A different take on climate change...

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

I'll start right off and say that I don't believe the current observations regarding the rise in global temperature averages is due 100% (or even 50%) to human generated carbon emissions. The earth has a history of what we call Ice Ages, and it's a little overdue for one, based on historical averages. Every one of them was preceded by a warming period, and that pattern has been happening since LONG before man, or even mammals, were on the planet.

I'm going to continue by saying that I support environmental conservation measures, and strict limits on pollution, including carbon emissions. Just because I don't think we're 100% responsible for the latest 'catastrophe' doesn't mean I think we should try to be. If we see poor people living in filth, we often assume they're lazy, or handicapped, or just ignorant. Industry lives in filth and we call it 'efficient', or 'profitable', and that's ignorant, short term thinking. A lot of that industrial filth causes measurable physical harm, both to people and structures, and if mankind ever starts holding our industries accountable for that damage, things on this planet will change quickly, in a lot of ways.

My personal view, based on my own observatioins, are that the current warming and strengthening weather events are being caused by the current weakening of the earth's magnetic field.

A overall weakening, and a significant increase in the 'chaotic' nature of the earth's magnetic field (including having two north poles for a while pretty recently) has been observed over the last 4 decades. This isn't a crazy conspiracy theory I saw on the internet, or some new trend of scientific alarmism I'm trying to start.

I first started daydreaming about the correlation between the magnetic field and weather back in 6th grade (about 30 years ago), when I first learned that people had been measuring the magnetic field for quite some time. It was the first time I had seen a map of the field drawn out accurately, and I noticed that 'tornado alley' in the US sat roughly around the '0' line, where the opposing polar fields meet.

I'll say now that I haven't done a lot of deep research and math into this theory, it remains a completely untested hypothesis, as far as I know. If any of you reading this have heard of anyone else talking about something similar, I'd love it if you could link me to their work (or even their half assed blog posts ;) in the comments.

With that disclaimer (and plea for connections) out of the way...

Some of you may have read the news about the magnetic field before. The reversal of earth's magnetic poles, and the very brief (relatively to the cycle) weakening and collapse of the magnetic field just before and after is another one of earth's fairly well known cycles. Current observations of the field suggest that we are going through this flip now, and the poles may very well reverse in most of our lifetimes.

Some of you may also know that our magnetic field deflects quite a bit of the sun's radiation away from the surface of the planet. Most of you probably know that the sun's radiation is what heats up the earth.

Differences in temperature are a major factor in the movement of the winds, this is part of what drives the strength of hurricanes and tornadoes. There are other factors, like barometric pressure (also affected by temp) and humidity, as well as relative positioning of the warm and cold fronts, but at the end of the day this whole beautiful dance, like so much of nature, comes down to the exchange of energy between hot and cold.

It stands to reason that when the magnetic field weakens, the surface of the earth where the field is weaker should recieve more radiation, and consequently more warming, from the sun. I believe that in places where the field weakens significantly over a small area, it can create concentrated areas of warmer than normal air, and I believe that action is what is driving the 'exreme' storm events we've been seeing.

When I used to tell people about all of this, I would tell them they can learn a lot about weather and the magnetic field at the noaa.gov website, but these days I want to give a disclaimer about that, as well.

If you use government funded science websites often, you probably saw a reduction, or complete removal of these services for a time during the Trump administration. I know at least some parts of the NOAA site were down for a while. They all seem to be back up now, but I have noticed at least two subtle differences with the interactive map of the magnetic field.

First, it no longer clearly shows the two magnetic north poles we recently experienced (and may still be experiencing, actually, I haven't checked, but it looked like the extra pole was re-absorbing) when you turn on the pole indicator. You can still see the anomolies in the field that the extra pole was creating (or a result of), so I don't believe the field data was changed, it seems they just removed the 'marker' for the other pole. Second, you used to be able to select a range of years, and they would generate a downloadable animation of those years for you, but that feature has been removed.

I'm not really worried about the poles being reversed, but I do worry a bit about that brief time the field is gone. If I'm remembering correctly, the time the field is non-existent can range from days up to a decade, with days being most common. The time the poles stay reversed is around a couple decades, and the cycle repeats every 26,000 years or so. I don't know how damaging the sun's radiation will be to humans, or crops, if this were to happen right now. I know it's unlikely to be comfortable. If we had to endure even a year of that...

