
But sadly, when I was trying to engage a "community" in a discussion about writing... it just ended up with "upvotes", "promoting" getting "downvoted" just because I am really happy showing them that I am trying something different with my writing style.. but every discussion is like ending up with money.
Money, I can get that trading... this is a place full of human interactions, is it not? not just automations and robots. (promotions go here, the robots will know what to do with it)
I don't know maybe the community that I know of... is entirely different, or I am just in the wrong place... unsure.
But the feeling of being surrounded by businessmen in a place that is suppose to promote artistry is.... 😥
Sorry for making it too long... this is just how I feel as a newbie here.
I think, I misjudge... and got my emotions ahead of me.
There are people (some), worth the stay 😊
hehehehe yes - there are!!! hahahaha
you just have to find them!!! and then KEEP THEM LIKE TREASURE! HAHAHA
support them and engage with them - and you'll see that the ones that you love to engage with and engage back - they are the gems!!
and then you'll start to really feel like this is a home
but you are not wrong for feeling badly in the wrong community! That doesn't mean its a bad community - just the WRONG one for YOU!
we just need to find you the RIGHT community and you will THRIVE there :)
I guarantee it - because I've read your posts - your comments - and you seem very genuine and excited to be here :)
that's what is MOST important about Hive (in my opinion) finding the RIGHT communities for YOU :)
Thank you very much, Glad to be here 😁
if you are feeling that way - you are in the WRONG communities!!! I can guarantee you that!!!
and your comment is NOT too long - I have so enjoyed your comments when I come upon them!!
@wrestlingdesires - I know that you have interacted with Khoola before! cuz you pointed him out to me! heheheh
do you think that he would be interested in DreemPort? maybe you can talk to him this week and see if it would help him?
You should totally come to the PYPT show on Thursday if you can @khoola !!! You will be able to present one (or more if you like) of your posts and start to get some interaction with others... and I'll let Wrestlingdesires tell you more about DreemPort too - you might be able to use DreemPort to find some new writers who love to engage - and they can direct you to some communities too :)
Thank you very much!!! that would be really nice, I want to check out Dreemport sounds like... FUN 😊.
hehehehe well i JUST wrote a post for it!!!
you can go check it out :)
if you have questions - let me know! :)
i think i shall write a SHORT comment.
but not plagiarize it.
I like that you mention that there are MANY perspectives.
it helps to remind us, that we are NOT all responding to exactly the same thing, and our OWN experiences influence HOW we respond.
everyone is pretty passionate about their own side - hehehe
but - if we realize that we all really do want the same end result (a successful hive) then... hopefully there are some healthy ways to get on the same page
I was going to say that but now I can't or I would be plagiarizing you so now I have to think of something original to say
originally, I wanted to say something along the lines of what you wrote there, above, but, was afraid I would be accused of stealing your comment, 4 hours before you write it.
Well Of course i could keep this going and we would be in an infinite never ending circle of who said it before it was even thought of, but instead I will just Bow my head and say
Well Said Sir Well Said
best not to perpetuate this.
good point.
I agree, also, to not...
You and @bluefinstudios are gonna get spanked!!!! 😂
Sorry @dreemsteem, got here a little too late to upvote your original post... but I'll throw in my $0.02 worth...
To just go straight to your post title, I think Hive's chances for survival are excellent. BUT... (yes, there's a but...) perhaps it's wise to view this as precisely "Hive, the blogging venue" vs. "Hive, the ecosystem." The ecosystem is fine, thanks to dApps like Splinterlands, Hive Punks, 3Speak, LeoFinance's "Project Blank" and lots of others in development.
In the interest of brevity — as you requested — part of the "issue" we often seem to face is that Hive (and its predecessor) is often touted as a haven/alternative to censorship and demonitization. And that IS a strong selling point, to be sure, particularly given how MSM is ready to cut off anyone who steps even slightly out of line.
That said, I have been (in various capacities) part of assorted "free speech" endeavors for more that a couple of decades predating
SteemHive and my experience is that there is a... "loud segment"... within the freedom of speech/expression/action movement that ACTUALLY seem to be crusading more for "freedom from CONSEQUENCES" of their speech/actions. As in, attendant with the freedom to SPEAK, there is an unwritten "demand" to not be disagreed with." And they cry foul the moment someone suggests they actually are full of $hit.Again, that's not a Hive issue, that's a Human Nature issue.
