Frame control - or 'framing the narrative' are skills you employ and perspectives you take, that go some way to control social interactions and interpersonal relationships.
When you have frame control, people are “playing by your rules”.
They accept your frame - your narrative.
This means they accept your values, your morals, and your presuppositions.
They accept your leadership.
....destroying evil is always doing good
How you frame narrative has momentous consequences for how relationships unfold.
Manipulative and power hungry people will try to frame narratives to persuade others - at almost any cost.
Truth and integrity are only used if it fits 'their' narrative (which is seldom).
Similarly, lies and dis-ingenuity are seen as equally useful tools in the arsenal of the manipulative and power hungry.
Some people use 'frame control' for manipulative purposes (attaining, maintaining, or increasing power) , while others use it to illustrate truths...One is where the narrative itself is the vehicle of information, and not a conscious tool employed to garner influence , but to impart truths.
People who are trying to 'frame control' a narrative for manipulative or control reasons, (a favorite leftist/woke mob/low IQ strategy), use ambiguity, not precision.
They 'infer', not point out directly.
They use broad sweeping statements, not detailed accounts.
They take threads of truth and spin them in way that does not reflect reality (truth) - to then go on to create a false narrative - one which supports or influences others to accept their positions.
These strategies can work quite well on people who are not aware of these mind games - i.e people are unknowingly manipulated to believe a certain thing or other - irrelevant of the truth or facts.
For people who are aware of these techniques - observing ' frame control' for disingenuous reasons comes across as manipulative , weak, and very 'soy boy'... (and can be quite funny to!)
Oh, on a side note - I think sexy miss Karma hates disingenuous people.
Miss Karma
In the ongoing attempted character assassination of my account, the midiwts have piled on as usual - they are pack hunters, and quite cowardly as individuals
(I would draw a comparison to rats, but that would be an incorrect framing - as rats are far from cowardly).
One way of dealing with slurs and incorrect framing is to ignore it entirely , but with the double edged sword of blockchain ...ignoring is not the optimal strategy - and that is not good news for the midwit manipulators, ...bless.
(more about that later - ..and...ouch ! )
The thing with liars framing narratives is that it's meant to be a transitory point in time, and not there forever.
*See the politicians saying one thing at moment, and then the total opposite a few months later.
Disingenuous framing relies on this transitory characteristic.
Not 'standing in truth' as your narrative - i.e. your frame control - only comes back to bite you in the ass.
Standing in truth and using frame control, on the other hand, is timeless - and is a testament to authenticity.
The blockchain is the enemy of the disingenuous.
The midwit psychology, (the nasgul), the manipulator, the weak minded, the weak ego'd, the man child...
Let me change that....In a system of integrity, morals, ethics, and merit being the metrics this would be the case.
When it's not the case, we then have DPoS.
Ergo, in a functioning system based on humanity and it's values, blockchain is the friend of the authentic.
The reason I'm writing this now, before the next part of my operation, is not to defend myself.
This would be a strategic mistake when under attack from the manipulators of narratives.
Nooooooo... The reason that I'm writing this post is to state truths against twisted narratives that are being thrown in my direction.
Not to defend my position, but to state it clearly.
(why , is explained lower down)...
In the coming weeks and months it will act as a point of reference for even more attacks on my character that will undoubtedly be coming my way (silly mid wits - they really do have only have one gear...bless).
So, rather than waste my time going over and over continued spurious attacks - by stating my position categorically , it acts as a reference for anyone who is misled.
One of my supporters sent me this :
This is a prime example of attempting 'frame control'. To paint a picture to fit a narrative.
Lets break it down, shall we?... so as to illustrate perfectly what I've just described above.
'...just so you know' - is a strategy of passive aggression. It's the precursor to a sentence that frames critical appraisals in the clothing of 'helping out'.
It's way to disparage without ever having to take responsibility for it.
It's childish and very low IQ ,if you are aware of the strategy.
By constructing the sentence in this way - Starting with the 'just so you know' first, you are delivered negative inferences in the guise of helping out...
The poison wrapped in candy, kind of thing.
FACT: I referred to paying for sex in the third word countries as a more efficient system to help poor families than any 'charity work'.
No tax , no NGO grifters taking a cut, and no admin costs to dilute the monetary transaction getting to where it is needed most.
Is that clear?
That's a very different picture to the one painted above, isn't it?
See how this works?
The framing of the writer is disingenuous.
It is an attempt to disparage.