Another disclaimer, I may be WAY off on those numbers. It's late, I'm tired, it's been at least 10 years since I did any deep reading on this subject. I wanted to look it up again, but I also want to get this post done tonight. If there's a lot of interest, we can work it all out in the comments.

I actually want people to see this and share their ideas, so I'm going to keep it under 1500 words and find a pretty picture to stuff in here. Be safe out there, everyone.

Don't forget your sunscreen 😁



The Higher Truth channel from Youtube used to claim that there was a brown dwarf star in our solar system. Having watched Different Strokes, I will never dispute that.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

This is informative and also educating too....your post contains relevant information concerning climate change....bravo...@oldsoulnewb

Posted via proofofbrain.io

This makes me think you are Ben Davidson , while the beard say's me your not ;-)
All known info on your topic can be found and studied on linked sites .
The Earth has entered the void , we are in Aquarius , the heavens will shine upon us and burn our ass . All very interesting stuff . Cool to know we could be witness of a great cosmic driven event during our lifetime . If this is true , if this is the thief in the night ? I do not know or claim that it is . Keep it up to the light of ongoing global narratives , would the ruling elite share the info or keep it hidden and come up with shit like climate-warming and contagious sickness and civil war's to keep us to busy to notice what's coming ahead ? Everything is somehow connected . What would we humans do when we for sure knew , 10 years till disaster ?
Good topic , is it fiction or reality ? well i like fireworks , so i follow this info , keeping my eye on a nice seat to watch the show .


I'm not sure if the ruling elite are preventing this info from spreading, or if there just isn't anyone out there trying to spread it.

I'm am certain that I will not learn EVERYTHING about the subject from 2 YouTube video, that was an outrageous claim you made.

I had to look up Ben Davidson, and I assume you didn't mean the actor or the football player 😁. He had some useful info on there, better magnetic field info for the last 5 years than I had gotten so far. He does make some leaps of imagination that I don't agree with 100%, like his claim that pole reversal is tied to large extinction events. The paper that he linked showed a correlation between field reversal and extinction of some species, but didn't even seem to try correlating field reversal with any of the 5 previous known mass extinction events. My thoughts are this: we know we've had pole reversal that were not accompanied by mass extinction, but we also know that many species (like honeybees) rely very directly on the magnetic field for their survival mechanisms. Field weakening and pole reversal is likely to have devastating effect on these populations. The extra radiation (much more than just UVR) will have negative effects on species that cannot process or adapt to it, and this is where there is a lot of grey area and speculation on the sort of harm that pole reversal may cause to life on earth.

If you want to get a good idea about how people would react to the knowledge that a disaster was coming... just look at how people prepare for hurricanes, and extrapolate from that.

The pole reversal will not necessarily be a disaster. It will be disruptive, for sure, but so are solar flares. This would be the first one that we have a chance to directly study in detail. Like with everything, all we can do is learn and prepare the best we can, the rest is in the rolling dice.

Indeed , Ben is a worse case scenario guy , more a salesman as a scientist . Bit of a dreamer to , but entertaining content sometimes . Then is this what will collapse human existence ? Compared to climate warming/change that is said to be driven by humans i go for universal driven change like cosmic ray's and solar activity . Where i must point at the way human's have destroyed there own food chain the last 70th years with chemicals and DNA manipulation on plants . The soil is poisoned for profit way to long .
And in doing so human's have a good change on destroying themselves at intellectual level way before any other disaster will strike .

B.t.w. , those link's have more then 2 video's behind them , i was just a bit outrages , i meant , there's a lot , not all , for that can never be true . ;-)

I think the pole reversal is unlikely to end our existence, even in the worst case scenario. I think the highest probability of our exctinction comes from collision with space objects. We can poison this planet for another 1000 years and we'll survive, just not well. We've already survived several global catastrophes, including an ice age, the great flood, and at least one 2 year long 'nuclear winter' brought on by a volcanic eruption in the 1800's.

I like the topic but right off the bat I see an issue:

even mammals, were on the planet.

Ice Ages have been along shorter than mammals. The mammals rose during the Ice Age(s), but there were mammals when dinosaurs were around before the Ice Age.

