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RE: Advanced Lessons in Reality Bending (Part I)

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

I hope it didn't come off like I was slinging mud at the K-Pop guy.

Not at all. I find all your writing that I've read to date to be exploring in an open way and you come across (to me) as quite balanced.

Reality is a game that we all play.

This is just it. I'd say it's many games. I'd say the ability to be fluid, adapt as the river shifts is crucial. I think other people's choices are theirs to make and none of my business, unless it causes me harm, which is a different situation.

With regard to all these alterations people make, I've had the thought that there have been steps that have lead to what is currently happening (tattoos, piercings, cosmetic implants, etc).

Identifying with any "box" as being the essence of who a person is, whether it is one's vision of oneself, or that of others creates many issues, to say the least.

I agree with your point:

the absurdity of identity politics does have the ability to hijack people's attention mana

I think you'll find the next in this series will come together naturally. I appreciate your writing and thoughts a great deal. I like to explore and learn and you definitely offer that in your posts.

Which video again was the one that you loved?

There are several I've watched and do from time to time, although I limit my consumption of many things.

Truly and much love! 💜

+blessed be thy lettuce!