Hello!..How are things going?
Good, I hope.
Your comments are well received matey, and I understand your perspective - it makes a lot of sense.
I have no doubt that I am indeed 'pissing in the wind'- re the hive sycophants.
I also know I've stirred up many people to speak up about things.
The chances of my account 'succeeding' are zero in the face of the 'woke mob mentality' that runs riot in the higher echelons of this place - that much is blatantly obvious.
I think the microcosm that hive is , also serves as a perfect illustration to the world, of what happens when you let 'woke idiocracy' run amok.
Some people have even said to me 'there are some benevolent whales out there'.
If 'benevolent' means a deafening silence and no action to mitigate vindictiveness, I call bullshit.
They are cowards. People need to start 'Manning the fuck up'.
The 'battle ground' - while appearing to be 'theirs', is not the case at all - It's very much ground of my own choosing.
(They continue to dance to my music, not the other way around...bless...lol).
The best way to initiate any change - creative destruction - in whatever guise that may come as , is best done using 'the enemies' resources as much as possible.
In the case here, the block chain becomes it's own double edged sword - one that they haven't quite fully grasped yet...but they will...
As you may have read on my posts, this isn't about me anymore - or hive , even.
I just happen to have found myself in this position through the 'evil actions' of others trying to suppress my truths.
One of the main reasons (imo), that we've 'suddenly' found ourselves living in this insane asylum (the real world ), is the willingness to 'walk away' from battles - thus letting evil triumph in doing so.
That - in my opinion - needs to stop.
Post haste.
It's a responsibility not fully grasped yet. But people are waking up to the reality of this.
If my actions help people to wake up, in this regard - it's worth the flak. ..
'Here' is as good a place as any...and my eternally optimistic stance says that while I might not change anything in the wider world, I can go to sleep knowing that I tried, in my own small way, to combat the cancer that has been allowed to run riot in society.
This all comes down to the fact that in times gone by (the last 100 years or so) the good people didn't stand up and fight when it was the time to do so. (Material decadence made it easier to just 'let it be').
By doing what I'm doing now , it may help in some small way (hopefully) to show others that accepting tyranny - digital feudalism, in this case - never leads to anywhere good.
My actions have unmasked a face of 'evil' - acting without any personal moral responsibility - which the very 'code is law' ethos, actively encourages.
The support I've received - as opposed to the flagrant attacks - is also noticeable.
( around 60+ upvotes for every single downvote given by 'the powers that be').
The flak that I'm receiving tells me that I'm very much 'over the target'.
If the idiots had left me alone to post freely, none of this would even be happening , but you can't fix stupid, as they say - I even laid it out to them several times !.
...failing my *'suicide' - that would not be suicide of course - I won't be leaving my platform because of bullies that have no brains but only large stake size.
I'm a 'stakeholder' to, after all - am I not?
*not quite as far fetched as it sounds after doing some deep research, btw - never underestimate what lengths the greedy, power hungry, 'nasgul', will go to...
I'm in a very fortunate position.
My 'posts rewards' could have provided me with enough income to live.
A perfect scenario for me, but one that can no longer happen now due to the actions of idiots - and so I've had to 're-adjust things'.
Annoying, but no biggie.
...But... when your 'bowl of rice' is so small , that you need around $12 a day to maintain your lifestyle, you find yourself in a strong position.
I can survive any 'siege' that they impose on me without any disruption...i.e - I still have lots of free time to do as I wish.
The 'reward siege' that's being enacted out on me right now - which shows off for the world to see in bright neon lights, is far better than me not being here - and could be one of the very things that will aid to bring changes...
Question : Are they really so brainless to not realize what it is that they're doing to themselves?..lol..(I now think that this may very well be the case).
Even if this place is not some 'establishment controlled social experiment' (a big 'if' , going off my research) - and is merely full of greedy midwits - their own actions against me are potentially stripping themselves of their own future wealth (via token price)....And if it's an ideologically driven scenario - then even better - It showcases the tyranny, lies, and and weakness, of leftist ideologies.
You couldn't make this up if you tried.
I recon after 'imbecile' a new word needs to be introduced for a new category - 'hivecile'! ..lol
The best revenge is ignoring ...
False - imo...We ignored the fed res, we ignored the proliferation of marxist doctrine in universities, we ignored, we ignored,....see what I mean?
There is no 'revenge' there - only the allowed proliferation of bad things ,and ultimately, the demise of good ideas.
The cost involved in the 'revenge of ignoring' is borne by those who choose to ignore. It's those very people who will pay the highest cost in the future...as they will *not be ignored by evil.
the second best is choosing a battleground of ones own choosing if one is of a mind to be most effective.
This is the battleground of my own choosing.
The most effective strategy online is shining the light onto things.
Being 'in the swamp' and seeing the swamp creatures in action is far better than any observing or commenting only externally .
If everyone they hold in disdain were to leave now, their mechanisms of extraction would be glaring to all outside of this cult-ure bubble.
Indeed, it does shows all the characteristics of being a cult.
I disagree though .
In my opinion, shining a light onto issues is a far better strategy than walking away from it.
The actions of TPTB would affirm this to be the case... i.e They want me off the platform. Logic.
(No Stockholm syndrome involved - but there may be some degree of masochism!...me and my pesky 'martyr syndrome'...Oh well...).
Watch this space !...You might like it ! lol...
Great to hear from you matey !... Where are you posting nowadays?...Stout allies are always welcome! lol
You know if I wrote all that I'd add a picture of some freaked out looking green goober and make it into a post...
damn!..I knew I'd forgotten something...