Hello to everyone here!
I know that Proof of Brain is a general topic community, but I was wondering if there's a topic which gets emphasized more then most. I'm sure posts about crypto are welcome, but if I wanted to post about something totally unrelated, what are the more common topics people post about here?
I haven't spent as much time at Proof of Brain as I had expected, but I hope to change that. I just need a bit of direction and focus.
I don't know myself actually.
Articles of different topics have their time in the sun. I would follow @AMR's articles on engagement for more details. I honestly don't know if we've done a particular trending on topics vs. engagements or awards.
One thing that will draw people to you here is engagement. People who are more familiar with you will seek out your work. Consistency is also important. Check out @wiseagent's frequency of posting, for instance, it's pretty impressive and he always puts out good quality articles.
There are many different flavors of writers in this community. Successful in their own right. They're all over the place in terms of writing style.
@scholaris.pob How come you are not introducing people to POB-WOTH? You are te brand ambassador there :D
Oh! It’s been due to timing. Last two weeks has been a special WOTW so no update post last week. This week my intro will be late as I have vacation scheduled this week.
Oh that's good to hear. A vacation, aah! I don't know when we will have the chance to take one here in India, thanks to Covid. You have fun dear! Enjoy your vacation.
Things just started opening up here in California USA. Other states in the nation were fully opened way before California.
I agree with you on this boss.
Hello dear, welcome to POB talks. If you know the first and foremost rule of POB is to have a brain 😊. Post something you are having knowledge, passion and interest. I don't think any particular topic gets more encouragement. It's quality of content that matters most. Also it you want to get more recognition then you need to be consistent and authentic in your work and that's something you can achieve with your area of interest. What are your hobbies, what you love to do, find out something about which you can write anything and anytime. That's your strength. Hope you get what I want to say. Be Yourself, original, consistent, creative, curious and learn from each other. Keep engaging at POB talks, you will definitely learn a lot. 😊👍
Hey @magnacarta Welcome to the community!
You will find all genres here. You just need to use the right tags to find out what suits you the best. People definitely talk a lot about crypto here but that's not the only topic for sure. Anything that gives learning and knowledge in any stream is welcomed here.
Welcome Magnacarta. Don't think there's any specific topic here on POB. What matters is if you contents are not low standard and people can easily relate with it.
Also engagement seem to be important here so as to get lost in the crowd. The reason one must have a target audience and interact as much as possible with them
Thanks for the welcomes, everyone!
As a general topic community, I can post about anything here. I just don't want to waste time posting about dead cats when everyone is posting about shiba inus, or dirty socks instead of clean sheets.
It's true that some topics have their day in the sun, and that's what I was trying to figure out.
What you asked is a nice question and it shows you're paying attention to the community to observe somethings..
I myself do not know the actual post which are specific to pob community unlike CTP, Stem, weed, natural medicine and sports ltalk etc that have barriers to know you can post or tag to post in there community.
I myself do call Pob the heart of Hive, in my own understanding I define it to be the ground or platform that accommodate all posts in the ecosystem as a result of creativity.
I say that because when you take time to check you will see most post from other community that tag proofofbrain to there posts while proofofbrain post are limited to an extent.
I will just say we post article that are relevant from all angles to the community.
Exactly-- The communities and/or tribes you noted have a specific focus. Proof of Brain is open to all topics.
At any given moment some topic or other is the topic, and that's what I'm trying to determine before I post. If my post is on a topic no one cares about, then no one will read it. No one wants to see 0 upvotes with 0 comments.