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RE: A walk through Nietzsche's Will to Power // Um passeio pela Vontade de Poder de Nietzsche

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

Human wants are never satisfied till death.

Most times we really don't know what we want exactly, we just sit and get confused, then get mad that we don't have a specific thing, but funny enough we don't really know what that specific thing is in real sense. Our anxiety gets the best of us most times, but sometimes this desires could come as a motivation, a source of encouragement to hit with double the energy, but it could also be a destructive force.

This was a great read, it really has that unusual feel to it 👌

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Thanks!! I'm glad it was a pleasant reading, I still need to improve my English to make the translation more fluid, but little by little I get the hang of it! On the "unreachable" and "inaccurate" desire, I agree. We act based on basic and attainable desires, like the ones I exemplified: eating, sleeping, feeling good.
But as we go deeper into this human social and cultural protocol, the more confused and inaccurate is the understanding of what we are really looking for. We may even have the power to go after it, but do we know where to go?

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