The other thing about so-called "freedom" is that it tends to place the highest value on the individual. That means it's often easy for "MY Opinion" being more important than what is beneficial for an entire community. I being this up because the typical forcefulness of this mindset is often what drowns out (and frustrates) the soft spoken type mentioned in your case study.
I have seen many such "good people" leave, some with a fight, some just vanishing. A personal favorite dropped off the map in July after years of being a prominent "Hive Evangelist." I have also had content plagiarized and copied... for over 25 years online.
I would love to address more of your post, but it'll turn into a dissertation nobody'll read. And maybe that's part of how I am getting burned out. Nobody really cares about those with 25 years' web content creation experience. My response to which has long been "If you think being decentralized and on the blockchain somehow solves the vagaries of HUMAN NATURE, you have another thing coming!"
Thanks for writing this, and starting the discussion!
Absolutely loved this comment and I was into it.. so I didn't even think it was longish (though most probably would say it was)
I really loved the middle of it - and I agree with you... on all points. freedom from consequences. I wonder how this became a "thing"??? When did people start getting confused? How did this entitlement become such a force? I really don't know. But yes - blockchain will not solve human nature
and the things we see in the world (that we can't control) will be the things we see on hive (that we can't control)
I think part of the solution is to treat it the same way we treat the world. Stick to your community, explore and travel, but realize that you can only truly control your own actions - not others. So when people suck, walk away and let them suck. Help the ones in need, draw them in, and be ok with not helping everyone (because most do not want your help and you'll only end up being frustrated beyond belief)
i think i'm rambling. lol but i get it. i get you! LOL. you're my kind of people hahahaha
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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:
"At times, the temptation is to just push it aside and stick to your clique. No one likes animosity. No one wants to say anything that will make them a target. No one likes to be negated."
Lol I guess I should change my name to No one ;) jk haha I don't like animosity or being negated, but I think being able to see things from a wider scope does help quite a bit. Sometimes it is through our adversities and conflicts that we obtain the greatest growths (working out and through the pain with your muscles tearing is actually what helps develop bigger muscles)
Lol wth... I just found this post through a quote in another post... Well as you probably are aware @dreemsteem (edited in before last paragraph as something compelled me to read the bottom rip my time... be careful what you wish for your rule #2 maybe he was blindly convicted... i mean has a lot of conviction) I probably read most of this and thought to comment, but I realized nah I need to choose proactive measures as I've talked with many of you on a private level already. Wow this community is a lot smaller than I thought... as I am starting to notice all these repeat names or there are like categories/subcategories of cliques. @thealliance @enginewitty lol I'm not here for the money, I'm here to build a brand, but time will reveal that... No offense, but on hive itself would require too large of a sharehold for me to even have an amount that would pique my interest. After my experience with Neoxian I'm not so sure I want to be deeply invested into hive personally, but for me it is the best blogging platform that is in the crypto space, but I'm checking other alternatives as well. The fact that they hosted hive fest was an amazing deep dive for me into the VR space and how splinterlands also does dygycon. I actually think it will be through gaming/VR that causes mass adoption and understanding of crypto an not blogging... Maybe hive should consider showcasing or sponsoring splinterlands/risingstars/or other games into vr space or conventions that can help onboard people and spread more awareness at crypto conventions and other things. I still have far too much intricacies of this system to learn or not learn haha.
Hive will forever be a platform I implement into the future of my project because of the concepts and applications behind it, but there are quite a bit of flaws from my perspective as I'm a relatively new member just trying to absorb an insane amount of information...