I never really looked into the earth magnetic field but even I have heard of the flip before. You really scaring me, I was expecting something like another planet crossing our solar system, at least we could see that coming. But the Polar flip might explain what always causes the abrupt start of an Ice Age every 25.000 years or so.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

There has been more than one ice age, they've been happening since even before the dinosaurs.

It was interesting to hear my favourite astrologer’s take on the subject - that the entire solar system has been warming.

Of course, such facts - including those you outline - don’t make for great manipulative political rhetoric.

Yeah, natural processes that take decades (or even worse, centuries) sure aren't very sexy on the evening news.

This take that the enitre solar system is warming... do you have any good links you could share about that? This is the first I'm hearing of it.

I don't, actually. Have heard him mention it a few different times briefly, though never was inclined to dig deeper myself into the details.

Hey... I got a beard too! And I remember... I remember BEFORE the internet. I had to go to a library to find information. Most neighbors had a few books at most.
Do You Remember them scaring us with a coming Ice Age?
I am still waiting on it...

Ha, yes, I do indeed remember some of the 'coming ice age' scare. Of course, there's IS always another Ice Age coming, but I don't even worry about that. We're remarkably well suited (as a species) to survive another ice age, and it looks like we're at LEAST 100's of years away from the next one.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

I'm not so sure about this, you're a lot softer on this handle. I hope you get it worked out and tell us how you really feel. Ima jump in the pool now cuz it's burning hot outside.

Don't forget your sunscreen!

I stopped trying to remember things when I forgot what month it is.

I lived like that once, but my vegetables kept dying. Fucking winters, anyway.

Posted via D.Buzz

Save the ones that grow when they grow and when they don't grow you'll have the ones you saved.

If they don't grow for long enough, there's not really much to save. It's alright. Those bullshit pisseating cockcramming calendars have their uses. I write other things on them that I need to remember besides the month, like the Kitchen Witch's birthday. We grow more than a few poisons here, and she cooks more than half the food, so some days are kinda important.

  1. Earth based temperature readings started in the 1860s and still do not cover the entire Earth. Some of these reading stations have not moved as cities have grown up around them, altering the readings.
  2. The first weather satellite was launched in the 1970s, it wasn't until the 1980s that there were permanent weather satellites.
  3. Ocean temperature readings didn't start until the 1980s.
  4. It seems as if every 5 years, they update the satellites with better ways of reading data, which means that data read previously was not as accurate or there is more to the information.
  5. Most of the high record temperatures are averages, which means that we might not be seeing higher day time highs, but are most likely seeing high night time lows. The inability of the Earth to cool off due to low solar activity causing the weakening of the magnetic shield, allowing for solar particles to create more clouds that traps the heat.

But, basically, the data they used to determine that we were having "Global Warming", is only from 1860 and forward. Since 1860 marked coming out of the last mini-ice age, everything would obviously be warmer from then.

Also, CO2 is plant food. They love it. They absorb it and give us food and oxygen.

Thanks for the reply! I couldn't tell if you're agreeing, disagreeing, or trying to put forth an alternate theory here, but I'll adress some issues I have with your points.

  1. Accurate temperature readings didn't start until the 1850's (1860's... 1850's..., close enough for this discussion), but general readings have been available since Galileo made the Thermoscope. Building cities around reading stations does not alter the data of thermometers, it alters the temperature of the earth's surface. The thermometers are still giving accurate temperature readings.

  2. I have no issue with, but if I skip to #3, Eceny changes it to #2.

  3. We have been reading and recording ocean temperatures around the globe since 1870, when the British launched HMS Challenger. I personally stuck a thermometer in the ocean before 1980.

  4. New information does not automatically invalidate old information, and can be used to extrapolate much of the 'missing' data from older observations.

To learn how we determine temperature data for the vast majority of earth's history, do a search on geological temperature records, and biological temperature records.

Plants do indeed love CO2, which is one reason why I'm always trying to tell people to calm down with their global catastrophe talk. The predictions about the decline in food production as a result of human-created CO2 concentrations causing global warming... in my eyes they're nothing short of preposterous, and are based on opinions, not science.