It is an attempt to control the readers perception of reality.
(constructing a faux reality for the reader to believe).
It's insulting to the reader, as they are expected to swallow lies and be happy about it....'just so you know'....
Frame control, when using these very low brow techniques , is easily seen through when pointed out ( for those wishing to know the truth).
'I assume'...he moved to SE Asia for particular reason...'
A not so subtle inference to the first part of the statement, referring to the sex industry in SE Asia and the assumptions of me, therein.
'Assuming' in this case, really does fit the 'make an ass out of you and me' one liner.
The reason We 'left the west' - where We were was in the sex industry (escorting , web camming,etc) is the diametric opposite of the inference !
You couldn't make this up if you tried.
We left the west and the sex industry, to live a different lifestyle! ...lolol.
(with my then g/f)
The midwits ability to shoot themselves in the foot - continually - is a sight to behold.
I love SE Asia, and living here for over 30 years - on and off - (before and after my foray into the sex industry) , the sex tourism aspect has never played a part in my life.
For example - before my sex industry lifestyle - I'd never even hired a hooker - In SE Asia -or anywhere else- for that matter...
To paint a picture that is false has to involve lots of inferences and 'opinion' - all without any actual information.
Here, the writer not only infers that SE Asia is some kind of sex haven - which is highly insulting of ALL the people of SE Asia , but it displays a condescending attitude of an entire continent - the writer displays humongous cultural ignorance.
The framing of the narrative is to try and disparage - not to provide information - Character assassination is the objective.
Truth and reality are only of any use if it paints the picture the writer wants to paint.
If they do not fit, they're simply twisted or discarded.
The midwit talent for getting everything so very wrong again, continues....lolol.
I was a prostitute*, not a pimp...But don't let facts get in the way of a narrative or anything like that! lol.
*All female clientele , btw - I'm not gay.
This is how this part works....
'Prostitute' could frame me as some kind of a 'victim', but 'pimp' frames me as some kind of evil predator.
Technically speaking I suppose I was both.
I was in charge or marketing for my then escorting g/f.
She did this herself before we got together, but then I landed the job when we were a couple.
I've also helped many girls out in setting up webcamming - for no rewards - not sexual favors, or monetary fee's, or anything else in fact...all recorded on the blockchain (in steemit mostly, I think).
Neither myself, or my (ex) girlfriend , were 'victims' - or predators.
We were highly successful.
We valued our 'employment time' at $200 per hour.
It seemed far better a lifestyle choice (to us) than flipping burgers for $10 an hour.
Time is our only real asset - for all of us - and we valued it as such.
We valued our work time at $200 per hour (or $350 per hour, as a couple).
The attempted dark narrative, and the 'not so subtle' character assassination, doesn't quite look the same now, does it?
You can probably tell by now that my sexuality, sexual attitudes, and sexually derived income offer me no shame, guilt or anything else negative. (no matter how much 'they try to frame it as such).
I only mention my sexual attractions because I have a strong feeling that there are some male accounts on here, that may 'have the hots' for me. ...(expressing itself as anger and disdain - both are forms of attention - it's the classical homosexual repression in denial of their own desires).
While I'm very flattered and all that - it ain't gonna happen.
Suck it up, buttercup (or not, in this case ! lol)
My ex g/f was escorting when I first met her (at a friends party), and she introduced me into the sex industry ! ...
What a result!
(Pre sex industry, I was the consummate highly sexed slut. I slept my way around the world - it was a fantastic experience! Back in the day, the sex industry lifestyle was the epitome of 'the bus mans holiday', for me....back then, I could not imagine a better use of my time for money. I was doing it all for free anyways! lol...).
I am not embarrassed, nor have regrets, nor ashamed - nor do I have any feelings of guilt.
Which makes me a very hard target to attack when trying to 'character assassinate me'.
Because it relies on guilt, shame, and other negative emotions...
It's something that the self loathing, intellectually insecure midwits, know all about - and as such , project it onto others - 'They' cannot imagine a reality without shame, guilt and self loathing, and so assume all other people must have it as well.
And they hate people who do not share this toxic internal landscape.
It's a freedom that they can never taste you see - and they're very envious of it when it's seen in others.
The hardest prsion to escape from, is the one that you've constructed yourself...
Their negativity, toxicity , and intellectual weakness oozes out of them - no matter how 'polite' they try to be while injecting their cancerous poison into unsuspecting minds_.
