I think Trump was controlled opposition and/or a useful idiot to the deep state.
It is indeed one possibility. I haven't discounted that.
Though I've seen nothing that makes that absolutely the case.
I personally think he has areas he is knowledgeable about and didn't need advisors for. In those areas he did absolutely fantastic. In other areas he relied on advisors and he was given very bad advice. Choosing those advisors was a mistake but it was also not an area I expected him to be knowledgeable in.
You're not going to be particularly effective at draining a swamp if you keep picking advisors from a pool of swamp creatures.
You are also not going to be particularly effective in modern tech areas if through nepotism you take the advice of a son-in-law who clearly has his own agendas.
That doesn't mean you may not be right. As far as I am concerned both what you presented and what I presented are possible.
I don't have proof of either so I will not form my actions in that regard assuming either were accurate.
In this case when it comes to HCQ the end result is the same regardless of which one might be the case.
Oh and it could also be with regards to Trump that it is neither what you stated, or what I stated but instead something neither of us have thought of.