
you can't have a rational conversation with people who are dishonest and unable to use logic in an honest way. when the strawman 'arguments' come out, people reveal their true nature and their own destiny.

What? Not a Q-anoner... tisk tisk.. just kidding... :D

I'm an anti-vaxxer if you want to call it that. I believe in freedom of choice over my body and don't want to partake in chemical experimental jabs.

Some would call me an anti-vaxxer, but I fully support peoples choice to gamble with their lives!

i'm very pro-vaxx


☝️ as long as CHOICE is involved right 🙂

I'm only antivaxx on my own body, I fully support others in their bodily endeavors, whatever that means :D

yes, when exactly did everyone forget about MEDICAL PRIVACY ?????

Hipaa laws?

I was asked in a grocery store if I was vaxxed by the cashier. I stated Hipaa gives me the right to not answer a store clerk asking me for my medical decisions.

This was only a short lived thing here it seems, because I've never seen it again since. I bet I wasn't the only one bringing that up...

Actually HIPAA only impacts those who deal directly with medical records.

While I totally support your right to medical privacy and the decision you made to not say what your vaccination status is, that has absolutely nothing to do with HIPAA.

I didn't know that. Thank you for clarifying. The store clerk didn't know either and decided not to argue with me about it :D

As a continuance to this.. I would like to propose a question to you, because you obviously know a bit more about this than myself.

Do you know of any laws/legislation(s) which protect someone shopping at the grocery store from being asked/harassed by a store clerk for their private medical information, which could be used as a proper reference so that people like myself are not speaking out of our asses to protect our privacy?

Such information I will share with others as well. I appreciate your time, thank you.

if a company, or individual is compiling a list of people, specifically regarding their "vaccination status" - that is a de facto "medical record"