Wait what. It opens with which America would you choose. A reference to the civil war. Are you pro slavery or anti slavery.
I'm not sure of what it is that you're trying to say in this post. Are you suggesting that slavery and racism did not exist and does not exist? You would have to have lost two eyes and your ears to say racism doesn't exist.
It's kind of sad that a country has to go to war with itself over if slavery is good or bad. I mean keeping someone chained up and forced Labor is morally wrong is it not?
Respectfully I think you should do some more research on history.
Some people just don’t understand this was the whole world not just America pre 1865. If someone can’t understand what the video was saying they didn’t watch it , they got triggered.
What you on about? Guess where Britian went to next... Australia.... guess where slave traders went after America. The pacific to black bird Island nation kids to not work on cotton but sugar cain.
Then to China and the Middle East and now India.
I know. I think we are trying to talk about two different points. Let’s move on. Don’t feel like arguing with a fellow hive family member. But the original video u commented on you missed the point. Might be worth some digging on the topic. It’s not what u took it as. Critical race theory is a communist playbook. It’s propaganda garbage. I don’t see how ur jumping to a history lesson and missing the point. Ur arguments have nothing to do with this
What did I respectfully get wrong sir?
I’m half asleep
Sorry for not being very helpful. I will do some digging in AM for some sources that make this point better. I just get from ur original reply ur not interested in this. Ur minds made up. If not I’m happy to forward more sources tomorrow. Honestly not trying to sound like a jerk. I wish I used a different word then triggered. It’s all respect for anyone in the hive family. I know it’s intense topic these days. I only sound so bold pushing back because it really wasn’t about what u first got out of it
No stress my friend, I'm not triggered I'm not American. But to denounce racism exists is rewriting history. It is a very real thing.
I'm just not familiar with CRT so my point was in confusion as I didn't know where this post was going. From a glance CRT looks divisional but I don't know anything about it.
That’s where we missed it Eacy other points. Dig into CRT. I understand why u took it differently without knowing the background on it. Hit me back if I want any sources to check out. Cheers 🍻
Watch video again with triggering put aside. I don’t mean any disrespect. But u missed the entire point. Watch again without getting triggered.
That video was a repudiation of the 1619 project. It does not deny that slavery happened or that racism exists. America's beginnings, just like any historical event, can get viewed through many different lenses. The 1619 project aims to indoctrinate children with harmful critical race theory brainwashing. CRT aims to train children to be racist against whites and call them oppressors. It teaches black children to see themselves as permanent victims and robs them of their agency. What we're talking about here is highly sophisticated and weaponized propaganda meant to cause maximum harm, not only to students but to society, writ large. If CRT's aims get met, America will move towards the path of apartheid, rabid tribalism, collectivism, and possibly a race war. CRT is a wolf in sheep's clothing and probably brought to you, in part, by the likes of the Fabian Society and similar organizations.
I'm not fully across CRT it's funny that this has been brought up because I asked about CRT recently in the man cave because some people have been bringing it up in my country and I didn't know what it was. It sounded odd and didn't make much sense.
I can't comment on CRT or the link between this post and it or what you're trying to align to. But I would be in agreement with you that current America was born in 1776.
Has racism occured it is a belief that is held by the weak to retain control and profit. There is more slavery today then in the past and we still all profit off it. Dalit caste of India are used as Slaves.
Are there still prejudices today yeah, because people are dumb. But not everyone holds that belief. Over 80% of people voted in favour of stopping slave Labour. If everyone was racist we wouldn't have abolished slavery.
If you have kids in school and they're anywhere near the harmful critical race theory brainwashing (or critical theory in general). I would act urgently to try and get the practice ended immediately. This stuff is doing a whole lot of damage to people's minds. When beliefs get adopted, the deprogramming process can be very challenging. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts, @melbourneswest!