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RE: Proof of Brain or Proof of Work? How to define good content in the community.

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

Again the struggle between subjectivity vs objectivity arises, in POB I have considered at the moment of curating to consider the creative freedom of the author, that it is noticed that what is written or published was done because he likes what he does, dominates the subject, offers an opportunity to debate or simply generates some feeling (empathy). Beyond the amount of words what I really value is the attractiveness of the ideas, the passion that is transmitted in a writing, drawing or video is what I particularly appreciate.

Evidently the time factor is a very important element when curating, every day the good works increase exponentially and those of us who do the manual curating only have a few hours to read or observe the publications, vote or not for these and share a comment, however, the author's effort is valued in the curating process, the author's effort is valued to the extent that he makes himself felt in the community not only for his creation but also for his ability to interact in POB, Hive, Leofinance or any of the tribes or communities that make up the ecosystem of this social network, a hard but necessary work to make a name for himself as a content creator.

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