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RE: This is The End [Of My Career]

in Proof of Brain4 years ago

I'm so proud of you. It's huge to know that you need to make a change and do it. Most of us just run ourselves into the ground or self sabotage or something like that.
Your mortgage is paid off, that's a HUGE weight gone from the budget! I'm sure y'all will be well. Listen to your husband on that score. And don't die. <3


Thanks so much! I'll try not to die!!! Goodness. I suppose I should give his phone number to one of you so you can find out if I actually disappear from these online spaces, and print off my crypto keys and tell him how to get into all my measly riches here ahaha. Thanks mate, I'm kinda proud of me too, but it means a lot to hear it from you xx

I have thought about that - what if Hive goes to the moon after I die? - and my brother could figure out how to handle my keys if I croak, but my parents would be totally lost. 😂