I'm looking at you, @nathen007 ! lol...
Notice the lack of any actual facts? ..just disparaging remarks.
Someone who thinks 2+2 does not have to equal 4 is delusional.
(By the very definition of what delusion is).
Someone who refers to the BBC as a 'good/reliable source of news' is either delusional, gullible, or mentally incapable of cognitive process..
(Anyone that trusts known liars falls into these categories, imo..).
Someone who refers to Keynesian economics, as being 'a system that can work', has no understanding of basic economics and must be of a socialist/communist bent as Keynesian economics is leftism.
...Or is lacking any philosophical rigor pertaining to basic principles of individual sovereignty, which, by extension, implies a lack of sound moral compass.
Someone who thinks that 'attention' is more valuable than the time you are given on this planet.
(How you can give attention to anything , without first having the time to carry out the act - any act in fact - boggles the sane mind).
SO... bearing the above facts in mind - who's delusional here? Who is contradictory?
(the facts are on the blockchain, and are not my opinion).
The above, are the statements of the writer who is trying to frame a disparaging narrative against myself.
Who is trying to frame a narrative to suit their purposes, and who is framing narrative to explain the truth?
The writer in question has been holding a grudge against me ever since my reaming of his weak positions, a couple of years ago.
I was pretty vicious in my dissembling of his perspectives - even by my standards. My bad.
The writer has never accepted my apology for 'going to town' on him ....I did not apologize for any of my arguments - they were , and still are - valid.
He never accepted the apology like an adult, nor has responded to my many attempts to get past it and converse.
I'd like to say its sulking, but I think it's something far darker (my opinion, not facts - hopefully I'm very wrong).
This inability to be able to move on 'like an adult' is indicative of narcissistic injury (due to our discussions).
This is indicative of a malignant narcissistic personality (or worse).
These are my opinions based on my knowledge of psychology - not facts.
I noticed that he's had a stroke (nothing to do with writing this comment a day or so before the stroke, and karma...).
I wish him more than a full recovery - and hope he comes out of it a better man from the horrible experience that he's had to go through.
My wishes seem to have a funny habit of coming true.
The haters here would probably wish me death in the same circumstances...Including taraz, (imo)....bless.
Love is the law, not code. ...Any pennies dropping yet?
Ok, so now that's out of the way....
As I said before, I'm laying it all out here in the open, on one post - so as to avoid going over and over the same old ground time and time again.
I'll leave people to decide for themselves who is being authentic, and who is being disingenuous.
The conclusions that you come to, is you taking responsibility.
If there are any ambiguities I've left out, feel free to ask.
*And not for 'getting your rocks off' purposes you pervs, please - I'm not going into 'the work details' here - there's plenty of those on old steemit posts.
Based on what facts?
'Blatant troll' - I'm not even gonna bother with that one - all leftists see the pursuit of truth and logic as 'trolling'- it's the intellectual equivalent of shouting 'racist' to drown out an argument.
Ad hominem attacks - attack the messenger not the message.( i.e they have nothing, only impotence expressed as rage).
....all you @ 's - please confirm to others on this post, please - when/if you read this - So as to confirm my claims..)
Shepz graciously offered to lend me some steem to cover the bill, which I accepted.
I then returned the steem to him a few days later - and I added 10% or 20% extra steem on the payment, as a 'thank you'.
Hardly the act of someone dishonest.@shepz1 - three years ago, I was in a pickle - and close to my internet being cut off for a few days (agh! lol).
Both of these accounts supported me with steem/hive over different periods of time, and gave me tokens to see if I could trade them.
I returned it - all voluntarily, and without ever being asked for it back...
Approximately 180 steem/ hive, and over a 150(?) POB as a thank you. (over $100 in total returned if my calculations are about right).@angryman @bashadow
@angryman sent me 100 steem (value of around $16 at the time).
I returned to him 40(?) POB as a thank you for his support. That was also a gift to him, and a token of appreciation.@bashadow gave me 20 hive in support at the time - without ever asking for it back - it was a gift.
*the numbers are not accurate, but ball park - I can't be arsed going through the blockchain - the amounts are not important (I'm not a midwit nasgul) , - the money is not important - but the dynamic is.
@battleaxe and @frot
Both of these cool individuals have exchanged POB for hive (and other crypto's direct into my wallet via ltc etc).
This has added upto several hundreds of dollars in value over time.