!PIZZA as sorry for long post, but hey I read through several back to back walls so
(>'')> Bam a wall of text has randomly spawned! <(''<) @Lucylin I want 10-15minutes of my life back lol jk, but for real if you want to talk in discord I got you, but it has to be vc as I'm not wasting time reading more filth, but it has to be an understanding and an educational discussion or if you just need an ear to vent to as I do things in background, but I'm pretty good at unbiased answers/comments you can ask dreem hahahah) One thing you said that was rather alarming and made me feel some type of way was needing to say "For potentially having my granddaughter education taken away from her?"... Man that isn't fair to state something of that nature as you could have chosen more productive routes. Do a little research in my short time here I did stir the pot a decent amount... but I did it just calling out abuse not spew out a bunch of toxicity... Either way bro I'm sympathetic towards you and if you want to talk on twitch voice chat only as not reading a wall of text InfinityTcg#8041 and depending on who it is and what the circumstances are I can help navigate you through it more effectively (looking into vyb may help you https://www.proofofbrain.io/proofofbrain/@vyb.vyb/new-tribe-and-token-verify-your-brain-oror-vybrainium-vyb if tokens and metrics are your goals)
Brought to you by the Hive marketing initiative 'How to sell Hive to the world'...

The REAL hive road map....
Logic and a lesson in critical thinking #101
1/Tyrannical structures never endure.
2/Hive is a tyrannical structure.
3/ Therefor Hive will.....
For the more in depth critique, here's a post I made on blurt just now.
My hive account has been downvoted to zero on every post, by scared control freaks, for the last 9 months (and most of the large upvoted comments also)
From your attitude in this post, I think I can relate to why people react to you as they do.
I've never downvoted you. I think it fuckin sucks you and frot and and and.... and and and... downvoted because difference in opinion.
I see the big curation accounts downvoting opinions these days too. I don't think delegators and trailers are paying attention.
I recognize a few names on your blurt awards. Sorry it's like this. Good luck to you sir. 👊🏼
...the names are not important (they don't mean a lot- it's just an account name).
The cabal runs deep.
A soon as I've recouped my d/v losses from talking about hive - I'll be gone.('it's on principle', kind of thing - many wouldn't understand this on here lol)
I just hope that my efforts in recouping the lost rewards helps to put Hive where it truly belongs...
I know for a fact that a couple individuals with more money than most on here won't be looking at this platform as potential investment material.
Wait for my 'video discussion' with Bix Weir - he explains why DPoS/hive will not grow/thrive, in the new paradigm, quite beautifully.
(it's quite the eye opener).
I should probably know a lot more before entering into this comment lol but - I'm just gonna speak without all the info. lol
I dont see any problem with people posting from hive or blurt or steem or any other platforms for that matter (of course, anyone who knows about my project - knows that we accept posts from all platforms - and we have a presence on those platforms too)
But I wish that you would have spent the time to actually make a real appeal for people - if you thought Blurt was better. I can't imagine that people on hive that are actually looking for something else would look at your comment and think that they'd go there when what you're advertising feels like a lot of hate. Feel free to correct me! but my point is - if no one knew anything about hive or blurt, or you or the people downvoting you - but only saw your comment? they'd probably just ignore you. And if you think blurt is really better - why not take the opportunity to make a valid case for it - instead of insulting the people on hive to make them want to stay away? no?
Oh, there's a lot more to that story. Trust me.
gahhh. I don't know what this is in reference to because @lucylin is a rule breaker and wrote long comments. 🤣 (shhhh dont look at my comments in response @scholaris.pob !!!! just look at his! hahahahaha)
but yeah - i'm not sure what story you're talking about hahaha
Feel free to extrapolate away - I have no fear of the truths....I'm just too bloody busy right now! ...
what you're advertising feels like a lot of hate
....that might be because I hate philosophical absurdity, intellectual dishonesty, and financial manipulations that rewards the powerful, and punish the less powerful...I'm funny like that.
On a philosophical note - if you don't hate those qualities that I've just mentioned above - then what does that say about you?...(not a psychological analysis but an opportunity to know yourself).
I live my life through a filter of philosophy, morals and ethics. Did you read the link to the post on blurt?...If so, you would understand my position clearly.
Do you not hate dishonesty ?
I think you misunderstood me.
I was saying - you are advertising blurt, but doing so with a lot of hate. It feels like you're saying - "If you are filled with hate, then come to blurt" and I'm saying - how is that appealing to people?
I know a lot of honest people on Hive, and I'm sure there are many dishonest as well. Peaceful people on Hive, and Hate filled people on Hive.
