Proof of Brain or Proof of Work? How to define good content in the community.

in Proof of Brain4 years ago (edited)

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publication about what should define good content in the community. In fact, it was a question that I hope to discuss with more people through this post.Yesterday I made a comment in a @wiseagent

After all, what defines good content in the Poof of Brain? Would it be a well-crafted text, with well-developed ideas, an article that a person has probably devoted hours of his day to? And this is something that we can assume from the text size, right?

Or, would the definition of good content in this community be a short text that talks about something personal, like an experience or that contains enough creativity to deserve to be valued? I believe it can be both.

What I notice in the community is that there is no standard in publications, and I believe that this is a good thing. However, I question whether people are valued as through their content. I've seen huge publications, talking about things that I particularly consider silly, but that has great votes. And there are small articles, which have a lot of personality, but sometimes they do not have such good votes.

In general, I notice that whoever writes more and better, ends up being rewarded more highly. And I am not saying that this is unfair, but I believe that some people do not have good enough writing skills, and that already harms her at this point. Another point, is that your knowledge based on your interests and culture, may not be inviting to the community or to the whales. And how is it in that case? Will that person ever be valued by the community?

If what defines good content here is how massive the text is, regardless of how useful or adding value to the community, I believe that at a certain point, it would be proof of work. The more you work, the more you will be rewarded. But, is there any criterion of good or bad content or is the text size enough? In the end, the decision is ours. And it is up to all of us to become future whales so that our vote can value who we believe it deserves.

In general, I believe that the most important thing in a publication, at least for me, is how much personality a person puts in it and how much he develops his theme which can be comprehensively in a huge text or in a specific way with few words.

I think that after a while, we notice the characteristic of each one in their publications, and I particularly think that is beautiful to see, but I do not exclude how hard it must be for the curatorship to perceive the personality of each one and value the person as she deserves it, even though she has limitations of writing ability and personal culture.

Well, it was that thought that I would like to share with everyone. What do you think about this?



Proof of Brain ou Proof of Work? Como definir bons conteúdos na comunidade.

Ontem fiz um comentário numa publicação do @wiseagent sobre o que deveria definir bons conteúdos na comunidade. Na verdade, foi um questionamento que espero discutir com mais pessoas através desse post.

Afinal, o que define um bom conteúdo na Poof of Brain? Seria um texto bem trabalhado, com ideias bem desenvolvidas, um artigo do qual provavelmente uma pessoa dedicou horas de seu dia? E isso é algo que nós poderemos supor através do tamanho do texto, certo?

Ou, será que a definição de um bom conteúdo nesta comunidade, seria um texto curto que fale sobre algo pessoal, como uma experiência ou que contenha criatividade suficiente para que isso mereça ser valorizado? Acredito que podem ser ambos.

O que eu percebo na comunidade é que não existe padrão nas publicações, e acredito que isso é bom. Porém, me questiono se as pessoas são valorizadas como deveriam através de seu conteúdo. Já vi publicações enormes, falando sobre coisas que eu particularmente considero bobagem, porém que recebem ótimos votos. E há aqueles artigos pequenos, que tem muita personalidade porém que algumas vezes não tem votos tão bons assim.

No geral, eu reparo que quem escreve mais e melhor, acaba sendo recompensado de forma mais alta. E eu não estou dizendo que isso é injusto, porém acredito que algumas pessoas não tem habilidades de escrita suficientemente boa, e isso já a prejudica nesse ponto. Outro ponto, é que seu conhecimento baseado em seus interesses e cultura, pode não ser convidativo para a comunidade ou para as baleias. E como fica nesse caso? Será que essa pessoa algum dia será valorizada pela comunidade?

Se o que definir bons conteúdos aqui for o quanto o texto é massivo, independente do quão útil ou do quão agregue valor a comunidade, acredito que em certo ponto, seria proof of work. Quanto mais você trabalhar, mais você será recompensado. Mas, existe algum critério de bom ou ruim conteúdo ou o tamanho do texto é o suficiente? No fim, a decisão é nossa. E cabe a todos nós nos tornarmos futuras baleias para que nosso voto possa valorizar quem acreditamos que merece.

No geral, acredito que o mais importante numa publicação, ao menos para mim, é o quanto de personalidade que uma pessoa coloca nela e o quanto ela desenvolve seu tema que pode ser de forma abrangente num texto enorme ou de forma específica em um texto de poucas palavras. Acho que depois de um tempo, vamos percebemos a característica de cada um em suas publicações, e eu particularmente acho isso bonito de ver, mas não excluo o quão trabalhoso deve ser para a curadoria perceber a personalidade de cada um e valorizar a pessoa como ela merece, mesmo ela tendo limitações de habilidade de escrita e de cultura pessoal.