I have never sent POB to either account, without first taking their hive/crypto deposits.
i.e ...they trusted me to not take the money and run.
I have never reneged on an agreement between us,(please confirm this @frot @battleaxe...) , and in fact - only gave more than favorable exchange rates compared to those on the open market.
Unfortunately she is no longer with us to confirm this in person.I also offered to give @fitnfun a dormant company title that I have here, so as to avoid her having to travel across boarders all the time...for free - the would cost a lot if she was to set it up from scratch. This offer is also on the blockchain.
Now ask yourself:
Choosing what to believe is being told to you, is the responsibility of the reader...
If you fall for - or are taken in by - word salad ignorance, posing as wisdom, or passive aggressive, postmodern 'logic' posing as authentic argument ....THAT'S ON YOU, no one else..
Fucking hell, this a long post!
I think I've cleared everything up - but like I say - It's not in defense of myself's so other readers, off hive , CAN read it it._
It's serves as a reference to save time.
I ain't gong it all over again.
It acts as an easy marker.
I might as well write it down now, before phase 2...
This attempted character assassination has only just started, believe me.
My character - using the only objective facts that we can on the blockchain - speaks for itself.
(Unlike the many accounts that I'm going to be pointing out).
And a special thanks to all the whales that have shown their true colors so easily - you are truly the gift that keeps on giving.
....when midwits try to be clever
Coming soon....
Feudal oligarchs (whales) make rewards 100% conditional...
It's all based on how 'woke' and sycophantic you are, and how willing you are to never ask any questions of the authority.
(Or any intelligent questions at all, really..).
*this does not appear to be the case in the proof of brain tribe.
And hopefully this will go some way as to explain why a 'midwit czar' is needed.
I see midwittery as cancerous for any ecosystem, and thus stopping it before it spreads and kills the host, is a vital task.A big, big shout out to @proofofbrainio once more.
I am only surprised you still rise to their bait. I have no time for them.
You have always been okay with me. I helped, you paid it back. All good in my book. And your private sex life has nothing to do with me or them.
I'm not rising to their bait, matey.
Like I said, it's a marker to save time later on.
(It's all on the blockchain anyways).
All will become clear...
Got to do what you want to do.
I read this part and remember Robert Greene saying this in one his laws 👇👇
He explains these folks you mentioned above have an inward instability that always has a desire to upset and unsettle They always present themselves as victims, making it difficult for others to see that it is self- inflicted. And if you associate with those they despice, you will begin to suffer in the eyes of others through a kind of guilt by association
The lessons he gave was that we should flee their presence, because they will always be unchanged while we are unhinged
Now, this part reminds of something I read somewhere that says, those who attack other people are simply upset about the fact that they cannot be like them. Simply put, they are angry about the freedom as you said, and it's because they can't get that level of freedom as a result of their insecurities.
Now, this exactly what he said we should do with infections, and I quote 👇👇
He's just a gigolo, and everywhere he goes, they all sing songs about him,...
Stop shooting with a shotgun, these 'whales' have names, and not all of them are like the ones that have you in a quandary.
Yes, it is true that all whales have this power, but not all whales use it.
Maybe call them 'the bad whales' to clarify your intended reference from the 'good' and the 'neutral' whales, eh?
Can we get a new news report?
I can assure you, names will be named - all on my timetable, int he way I choose.
Blockchain is double edged sword - one not quite understood properly, methinks.
Allow me to explain it....
Oh, no - I'll show you instead...
See you on the other side...
Yee haw, boys!
We got us a rodeo!
HaHa! In former times, you would probably have been thrown on the stake as a witch. Or, if you had been in a better karmic position, you would have been employed as a jester at the court of a king. In any case, you are a provocative type of person, which I welcome.
I certainly don't agree with you on everything, but I am all for diversity in the web of human individuals. How boring our existence would be if we were all knitted the same way. I suspect most of us grew up sexually repressed in some way.
Prostitution takes on a repulsive quality when it is involuntary and you go to bed with people you are disgusted by. Having sex with people for money, choosing your clients and not letting them treat you as a commodity requires a very pure mind in my eyes. Free from all shame and guilt and remorse. Like you said. To be such a person you would have to be of a kind of enlightenment that makes me wonder if such is not the desire you have rather than you really having had that ease at every moment of your personal history. That is, without exception and the strange flavour that as a paid escort one probably feels the odd time when one crosses the fine line between being one''s own or being owned by another. You will know what I mean?
