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RE: No. 1 - WHAT HAPPENS WHEN .........?

And here I thought I was going to find sculptures, instead I find philosophy, and good ones expressed I might add.
I've had many such experiences in my life beginning in childhood all the way through adulthood, so much so that now I am a very fractured person, very much a "knee jerk kinda guy.
After many years of counseling, which did little, I won my case for compensation for PTSD, which then caused the VA to regard my MH therapy more seriously, and now I actually have a "Clinical Psychologist" working with me.
Not often enough, but it is helping.
What has helped more is to not be faced with dealing with landlords and bullies, I have my own home finally.
And, I AM GETTING BETTER. @nineclaws , I've followed you. We'll be seeing each other more often now.

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Hahaha! Well, there is one sculpture in this, "The Droplet", that's a shadow of an amber tear drop I carved that I'm holding in the photo.

Wow, I'm really touched by what you've shared. Glad to hear you're being taken seriously, getting counseling and have a home you can feel safe in. I hope you have some additional support in friends as well. Good on you that you are seeing improvement!

I'm so glad you found my post to be of meaning. I wrote it with the intent of reaching out to others and that perhaps it would resonate and add a droplet of light in the dark. Thank you for following me.

I saw, and commented on the Amber sculpture, I was absolutely amazed that something so tiny could be carved that way.
It's one thing to whittle a piece of wood, but a precious stone is a different matter.
Thanks @nineclaws

I saw that you did, thanks!