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RE: POB TALK 25/07/2021 - #57

I admit it and confess that before I entered the talk without reading above, but then I began to pay a little more attention. and today I realized the change without. Having to read again. it is a way of stimulating the commitment of each participant. well done leader @vempromundo.pob

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It was the same everyday so we just skim through to the comments. Only today it changed.

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Definitely and you are not the only one in this category,am not really speaking for other's,but I believe 85% of engagers here don't read at all,we only go straight to engage.

With this to me,it shows that the rewards is not the driving force at all for some of us,but rather the level of interaction and talk that do happen here is what keeps us going

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Neither me read this, cause it's always the same. Cause of this i made a warning reply ^^

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