I would never kick a user out of the community for poor or offensive writing. I think everyone is allowed to write as they wish and we should have the brains to ignore poor writing as curators.
It's not grammar and spelling that turns me off. I like new ways of spelling words and experimenting with English. I used words in the last WOTW contest that don't exist in the dictionary like chunkage and clumpage. These words don't really exist in the English language but are words that I use colloquially. So I couldn't kick someone out for spelling problems. Grammar is also an issue but many times I prefer to use my own grammar like, "Who you be?"
But what makes it most difficult for me to read a post in the community is when the author doesn't know what they are talking about. After reading a few lines it is so esoteric or so twisted that the post really has no point at all. Sometimes that could be fun like a post of MEMEs or a circular argument but when I finish reading the post and I look at words and paragraphs I just read and I still don't know the writer's point of view then I'm puzzled. It makes me think those paragraphs were copied and summarized or maybe translated through AI. In that case it is really important to provide the original language.
When it comes down to it I'm not kicking anyone out, even for circular arguments like the one I am making now. But try to make some point in your post or one day somebody may kick you out.^^
f you could kick a user out of the POB community based on a profile trait that you hate in writers who don't write well or who create disharmony in the community, what trait would that be?
For now... That's it folks. Now it's up to you.