Many plants, however, do not love UV radiation, and we may be getting a lot more of that as the magnetic field weakens, collapses, and flips. This is why I think it's a topic we should pay more attention to. I'm sure we'll still be able to make plants grow, but if we're not prepared to deal with the event, things could get really ugly.

I am agreeing with you.

Yes, they were doing ocean and Earth readings prior to the dates that I mention, but not on a regular wide-scale operation. Taking ship measurements while sailing is not the same as buoy measurements places throughout the ocean.

Building cities around reading stations does not alter the data of thermometers, it alters the temperature of the earth's surface. The thermometers are still giving accurate temperature readings.

Potato, patato... the measure taken may be accurate, but it doesn't reflect the same location and conditions as previous readings, thus altering the validity of the data.

As far as the flip goes. I'm on the side of just a magnetic flip and not a stop of the Earth or a flip of the continents. Either way, there might not be any records of what really happened 10,000 years from now, just like then. ;)

Yes, UV radiation might not be kind to the plants. The increased cloud cover and cold temperatures will be less nice.

everyone muat take part to stop the climate changing by implement a tree from his pocket money it's the only way to stop the climate changes due to the industrialization the quantity of carbon dioxide is increasing in our air and human cut the trees so it is necessary to grow a plant where we can.

I've planted enough trees for 1000 people.

You're welcome 😂

keep it up and grow more tree more power to u 🤩

Haha, no problem. I've been doing it so long now, I wouldn't know how to stop! 😁

Beautiful 😍🥰

Hello @oldsoulnewb,

I found you commenting on lucylins blog. And was curious what you write about yourself. I hope you don't mind that I stretch the topic.

At first I thought that the fear that is constantly driving people has been rampant since the beginning of the millennium. Then I thought it had been going on since I was a child. And now I think that it has "always" been the case that people are afraid of events over which they have no influence, but which they want to have at all costs. Where does that come from? Christians have the biblical seven plagues, don't they?

I rarely get an answer to my view that man permanently overestimates himself as well as underestimates himself. The absolute enthusiasm for technology is so popular, just as it is deeply rooted, that someone like me, who casts doubt on the whole matter of what is technically possible, often gets no answer. I say this often and repeatedly that I consider, for example, genetics and other wondrous technological "achievements" to be less ingenious in their effects than is being blasted through the world by the media. (i.e. us).

Events of natural forces are rather rare and in relation to the possibilities of life on our beautiful earth, rather moderate. Where these events do occur (storms, volcanic eruptions, floods, droughts, etc.) they are of course much more noticeable and also dangerous for those affected. But what really makes it so exceedingly difficult to face these natural events more calmly is what man has built up. The entire architecture of buildings, roads, pipelines, energy supply centres, when it is destroyed, it is a disaster for us. But if it weren't for that, we would have a few broken huts that could be quickly rebuilt.

The more advanced material technology is in the form of machines, architecture, etc., the more man fears its destruction. He now believes that with even more technology he can become master of this problem. Which in itself sounds ridiculous.

Those who push this completely self-aggrandising infatuation with technology are not much different from those who want to use and perfect it. They ascribe a power to mathematically generated models and future as well as past scenarios that, in my eyes, they did not and will not have. Modern magic, if you will.

Our knowledge that the earth's magnetic pole changes: what use is it to us? Such a global event is beyond human control. Climatic changes: the same.

I don't think much of particle accelerators, genetics, vaccinations, artificial omnipotent intelligence, because I see the effect attributed to these things as less true to reality and more true to virtuality. The belief in salvation is behind it, but since we cannot save ourselves from earthly natural events, but only live with them when they occur, the whole "science" of predictions and prevention ideas is a big load of crap.

People are not capable of thinking long and hard about things that might occur. Only their firm belief in avoidability stands between them and this realisation. Each of us only ever acts when it directly and immediately affects us. But to believe that one can act and should do so at all costs, even though there is only the possibility or probability that one could be personally affected, makes us all equally affected. The hoover of hysteria and fear of life is big and powerful. But the indifference to it in the same way that such hysteria has in its consequent effects is also a fact. Apparently, one is only capable of fearing a specific thing, and depending on the trend and spread and one's own "preference", the damage this fear does occurs in the respective parallel worlds in which people exist.

Greetings and bye.