As a young woman, I had the experience that, invited by a very wealthy man, I enjoyed the meal very much, but something in the background made me feel uncomfortable. The premonition proved to be correct, as this man clearly - afterwards - made me understand that I should be sexually pleasing to him. However, he was not my type and so the situation became quite uncomfortable for both of us. I thought it was clumsy, because if he had interpreted the signals correctly, he would have refrained from his approach. But it could just as well be that I had already suspected this myself and, in order to spare myself the situation, didn't need to accept the dinner invitation in the first place. He was actually close friends with my then bosom friend and I was supposed to keep him company that evening because she had to work. If I had found him attractive, it still wouldn't have been a quid pro quo for an expensive meal, because then we could have eaten a sausage sandwich and drunk cheap booze.
There have been moments in my life when someone's uptightness has made me feel their shame. I was out for a sexual conquest, wanting to have an easy and nice day. And he went along with it. Afterwards, however, he cut me like the devil cuts off holy water. I was irritated at first, but then suspected that he was ashamed for reasons I didn't know. I was embarrassed by this because his discomfort caused me one of my own.
It is sometimes not easy to draw a clear line between one's own feelings and those of others, because we equally know shame as a basic feeling, even if it then affects other areas that have nothing to do with sexual liberty, for example.
Loving someone, even if only for the moment, is a very beautiful experience. To really genuinely like each other without asking the other for their phone number, a reunion, and to spend the most beautiful warm summer night with dance and music, I think is a precious experience. Not to succumb to the fallacy that one could ever repeat such a night with the same stranger, but to leave it in uniqueness. We didn't exchange the "usual facts" like "what do you do for a living" blah blah - I asked him not to destroy the magic. He was more than willing to drop all the platitudes and phrases. The only thing we exchanged were our names. Never saw him again after that one in a million night :)
Glad, that you still stirring the scene. I got used to your style and attitude.
Bye for now.
When you set your own market, you set the rules.
We had (maybe) half a dozen meets in over three years, that were 'awkward'.
Out of hundreds.
Shit happens, a job is still a job.
We never had any truly negative experiences.
The biggest part of the work?...A friendly ear.
Psychotherapy almost. Seriously.
We had clients where, after after a few meets, sex was never even on the agenda - it was about having open dialogue and clients being around others who allowed them to be themselves.
I'd go even further than that, and say that 80-90% of escorts meets are rarely about just getting naked and having sex.
Until I did this work, I never realized the sheer amount of unhappy, and very repressed people that there are out there.
I've lost count of the amount of people breaking down in tears because of their personal circumstances.
It was an excellent learning experience regarding psychology and human behavior.
When people are truly naked (metaphorically and literally) the mask slips away - and that is what clients happily pay $200+ an hour for....
I am certain it's exactly the way you describe it, which makes my comment and your answer worth to be read.
People pay for kindness and having a good time. One can look at it from different perspectives, can one? I often heard that it's not always about sex but about having a sincere company. If the client can relax into that, even though he pays for it, then it's all good, I think. It's people trying to shame both who are the judges. That can turn someone around.
I bet, it was an excellent learning experience and I don't judge you for that.
I just could not do it myself, I am not relaxed enough. Lol.
That's for sure. If shit happens, you let it happen and move along :)
Sometimes yes, sometimes no.
Greetings! :)
Hello Lucylin,
I stopped using Hive almost a year ago, disgusted by many of the things I've seen. I still follow some of the drama, witnessing the power schemes you reveal with your baited posts among many other places it is flexed here.
I congratulate you on your cleverness in pulling them in, even BlockTrades. Having said that, I do wonder why you wont just move on from their turf. Shake the dust of them from your feet, or at least move to a playground that isn't under their control if you feel the need to help karma find its way to them?
Many who are here have been indoctrinated into the cult-ure, and you are mostly pissing into the wind with your energy. As I mentioned, this is their playground and those who wish to succeed here (to the extent they are allowed to) will do so by adopting the Hive mind and fitting in to the desires of the owners here.
I make this effort to actually log in and have this gesture with you because while we do have different outlooks on many things, I find that despite the many decisions you've made in life I wouldn't, when it comes to character yours shouldn't be questioned in most things, especially by those who have been doing assassination attempts on yours. One of your most refreshing qualities has been your rigidness, refusing to be all things to all men. Which includes not succumbing to the hive think that one need adopt in most cases to thrive here.
