Thats freaking fantastic mate! well done for using this tough time to work on yourself and fight against your struggles. I think lockdown is a time some will decline and some will thrive and its good to be on the right side.
I Had a problem with eating to much, was 300 pounds and in the high risk category so used lockdown to build a home gym, cut out the junk food ect and am 80 lbs down to 220 now:)
I added lots of things, dried pasta/rice and potatoes plus things to cook them with. In fact I could write my next post on it and go into things more there.
Whoops, comment slipped through the cracks lol. A bit late on this one
Good on ya pal, that's solid progress. Definitely get a post written up about it, I'm sure everyone here can relate to diet and eating habits, it's just a part of life.
Keep it up!