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RE: POB TALK 26/07/2021 - #58

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

It's really hard. Forgiveness stems from love. We recognize that we too were in error at times and needed forgiveness. There is a lot of power when we recieve forgiveness. Forgetting may not be possible. Personally I trust all judgment to the Almighty... but when I meet these people again my stomach still turns. Some of them don't even know that they hurt us. We need wisdom. Sometimes it is better to leave it alone and sometimes it is better to tell them.

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Yes forgiveness is hard and forgetting met not be possible.

But we do say our father, who art in heaven hallowed be thy name, your kingdom come your will be done on earth, as it in heaven, give us today our daily bread, forgive us our trespasses, we will forgive those trespasses again us.

Now that is hard to forgive and forget, how will God forgive us.

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In Jesus' prayer I see forgiving our debtors as the fruit of receiving Jesus' forgivness not a prequisite.

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Ok, may God help us, because this issue is very serious, which we must learn.

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