Good morning everyone...
Hope your night was good?
Questioning is the first step to gaining wisdom; it is only when we question that we strive to seek answers...
what's that question you have always wanted to ask?
Good morning everyone...
Hope your night was good?
Questioning is the first step to gaining wisdom; it is only when we question that we strive to seek answers...
what's that question you have always wanted to ask?
My question is is there answer to all questions?
Can anybody ask me a question that does not have an answer here
In my opinion there are answers to every question. Although some answers are not straight forward, some require more than one answer, and there are those that require you answering the question yourself.
Not at all
Not all questions has a correct answer oo
You asked if it has an answer, you did not ask for a correct answer. Some question don't have correct answers, IT varies depending on the situation and the individuals
No exactly, but all I know is collectively answer make more sense and more understanding.
Very subjective indeed, some may have answers, other may not; some might answer it wrongly and you won't even know.
An inquisitive mind goes a long way. Children are inquisitive, they want answers to everything, and that's how they grow and learn. If you don't question, you don't get answers and you don't learn.
Yes questions is the first step to gain wisdom, because you ask questions because you don't know that Things and when your question is being attend to your gain more knowledge and you will never loss it.
Yeap! I totally agree with you, whatever you learn ad gain it becomes part and pastel of you also increase your IQ in life.
Congratulation to you keep it up and engage well today
A lot of questions but I don't know if those would be too personal or appropriate to ask on social media.
But Yeah I am trying to ask a lot of brainy question here :)
Why don't you give it a try?
Yes she should try it and see say no harm in trying .
When it come to questioning really you are trying and I believe your questions is well attempted in this great community.
Friend nobody is highland of knowledge your ask question before you can be acquired the knowledge you can know everything you ask a question and the answer will provided or be given an answer to exactly what you ask because you are thought before you know that thing
Let's not forget the great Mr. Google :D
Yes Mr Google is doing well and we can't forget him because what we don't have knowledge about he give us the meaning and we'll learn from him God bless Mr Google
I agree with you entirely on this one. It reminds me of adage over here, someone that ask many questions never gets lost. We don't know all, our daily goal should be to improve in wisdom, knowledge and understanding
Someone who ask a lot of question will have more knowledge than a person who doesn't and assumes they know it all.
Yes rightly said. The more we ask, the more we know. I always encourage people to speak up when they lack understanding about a matter. Refusing to ask will only leave a person to be ignorant. We should always be open to learn new things and avoid assumptions.