
ok so now i'm SUPER curious hahahaa

If you love his statement, then why are you happy to be on Hive? According to what @lucylin is saying - anyone who is seeing what he is saying shouldn't be here - but you're still pretty active and committed to Hive (forgive me if i'm wrong! LOL that's just my impression)

so - I'm missing something! LOL help me to see what I'm missing @mineopoly

People have different experiences here. Not all of it is good. I will give Lucylin credit that he has never had a problem with voicing his observations. I still think his situation is a special case.

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I don't know - the conversation has kinda gone a bit away from the point of the post LOL I'm intentionally not upvoting his comments (not because of agree/disagree... because we ARE agreeing on certain things!) but because they're kinda taking away from the point of the post - so we are having a conversation down below.. hahahaha

I'm not sure if his situation is different from others that I've seen. I can think of 4 accounts right now where people have complained about downvote abuse that isn't about spam/plagiarism but about a disagreement of opinion - where whales are taking posts to 0, continuously -just because they can.

I've voiced my opinion on that several times and said - I don't agree - BUT that is STILL the Modus Operandi of Hive. and until that changes - it's "permissable" although not "beneficial" (in MY opinion lol)

I DO think that should really change. But - as it stands now - that is how Hive works and according to the system - it stands.

The only way to make it change is to appeal to people's sensibility for the longevity of Hive (which hasn't worked so far)

If you love his statement, then why are you happy to be on Hive? According to what @lucylin is saying - anyone who is seeing what he is saying shouldn't be here

riddle me this..

How do you fight in trenches, when all oyu have is rifle, while being 30 miles behind enemy lines?

I'll wait for a logical answer ...I'll wait a looong time, in fact... lol

There is a logical answer of course: Get the enemy to come to you.
(see - didn't have to wait that long!)

And ideally - if you can meet, talk reasonably, and come to a compromise - THAT is the OPTIMAL logical answer.

Is it likely to happen? No, not likely. But stranger things have happened.

I mean hey - look at how this conversation started - and look at where it is now? 😁

but Im still very curious to hear @mineopoly's answer because I very much respect that guy! hehehe

fighting - the engaging in conflict...NOT writing.(edit- writing?- ffs lol - WAITING) Soz... fail! lololol

Yeah, I miss the steem days, when engaging conversation was non stop...(and guess what?..While I'm a little busy to spend as much time as I'd like on blurt right now, (for various, and obvious reasons)...the 'quality engagement' on blurt is something I've already noticed emerging...

My point was for fighting/ engaging in conflict. Give the enemy a reason to approach. (I wasn't talking about writing, and if you don't know how to get the enemy to approach... lol then that might be one of the problems with your technique.)

As far as engaging on blogs... lol - I never am short of engaging conversations on Hive.

As you can see just with us in my post here. lol

and when I go to other people's posts, I do the same. engage genuinely because I enjoy it immensely. And it is HIGH quality engagement because we make it so.

and when its not high quality in intelligence - its high quality in fun because that's the kind of relationships I foster.

so - I probably WILL write on blurt, in the same way that I'll need to write on my vocal account - and other team members are on medium and even on steem,etc. Because our project connects people across platforms, as I said. so - when I go there - I will most definitely be bringing the same fun and genuine engagement I have here.

I will say though - I'm sure that you're finding a new place to grow there so you may be biased. Because I have heard of people trying out blurt and coming back to hive because of all the spam and LACK of quality engagement.

So my point to that is - platforms are what ALL THE PEOPLE make it.

My point was for fighting/ engaging in conflict. Give the enemy a reason to approach. (I wasn't talking about writing, and if you don't know how to get the enemy to approach... lol then that might be one of the problems with your technique.)

Continuing in the military metaphor...I'm gonna pull rank! lol
You misunderstand tactics, strategy, and psychology.
(having studied military history for 30 years, and philosophy and psychology for 7 or so)
The enemy is approaching me with every down vote.
I've been playing 'defensive' for 9 months... Intentionally, btw.
I'll soon be on the offensive (and the snowflakes on here already think that 'I'm offensive' lol !!....they ain't seen nothing yet).

I'm more than happy to explain the philosophical/tectical/strategic employed so far to you ....(again 'this kind of stuff' is my hobby, my passion, and my very raison d'etre)
i.e..I'm not using the 'appeal to authority' logical fallacy in my arguments.

I just don't have that time to do so right now, is all.