Bem, era esse pensamento que eu gostaria de compartilhar com todos. O que vocês pensam sobre isso?

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In general, I believe that the most important thing in a publication, at least for me, is how much personality a person puts in it and how much he develops his theme which can be comprehensively in a huge text or in a specific way with few words.

My all upvotes come as a result of manual curation. 100% manual.
Reading takes time.
Huge posts takes lots and lots of time.

So personally I see HUGE posts rather as negative, not something what shall force me top move the voting slider more to the right.
Smth very huge may be end with my SKIP, without any reading or voting (unless the post subj is smth I am personally very much interested.)

This your post is just about the optimal size , as I see it ( The ENG part)

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I agree with you very much. When I see that a publication is very long, I lose interest easily, unless it is a subject that I really like. And yet, some content ends up exceeding the word limits for me, it is often unnecessary.

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It all depends on how engaging the content is to each person. We all have different tastes and appreciate a wide variety of content. There is only so much time in the day to view content and spend the time curating, so some people will gravitate towards certain authors.

This is why wider distribution is crucial and should be taken more seriously at this stage, otherwise, we'll just have a handful of whales dictating what valuable content is (we can see from a comment in this thread how damaging it would be to the platform if only a few people had an opinion on what optimal content is ((and I'm saying this on the back of grading 50 posts last week for WOTW, I have no idea what is optimal, it's incredibly subjective)))

I'm constantly trying to expand my understanding of quality curation and I know that there will be learning curves along the way. Just because I'm manually curating 100% doesn't mean I'm doing a superb job of it.

The main thing I am trying to keep in mind is that this is a platform that is trying to differentiate itself from some of the habitual behaviours that we've seen before. This requires new methods, changes to mindsets, and slow and steady progress in a positively constructive direction.

Wider distribution of the token is crucial. Otherwise, the range of content being rewarded "sufficiently" based on peoples perspectives of value is small. Big picture thinking is needed, some people can't see as far as their own nose.

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This is why wider distribution is crucial and should be taken more seriously at this stage, otherwise, we'll just have a handful of whales dictating what valuable content is

I believe that this is the main point. Because as you said at the beginning of your comment, how engaging the content is for the reader is what defines whether we vote or not. In the end, our connection to the text is what defines whether it is good content. And our tastes are different, the more people have the power to decide to value someone's content, the fairer the platform will be, in addition to the fact that many more people will benefit from decent and wider curation.

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Or, would the definition of good content in this community be a short text that talks about something personal, like an experience or that contains enough creativity to deserve to be valued? I believe it can be both.

Oh, I love your post. Upvoted, promoted, and reblogged. You have inspired me.

It certainly can be both. I am no writing judge. I try and review as much as I can, but I don't always have the time.

If it satisfies the basic requirements of no plagiarism, copy, hate and I'm engaged...I UV. If it doesn't meet the basics I will DV and explain with the opportunity to revote. I'm ready for that stage now.

Something that's helped me in the past to review writings was curation posts. Except I would love to do something differently, for marginal awards to the writers. We could read a couple of articles that we enjoy and then post a curation report. Some proceeds could be dedicated to the writers.

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Oh, I love your post. Upvoted, promoted, and reblogged. You have inspired me.

Thank you! It encourages me to keep writing.

We could read a couple of articles that we enjoy and then post a curation report. Some proceeds could be dedicated to the writers.

This is a great idea! There are many good ideas on how to curate curatorship to the maximum number of people who deserve it. I hope we can soon put some of them into practice to bring about real changes in the community.

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Nice. I'm glad you like it. It will be my first curation post. I've started reviewing now and I'll post hopefully this week. I may just focus on STEM-related articles first as that is my IRL job. However, I'll likely expand to business/finance because of a new analyst job I landed. We'll see. Training wheels first, I guess.

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^^^^ boom, you rock

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As a newer author here on Hive and POB I find it difficult to gage what kind of content is going to be successful. The thing I try to remember is that I am really writing for my own enjoyment and experience rather than just trying to get as many votes as I can. Many of my posts so far are oriented more towards my photos than my writing as I learn and grow. I believe that is probably the best way to engage...
If I come at it with that mindset then the number of upvotes and the amount I am earning is less important. It is all building my experience as a writer and exposing me to the different communities on HIVE. At the same time I am also tracking what is successful and what isn't so that as my skills become stronger I will be more able to create content that will be successful.
If we view it in this manner we are all on a journey... thankfully HIVE and POB are designed in such a way that we receive that positive feedback along the way to encourage us to continue improving and contributing.

