These last 12 months have been tough on mental health.. and Being prepared.

in Proof of Brain4 years ago (edited)


When I am sat here at home posting on proofofbrain sometimes I forget how tough the past 12 months plus have been on everyone's mental health, for some more than others - but everyone in one way or another will have had some impact from this.

The constant lock downs, the lack of being able to see friends and family , the shops being shut, the constant death and infections of covid-19 announced on the news, and for some the passing of a loved one due to this terrible illness.

Do you remember or did you experience any of these?? what about the panic buying??

I remember waking up one morning and hearing on the news that everyone was panic buying food and toilet paper - now I had some supplies in anyway , I think it is wise to keep some food stored for difficult times (financially difficult as well as a pandemic or natural disasters) but this alone set me off.. I too panicked.

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I am somewhat ashamed to say that I added to the problems, I went round multiple super markets and bought whatever stock we did not have, I added to our toilet paper stores , I have a family and I had to make sure they were provided for, I also have elderly grandparent that I look after and provide for. It was not just for me but for them too.

For weeks it was uncertain what you could get, some people resorted to stealing toilet paper from public toilets and hospitals because the shops were empty..

Has this effected my mental health?? I am not sure. But it has made me have quite extensive stocks on hand. Should it ever happen again I wont be panicking, I will feel a sense of serenity that I am prepared and my family will be provided for.

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There was a show on TV a while ago called "doomsday preppers" and whilst they were very much the extreme end of the spectrum, I have to say they were the people who did not have to panic at all. HOWEVER - there is a fine line between being prepared, and being in a constant state of panic waiting for the next disaster.

Life is for living - And I hope wherever you are you are able to live your best one.

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I think we are in for much more and much worse over the next 10 years. The governments are taking more and more and people just listen to what the Sheep leader tells them.

I was already prepared as I saw what was happening in China and knew it was coming to north America and fast so we stocked up from December till march.

I am still buying and stocking on cans goods and dry beans. I think the worse is yet to come

I have seen multiple articles about the great reset, its pretty scary stuff and I have started wondering if these government lockdowns are now a population control exercise.

Having some provisions is a good idea, we have about 100 tins of food, a lot of tinned curry and mince.

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The great reset is a real thing here in North America. We have our PM tell us we are setting up for the great reset and I believe Biden has used the same words.

This is and was the plan from the start. We are seeing more and more communism in Canada.


I honestly felt like I was battle-ready for the lockdowns. I've been in large periods of isolation in the past and had ups and downs with mental health and addiction so I was prepared lol.

I did notice the change in others though and could relate strongly with the withdrawals I was seeing. Fortunately the lockdowns (although much later on than I'd hoped) actually gave me an opportunity to tackle my addictions and mental health worries. I was sober for 3 months last year and did end up relapsing towards Christmas, but I've came back in full swing in 2021 and I'm currently 2 months sober and preparing to take the world by storm as the lockdowns are lifted.

I'm curious, what kind of food did you add to the stockpiles? I'm wanting to prepare myself at some point and I was wondering if you had any kind of plan for food to keep it interesting and not just beans on toast for months on end lol.

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Thats freaking fantastic mate! well done for using this tough time to work on yourself and fight against your struggles. I think lockdown is a time some will decline and some will thrive and its good to be on the right side.

I Had a problem with eating to much, was 300 pounds and in the high risk category so used lockdown to build a home gym, cut out the junk food ect and am 80 lbs down to 220 now:)

I added lots of things, dried pasta/rice and potatoes plus things to cook them with. In fact I could write my next post on it and go into things more there.

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Whoops, comment slipped through the cracks lol. A bit late on this one

Good on ya pal, that's solid progress. Definitely get a post written up about it, I'm sure everyone here can relate to diet and eating habits, it's just a part of life.

Keep it up!

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Yes. I would have never thought, how draining zoom-sessions would be. It's incredibly tough to keep that listening face up and I definitely had days as a college student, where i just didn't have the energy to take part in it.

Normally you have short moments of being watched, where you can smile back and nod, while the rest of your time your face is relaxed. On zoom you feel watched all the time and your getting nothing back. Everybody is watching at their screen instead of their camera. Eye contact gives you energy.

I don't think there is a crazy conspiracy and we will have to do this forever. That seems like an unpopular and rare opinion on Hive, but I think we're doing fine. It's tough how slow vaccination is moving, but on the other hand, there are still doubts about Sputnik and Astra Zeneca. So in some way, it was too fast.

I hope we will be done with this by 2022. Wearings masks when you're sick, will probably stay with us for a long time. Asians have been doing this for years, while there was always a stigma to it in the west.

Lack of hugging, handshaking and eyecontact is definitely draining my mental health. But we humans are resilient. We will survive. :)

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doomsday preppers

I found this program very funny and at the same time strange, and if for a moment these people were right, they would be one of the few to be, even if minimally, prepared to face some calamity.

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