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RE: The Power of Fear (POB WOTW #005)

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

We experienced it when we were young, though we may not remember.

Who said we can't remember? Lol....I can still remember my fears as a child. When we were always afraid of the dark, or the demons under our beds. When we were afraid that mum or dad will beat us up whenever we mistakenly break a plate or cup. And lots more

Wow. So this is what goes into being trained as a warrior or soldier yet I have friends around me who dream of joining the army? What?? Deprivation of sleep, and leaving one emotionless as a result of fear? Oh my God! The soldiers ought to always be appreciated because they give so much for the safety of the nation.

I can imagine your suffocation under the water. It must have been a very terrible experience and that is why you vowed to get into the water anymore. I guess you survived it, and that is why I am sitting here, and reading your testimony. Thank God, there was someone there to save you.

Are you serious? Up there, you said you will never get into the water anymore, but here you are swimming with the others,. Isn't that amazing? I wanted to say you would get into the water again when you said you wouldn't, but here, I am congratulating myself by saying "oh I was right" when I read the next paragraph. I am happy you got out of your fears.

Thank you so much for the lessons shared. Thank God you are no longer unhappy with the way you look. I will try as much as I can to not allow my fears to destroy my chances at a better life, Thank you very much

Great entry. I wish you luck in the contest

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Thank you very much for your response. Getting into the water again was weird. I wasn't sure myself why I was doing it, but that's how it happened. One day I heard about swim trials and thought it would be a new start to a better life. I wasn't wrong, and I'm happier for it. The fear never left me, though, and that's what surprises me. It's how I looked at things afterward that changed.

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One day I heard about swim trials and thought it would be a new start to a better life. I wasn't wrong, and I'm happier for it.

As long as you are happy doing this, it's okay

he fear never left me, though, and that's what surprises me. It's how I looked at things afterward that changed.

Oh, that is very surprising. But since your perspective of things changed, it is also good.

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It is what has surprised me the most. All my ailments haven't left since I jumped in there. They have just quieted, but I know they are there. It's a constant vigil that seems like a daily chore now. In a way, I need that fear to remind me that I'm fallible. It helps me at work because I'm observant of my tasks. I can't even begin to explain it.

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You don't even need to explain it

For as long as you understand the way you feel about everything then its fine

I am proud of you from over here

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