While this might go against some rules, I think the most important rule of marketing in my opinion is to first, stand out. Preferably, stand out in a way that furthers the process of the sale.
Yeah, this is true. You must give value but do so in a dynamic way. A way that is different from the rest of the folks
Because just standing out doesn’t matter. There are plenty of the so-called influencers out there who have half a million followers but can’t drive 2 sales in a single promo. They’re good at standing out, but not too great at furthering the process of the sale.
You couldn't be far away from the truth. A lot of us have a large crowd following but it is not convertible at all.
We need to learn to create our competitive advantage by standing out. Once the crowd is doing this, we should deviate and do that
This will improve the amount of value we are able to give, and draw in clients, and customers