I would want to see more people getting along despite the difference in views. I believe one should stride to bridge that gap of understanding so that we may all move on and learn something new.
as @stevescoins just mentioned here,
only a subhuman WHO is unable to do those two simple actions resort to the DV.
the fact that DV is what they all can do I can only imagine what a conversation might look like when confronted face to face with someone of that caliber.
Confronted with arrogance in combination of fear and cognitive dissonance, etc, may turn violent. Henceforth over the safety of spilling out whats on your mind I find social media platforms a safer place to say whatever I want. So long as my identity is protected. If people DV me because of their opinion and not for "price adjustments"(I'm still skeptical about that claim), rather than just ignore or mute me and not vote up, I think that would be a safer deal either way instead of getting a punch to the face just because of a difference of opinion or standpoint.
arrogance (n.)
"a manifest feeling of superiority of one's worth or importance, combined with contempt of others," c. 1300, from Old French arrogance (12c.), from Latin arrogantia "presumption, pride, haughtiness," abstract noun from arrogantem (nominative arrogans) "assuming, overbearing, insolent," present participle of arrogare "to claim for oneself, assume,"
Source: type in the word in the search bar
As one can see here, it is composed of negativity. Assuming makes an ass out of both parties. Pride is only useful as far as there is evidence to back up the workings, but can also get in the way, if not checked, from attaining new perspectives. The problem I have seen with some individuals here is, that despite one writes a mean post, when confronted with evidence to contradict the claims, they still rather cling to their pride and not change their ideals. Rather they hide from the questions and the debate and misconstrue the words of the counter party to better "establish" their false ideals.
This can lead to lying about themselves to not "look silly or stupid" but do so anyways because of, whats the word of the day?
Anyways, that's the trait I find most disharmonious to any community and I hope someone will point it out to me with "empirical evidence" if I can caught in that cycle.
I have been on that end before and its a trait I have been trying to get rid of from my life.
An excellent point I missed; "price adjustment". TY for adding it to the discussion
Thank you for participating in the contest, @fractaldreams.