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Your view on this is extremely assertive. I wish you success on your journey, and you will certainly have, if continue with this great perspective.

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Thank you, I hope so too! Accomplishing anything requires patience and that is just as true here as anywhere else.
Just as an example I learned today that I have been using the tags here on Hive incorrectly. This has nothing to do with my content but limits the visibility of my posts and the kinds of rewards I could receive. It is likely that if I had approached Hive solely as a way to earn then I would have known this... but I would not have posted some of the content I have or enjoyed creating it as much. I would have been too worried about perfectly crafting them for maximum visibility and maximum reward and that would have made it feel more stressful! Now that I know about the tags and have already written a few fairly successful posts I know how to make them even better going forward. This has happened organically just through interactions with people here on Hive... another step on the journey!

It is a somewhat complex subject and can be rooted in taste, be it visual or content.
It is something that we will see more often, and the fault is not of "the cow" but of the growth of the community. And it's something we're going to have to deal with! Tastes or perceptions play a fundamental role, I have seen an article which contains some photos of a plant or a garden, and it receives better acceptance than an article about some scientific discovery!

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I can't help agreeing! The ideal is that a good part of the community acquires an excellent voting power so that the appreciation of good content is increasingly broad.

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Good content is all about how interesting/creative/informative what you choose to talk about is and how creatively, interestingly and informatively you talked about it. To do this usually takes longer write-ups and that's just the truth but the fact remains that shorter write-ups can achieve this too but not as much as longer write-ups do. If we keep striving to make longer write-ups it is still proof of brain, because it takes more brain work to write more. Proof Of Brain is actually proof of work because without working your brains you can't come up with anything and have it in a presentable form.

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As far as rewarding good content, I think POB does a generally good job compared to a lot of the other platforms out there. Having said that, the reality is that ultimately, when it comes to rewards, it is a function of how much 'stake' you can get onto your post.

For me, I like to see that the content is original and that the author has put some heart and thought into it. Whether it is a poem, cooking recipes or even art and crafts. Language isn't much of a consideration except for detecting something suspicious. But i'm not the biggest curator out there so take my words with a grain of salt.

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As far as rewarding good content, I think POB does a generally good job compared to a lot of the other platforms out there. Having said that, the reality is that ultimately, when it comes to rewards, it is a function of how much 'stake' you can get onto your post.
For me, I like to see that the content is original and that the author has put some heart and thought into it. Whether it is a poem, cooking recipes or even art and crafts.

I share your opinion. I like it when writers put their perspective on publishing. That way, the person have more personality, and not just become an informative or descriptive text of something.

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As you said a good content is how deap the author jumped in the topic. Talking about anything from one side and only personal point of view is not enough. We have to give examples from others and maybe use some metaphors to make the text more colorful. About writing skills, it's not that important in my opinion, because that will come with experience and especially we have people from all arround the world, so not all of them can be perfect in the English language. That's really not important because we have here an international community. The most important is to understand each other.

I also like that the proof of brain is a combination of many proofs, work, stake, activity, promotion and others. The most important for me is to see the value in the content, that what will make me always upvote it.

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I agree with you. How much a person wants to make himself understood must be more important than his skills. And for sure after a while some time practicing writing it will only improve. I am a person who does not speak English very well, but I have been successful as far as possible in communicating well with the people here.

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For me it's a combination of many things. It's not just one set thing.

My breakdown goes as follows and depends on how much I vote percentage wise on the content I curate.

  1. Is the article well written and over 300 words?
    (This is a blogging platform so in order to half decently rank and get SEO traffic 300 words is the minimum easy check)

  2. Do they promote the content on their socials and how active are those socials. (This is one of my heaviest vote weights at the moment)

  3. Does the article spark engagement and end with a question? (Simply ending a article asking a question that relates to the content is a great way to spark engagement on a post)

  4. Does the person power up or cash out?
    (If someone is simply cashing everything out they get a much lower vote from me. Those that power up some if not all get a higher vote from me as it shows me their dedication to the success of POB/Hive and that they are invested into the success of it)

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The points that justify for you the quality of a content are very clear and relevant to the platform.

I really appreciate that, and I see that it is a technical form that is valid to be based on when evaluating content. I'm still new to the community, so my way of analyzing is simpler and more straightforward. Although, after a while, I intend to adopt rules that are as clear as yours when it comes to voting.

