Sounds like a good start and I hope it ended well with your Liverpool winning the match haha
Wow!! $18 for gas is expensive compared to the price here
Our 16.5 kg tank is a little less than $10
Sounds like a good start and I hope it ended well with your Liverpool winning the match haha
Wow!! $18 for gas is expensive compared to the price here
Our 16.5 kg tank is a little less than $10
Hahah... Liverpool didn't do the business well but they didn't give up all 3 points either. It ended as a draw.
Hmmm... One things about my country is that things unnecessarily becomes expensive here and we are left to deal with it the way they appear.
It's a survival of the fittest.
There are crazy things that happen in my country... but yours could be higher on the list of crazy things from the things I've read ;/