But you're not really saying that Blurt is only filled with honesty, peaceful people - right?
Social platforms are reflections of the world. It shouldn't be surprising to anyone that there are serious imperfections with them when the world itself is filled with serious imperfections.
My point was - if you had a chance to actually show how Blurt is better - why not actually use the attempt to show it instead of leaving an angry comment... (on a platform that you hate?)
Asking them if they "hate dishonesty" is probably not the way to go - because I was over there on blurt today and saw plagiarism there (just like I saw it on Hive) so obviously dishonesty is on BOTH platforms.
(1/5) gave you LUV | wallet | market | connect | <><
ok so now i'm SUPER curious hahahaa
If you love his statement, then why are you happy to be on Hive? According to what @lucylin is saying - anyone who is seeing what he is saying shouldn't be here - but you're still pretty active and committed to Hive (forgive me if i'm wrong! LOL that's just my impression)
so - I'm missing something! LOL help me to see what I'm missing @mineopoly
People have different experiences here. Not all of it is good. I will give Lucylin credit that he has never had a problem with voicing his observations. I still think his situation is a special case.
I don't know - the conversation has kinda gone a bit away from the point of the post LOL I'm intentionally not upvoting his comments (not because of agree/disagree... because we ARE agreeing on certain things!) but because they're kinda taking away from the point of the post - so we are having a conversation down below.. hahahaha
I'm not sure if his situation is different from others that I've seen. I can think of 4 accounts right now where people have complained about downvote abuse that isn't about spam/plagiarism but about a disagreement of opinion - where whales are taking posts to 0, continuously -just because they can.
I've voiced my opinion on that several times and said - I don't agree - BUT that is STILL the Modus Operandi of Hive. and until that changes - it's "permissable" although not "beneficial" (in MY opinion lol)
I DO think that should really change. But - as it stands now - that is how Hive works and according to the system - it stands.
The only way to make it change is to appeal to people's sensibility for the longevity of Hive (which hasn't worked so far)
If you love his statement, then why are you happy to be on Hive? According to what @lucylin is saying - anyone who is seeing what he is saying shouldn't be here
riddle me this..
How do you fight in trenches, when all oyu have is rifle, while being 30 miles behind enemy lines?
I'll wait for a logical answer ...I'll wait a looong time, in fact... lol
There is a logical answer of course: Get the enemy to come to you.
(see - didn't have to wait that long!)
And ideally - if you can meet, talk reasonably, and come to a compromise - THAT is the OPTIMAL logical answer.
Is it likely to happen? No, not likely. But stranger things have happened.
I mean hey - look at how this conversation started - and look at where it is now? 😁
but Im still very curious to hear @mineopoly's answer because I very much respect that guy! hehehe
fighting - the engaging in conflict...NOT writing.(edit- writing?- ffs lol - WAITING) Soz... fail! lololol
Yeah, I miss the steem days, when engaging conversation was non stop...(and guess what?..While I'm a little busy to spend as much time as I'd like on blurt right now, (for various, and obvious reasons)...the 'quality engagement' on blurt is something I've already noticed emerging...
My point was for fighting/ engaging in conflict. Give the enemy a reason to approach. (I wasn't talking about writing, and if you don't know how to get the enemy to approach... lol then that might be one of the problems with your technique.)
As far as engaging on blogs... lol - I never am short of engaging conversations on Hive.
As you can see just with us in my post here. lol
and when I go to other people's posts, I do the same. engage genuinely because I enjoy it immensely. And it is HIGH quality engagement because we make it so.
and when its not high quality in intelligence - its high quality in fun because that's the kind of relationships I foster.
so - I probably WILL write on blurt, in the same way that I'll need to write on my vocal account - and other team members are on medium and even on steem,etc. Because our project connects people across platforms, as I said. so - when I go there - I will most definitely be bringing the same fun and genuine engagement I have here.
I will say though - I'm sure that you're finding a new place to grow there so you may be biased. Because I have heard of people trying out blurt and coming back to hive because of all the spam and LACK of quality engagement.
So my point to that is - platforms are what ALL THE PEOPLE make it.
...love you to !