I don't wish to turn this into an anti Hive comment, I do well enough with that elsewhere off their platform they control. I instead wish to urge you to do as I do. Don't give them the satisfaction of playing this game on their terms, on their battleground. I've never understood those who rant and belittle this place yet stay. The best revenge is ignoring, the second best is choosing a battleground of ones own choosing if one is of a mind to be most effective.
As soon as those of you who post counter to the mind think of the left (and pretend right) stop using the platforms that seek to silence and intimidate (or character assassinate) you, the sooner they will fall. So many bitch about Fakebook, Twitter, Reddit, Hive, Steem etc yet continue to use these platforms. They will never fail, nor will one gain the freedom to speak their perceived truth if one keeps going back to the abusive platforms like some Stockholm Syndrome victim.
If everyone they hold in disdain were to leave now, their mechanisms of extraction would be glaring to all outside of this cult-ure bubble.
Best of luck in whatever you decide.
Great points... missed your posts...where are you posting these days?
Thank you. I still post a little bit elsewhere. Please see my lengthy reply to Lucylin below. I still peek at times to see many posts here, like your own and Lucylin. I just prefer not to log in and participate in this system.
All good points, but my perspective is different - see reply ...
Good post. Being framed and people living and obeying your rules is a good but ability to control one self and not allow the power to overwhelm someone is what one need to get. If not one may loose it again and those that has been looking up to someone will start disrespecting.
One of my greatest believed and understanding is that people act according to their knowledge and how far they used their sense of reasons, framing people for selfish interest will not only affects l them once the truth comes out,but will also affect others who know nothing about it cause the person question will have to limit it level of intimacy and interaction with people so as to avoid such incident again,but like I do say to my people in school," truth will always be truth if nobody does it and lie will always be lie even if everyone does that too"
People are different, they all have a right to their opinion. I enjoy both yours and Taraz post, and both of your unique takes on the chain and on life and on people in general, but then again I was always able to feel comfortable in a wide range of groups, (social constructs), while growing up. I had friends in all the various high school cliques and military cliques.
I was equally happy chatting with the chess team, (I was a member), as I was with the sports people, (I was a member of several sports teams). People have a tendency to want to pull people away from people they for what ever reason do not like, or choose to not like someone because they like someone, high school all over, even on the block chain.
I hope things will go well for you, and that the Hive attacks will not carry over to POB, I myself have decided that POB is no longer for me, and I am beginning to question whether I will continue in the social vein of the Hive block chain. Their is just to much dis-ingeniousness and a very sever lack of integrity and adult hood lately.
I had hoped for a more responsible social media type activity zone, but it seems every time one turns around Hive continues to degrade. I hope HF 25 will fix a few things, and I hope by HF 27 there is some serious discussions about the down vote issue, but I know it wont be.
I noticed this about mankind, when you are psychopath you just need to pick targets people hate, and then you're a hero.
Lucylin.. your writeup is really interesting
The entire.. he's a pimp thing made me laugh.
spammer, scammer, milker. insert meaningless word used to impact people people who are using WORDS in ways that aren't appreciated by a few really is annoying.
As I always say, POS, equals.. those with stake can make good and bad decisions and they pay the consequences with the price.
I think they pay with things, other than just token price, to (Me and Karma are good mates).
This place is gonna collapse...
If they don't care, is it still karmic?
....karma has no regard for those who don't acknowledge her presence - In fact, I think she rather enjoys dishing it out to the deaf.
She's a playful little tyke...
ahhh yeah not been on a lot , busy bee but not the online type as of late ;) anyhow yeah I had zero issue with giving ya' muh air monies for other air monies .........I'm not on Hive frontend hardly ever and deliberately don't really keep up because I like to adventure into different places and communities like the magical butterfly I am :)
I thought you'd gone very quiet !
I think this was an excellent post. You're 100% right, their Covert Aggression tactics WILL FAIL THESE MIDWITS.
What's actually a bigger problem for them is being unable to censor and silence you.
I must admit it freaked me out a bit when I started getting downvoted and called out as dodgy on Hive for being one of your friends, but when I read a post like this one I'm proud to be associated with you. That is pure honest truth in a sea of fakery.
And yes, you are so 100% legit in your cypto transactions i don't even bother to check the maths half the time, because you have rounded it in my favour every time i have checked.
...... I'm not gay, ok? ...lololol.
You sure? I've been "hearing things". That makes me clever
I know about the cross dressing thing...its ok, quite hip these days in fact...