"The media attacks anything Trump says so of course they attacked HCQ because Trump pointed it out."
I think Trump was controlled opposition and/or a useful idiot to the deep state. He was made to talk about HCQ so that the media could then attack and demonize it. All safe and effective treatments and cures have been suppressed in various ways, so the masses believe the rushed gene therapy injection is their best bet.
Thanks for reporting on Haiti, I hadn't realized how low their numbers are. A lot of poor countries seem to be able to shrug off this pandemic. Very interesting.
Oh and I am not a fan on Trump's push for the vaccines. So while I think overall Trump did way better than I think anyone should have been able to in the circumstances the media and his opposition had him in, I also don't like a number of things he did.
In my eyes he ended up being the best president in my lifetime despite the negatives. The bar wasn't set very high though.
I didn't vote for him in 2016. I voted 3rd party Libertarian. I did vote for him in 2020 along with 11 or so people in my family that didn't vote for him in 2016.
I haven't written anything but some new info is coming out about Chile. Feel free to post something if you're up to it.
Looks like that report is a couple months old now.
The official death numbers for Chile show almost no second wave at all. Their numbers have been decreasing for a good 6 weeks now. Things are calm there now.
Okay... good to know. I saw that article but hadn't actually investigated. It is partially why I don't share direct links to sites like that. I usually go and verify their sources before hand and then if there is something to it I present my own perspective.
I see a lot of stuff on Gateway Pundit, and on Natural News and it can be very slanted so I always go look it up myself before writing anything.
Sorry I steered you wrong, but also I'm glad you put in the effort to find out.
Makes sense, I usually go the other route. I look mainly at mainstream media, and decipher the propaganda to see what they're really signalling, and how the deep state/elites really feel. Both ways are important strategies, and we combined forces to meet in the middle, where the truth lies.
Have you heard anything in the past few days on Seychelles? Seems like a blackout of info since the revelation about reaching 67% vaccinated yet still having harsh lockdowns, and increasing deaths.
I reblogged, upvoted, and cross posted your Seychelles post in Proof of Brain community. It is well done and needs more visibility.
I haven't seen anything about Seychelles. I'll let you know if I see anything.
I tend to go through a rotation of about 30 news sites. naturalnews and gateway pundit are two of those. They often are ahead of the curve, but I do have to do my own research to verify because often their delivery will be shall we say exaggerated. There is usually something of value there but the delivery is a bit over the top.
None of the forums I was lurking in over the weekend said anything about Seychelles.
Wait yes. I have seen something about Seychelles. I just always forget that is the name of that place off of the coast of Africa and North of Madagascar.
I haven't heard anything recently but I did hear they were more than 67% vaccinated at some point.
It is indeed one possibility. I haven't discounted that.
Though I've seen nothing that makes that absolutely the case.
I personally think he has areas he is knowledgeable about and didn't need advisors for. In those areas he did absolutely fantastic. In other areas he relied on advisors and he was given very bad advice. Choosing those advisors was a mistake but it was also not an area I expected him to be knowledgeable in.
You're not going to be particularly effective at draining a swamp if you keep picking advisors from a pool of swamp creatures.
You are also not going to be particularly effective in modern tech areas if through nepotism you take the advice of a son-in-law who clearly has his own agendas.
That doesn't mean you may not be right. As far as I am concerned both what you presented and what I presented are possible.
I don't have proof of either so I will not form my actions in that regard assuming either were accurate.
In this case when it comes to HCQ the end result is the same regardless of which one might be the case.
Oh and it could also be with regards to Trump that it is neither what you stated, or what I stated but instead something neither of us have thought of.