especially when it is about a subject that I have some greater affinity with because it comes naturally
I have to push myself sometimes to write about certain things. I have to admit though since starting to blog on Hive 3 years ago writing is becoming much more natural for me. It has been a great awakening for me.
Verdade! Apesar de eu já escrever antigamente em blogs meus. Desde que foquei em escrever aqui isso só ajudou a lapidar o que estava mais "bruto". E a cada dia de passa, só temos a ganhar com isso em todos os sentidos!
Continue escrevendo que verás como isso se tornará tão natural quanto.
ps: só agora vi que estava respondendo em português, mas vai assim mesmo hahaha
No worries. :) Here is what google translate gave me:
Not sure if the translation is what you meant but at least this time the translation seems perfectly logical. Not always the case with Google translate. ;)
At any rate I totally agree. I have noticed a modest improvement in my writing over time compared to when I first started on Hive.
Yes, it was.
Google translator has gotten smarter
I already noticed that he can create phrases and put better words for the situation I want to talk about. It’s not 100% clear, but now it’s no longer just translating and making no sense hahaha
It's really good to read comments like this, @oldmans.
Stay focused and you will improve even more (the writing process improves naturally).
Yes, @oldmans ! Do it! I want to get to know you if you allow me and others, at least your mindset, let us follow your ideas, teach us, guide us, anything you wish to give and in any form.
I'm getting there. :) I have probably shared more of my thoughts here on hive then I have with some old friends. Of course a lot of my perceptions of my reality have changed over the last few years also. ;)
Then allow us access :) to your mindset. I am a curious cat...or kitty...better said