I, in particular, believe that good content should have personality, be consistent with the proposed topic for discussion, and that the publication not be unnecessarily extensive, because unless it is something that piques my interest, I will not read until the end.

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There's no standard and I agree with you that it's a good thing, something 5 pages doesn't denote any more work or intensity then some contests etc. that need curation or a snippy, witty post you can read instead of sit and eyeroll cause it's so long. Length and 'fancy' words don't denote much other then a lot of free time spent or not.
I like smart and fun or at least a trace of something that shows some personality or I'd just go read free online research papers ;)

axey great post @aiuna,

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Thank you for sharing your opinion!

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so weird keep forgetting it is showing not following in some front ends and following in others, grrrr
thanks for making good content and btw earlier with the chat, it wasn't you at all I was referring to to clarify ;)

thanks for making good content and btw earlier with the chat, it wasn't you at all I was referring to to clarify

I don't really know what you're talking about. But if it was something that happened in the discord ... I don't usually go there daily, so I really don't know, lol

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lol, nothing to worry about was just chart talk , probably too much 'discord' isn't so much fun but unfortunately I have to be on it.......A LOT, too much , ugh
anyhow, there were some talks of lists and stuff and your name was on it and there was just chat about reward stuff, it was something with you on it for success or rewards or something else but wasn't about you. in a nutshell I do try to watch some peoples backs especially if they are newer etc...... ;) less Discord equals less Discord , smart to not go there daily, there's a proof of brain , hehe

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Eu cheguei agora depois de um longo tempo sem usar por aqui e estava mais acostumada com o Steemit e na época quem falava português postava somente em português, em sua maioria e agora, inclusive eu, procuro postar em inglês também.

Porém é difícil fazer em ambas as línguas quando o assunto vai ser muito abstrato para outras línguas... Se é um conteúdo mais restritivo em termos de interesse para diferentes tipos de público em uma língua, imagina para outras...

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Isso é verdade. E é um ponto interessante a se pensar. Mas sugiro que não se limite a isso e tente se esforçar para parecer o mais clara possível em inglês... É trabalhoso, mas é necessário.

A vantagem é que na POB você pode realmente escrever sobre tudo... Você pode começar com vários testes de assuntos, e depois disso, ir focando no que tá te dando mais retorno e gerando mais engajamento. De certa forma, esse tipo de resposta é o melhor sinal.

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Padronizar os conteúdos da comunidade é algo que eu não vejo acontecendo, porque de certa forma iria "minar" a liberdade criativa dos usuários. Por outro lado, eu acho que é preciso ao menos delimitar o tipo de conteúdo que é melhor aceito por aqui (sem interferir diretamente no que cada usuário quer postar).

Sobre a extensão dos posts... Eu não vejo posts longos como sinônimos de qualidade. Muitas vezes, menos é mais e o que é importa é o conteúdo do post e não quantos parágrafos ele tem (embora um texto mais longo seja mais visualmente mais atrativo à primeira vista). Particularmente falando, ler posts muito longos (sem um conteúdo realmente bom e escrito de maneira interessante) me cansa.

No final das contas, eu acho que todo post de qualidade é- ao mesmo tempo - POB + POW e utilizar o nível de personalidade / pessoalidade com o qual ele foi escrito é um dos meus principais critérios para definir o peso dos meus upvotes porque eu acho que esse é um fator determinante para classificar a qualidade do post para a comunidade.

P.S.: Ótimo post,! Obrigado pela menção. @aiuna

talking about things that I particularly consider silly, but that has great votes.

That makes different social blogging vs blogging. Blogging platforms will have a standard in quality but social blogging sometimes a close relationship among whales will do not care too much about quality contents. In social blogging, posts have the sense to their circle of friends although the posts can be short paragraphs. ones who know the sense of the posts are the circle of friends. Outside readers may see the posts have no good quality but for them the posts are good.

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oh so you can post an image with a link, cool, didn't know about it
i thought you couldn't post images on POB

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Somewhere in the corner of the blogging space and platform, we were made to understand that a good or what we call quality content is not in the amount or number of words or pages of a person's articles.

Naturally i am attracted to knowledge embedded with a little bit of fun and positive vibes. I don't really care how long or lengthy a post may be but so long it has ideas, value and knowledge I desire to acquire and all this comes with lot of spices of fun then i think such post or articles deserves the biggest support it can get.
For the sake of sanity, not all lengthy articles even make sense to me and some trash still get underserved upvotes at times too but who really cares? Anyone but not me, I didn't come here to look at what people do or how they earn.
My work here was to contribute my own quota to the community and help my life along side.

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Again the struggle between subjectivity vs objectivity arises, in POB I have considered at the moment of curating to consider the creative freedom of the author, that it is noticed that what is written or published was done because he likes what he does, dominates the subject, offers an opportunity to debate or simply generates some feeling (empathy). Beyond the amount of words what I really value is the attractiveness of the ideas, the passion that is transmitted in a writing, drawing or video is what I particularly appreciate.

Evidently the time factor is a very important element when curating, every day the good works increase exponentially and those of us who do the manual curating only have a few hours to read or observe the publications, vote or not for these and share a comment, however, the author's effort is valued in the curating process, the author's effort is valued to the extent that he makes himself felt in the community not only for his creation but also for his ability to interact in POB, Hive, Leofinance or any of the tribes or communities that make up the ecosystem of this social network, a hard but necessary work to make a name for himself as a content creator.

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makes no sense to me sometimes! I guess it seems to be like the rest of how life is not what you know but who you know!

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Menina! Seu post bombou hein hahaha

Eu até nem vou entrar em questionamento aqui não. Já tem vários ahsuahsuas

E no meio deles já vi que tem algo ao meu estilo, então ta tudo certo xD

Cê viu?! kkk
Fiquei bem contente com o feedback das pessoas. Surgiram muitos comentários relevantes que ajudaram no meu entendimento sobre a comunidade. Espero poder continuar contribuindo de forma útil. (:

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Apenas o fato de tu soltar os dedos e escrever o que vem de sua cabeça de uma forma de fazer as pessoas pensar já é um trabalho muito bem visto aqui no POB

Pelo menos é a maneira como eu enxergo isso aqui

Personally, i like to keep things concise and go straight to the point with a few examples. I believe not to many people enjoy long form of content and it is a great disservice to waste people's time.

We all have different viewpoints when it comes to value and quality. This is why it is imperative that we have a more diverse group of curators curating content

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We all have different viewpoints when it comes to value and quality. This is why it is imperative that we have a more diverse group of curators curating content.

Exactly, of all the questions raised, that was the point that most people agreed with, and I also agree. The more whales, with different cultures, the more people will have the content evaluated the way they deserve.

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Another point, is that your knowledge based on your interests and culture, may not be inviting to the community or to the whales. And how is it in that case? Will that person ever be valued by the community?

You bring in this part an important idea. I see a lot of posts getting high votes only because they express a certain political/ideological view, most times in an aggressive manner... I think that the balance of whales tends to a certain side, and in some part, ok, people buy, people stake, people vote in who they want, but when people who don't like to talk or write with political/ideological bias, or aren't part of the side who are getting huge upvotes, but yet make better(I don't think ranting, criticizing people, showing toxic postures or victimizing yourself is a good content...) content don't get upvotes, we see an imbalanced ecosystem. It's worst when certain rules(stake, don't be aggressive, and such), are ignored...

Well, in the end, I think that we have to do what we want, if with time, people who like to learn, to see good and not harmful content get along, ok, if not, we always can change our path and just go to other places that seek for a balanced ecosystem.

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I believe that the best way, really, is for more people to acquire great voting powers within the community. The more whales, the more people will benefit.

This question of taste will always come up. There's no way. That's why we need more persons witch good cultural diversity and with a great power vote.

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the good ole questions that is discussed even before the internet was invented :-) - nice one though, enjoyed reading.

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I'm going to speak from my little experience in a blockchain and as a content creator. I've only been doing this for 2 months but my idea is to stay on time and grow with Hive and the communities in which I participate. I have received rewards as an author and curator and notice that initially, I didn't know that giving my opinion in a publication beyond just saying "Good Job", was a curation. But I not only look at the content, which obviously reflects part of the author's personality, but I also look at the presentation, errors, wording, threading of ideas, among other things and it really amazes me sometimes to see some publications with great votes and with a content that in my opinion is overrated. I have seen posts with immediate and considerable rewards (just minutes after publishing) and others with days and zero. They catch my attention, I check, and boom...something very good that has gone unnoticed. There is a lot of subjectivity in doing curation and that is uncontrollable. I also believe that it should not be a long text to convey an idea, and much less loaded with images to be attractive. Creative? Yes. Bold? Yes. The 50/50 rewards initially seemed exaggerated to me because creating content is an investment of time and effort, but today I understand that curation also requires the same and the idea is a win-win relationship for EVERYONE. We all need each other here: without a creator, there is no content to curate and there is nothing to invest in or in whom to invest. That is something that all actors in this blockchain must understand and bet to keep rowing to the same port. I stake my three cents for a promising future here.

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