POB TALK 25/08/2021 - #88

Interact with the community and receive awards.

A lottery chat post will be created daily, and for you to participate you just need to interact in the comments with other users. Want to talk about a topic, but still don’t have enough data to post about? Raise the topic and talk to others about it. Want to give your opinion on governance, UI, or even meet new people that you didn't know were part of the community, this is the place.

In addition to receiving votes on any comments that you bring to the community, you will also be competing for a prize for doing so.


As more unique users comment, more prizes will be drawn. Up to 10 participants are 3 winners, from 11 to 19 participants are 5 winners. From 20 to 29 participants 8 winners. If we manage to reach 30 participants, there will be 11 winners.

These votes will not hinder the trail, as it votes only on posts and not comments.


You can also try your luck in an extra lottery by purchasing a ticket. This ticket will give
you a number to enter an extra draw on the day you purchased, the week you purchased, and the month you purchased.

To get one, just transfer 1 POB to @vempromundo.pob, this will serve to increase the voting power, and consequently give bigger votes to the winners. (The limit you can purchase is 1 per day, if you transfer for example 10 POB, you will compete with 1 ticket per day for 10 days).


If you interact with people in the post or generate good content that makes them engage with you, be aware that it won't be in vain.

I think it's fair that those users who fail to win the raffle are rewarded daily according to the amount of engagement they bring to PobTalk, they're the ones who keep it growing.

So don't be surprised if you end up getting rewards even though you don't win the draw. You deserve.

Good luck, and good engagement

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Today was a busy day and I couldn't deliver the winners for the 23rd, but I'm already working on it, and I'll deliver the 23rd and 24th as soon as possible.

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I also have a very busy the last week with make me not engaged well in this pobtalk.
But I hope I will be engaged in pob talk very well today

I will be patient for you and don't stress yourself too much because I believe we are all considerate here@vempromundo.pob you showed me how hard and the stress you do pass through to complete choosing the winning list before.

We are ready to wait and we are not in haste.just calmly do your thingsYou don't need to rush @vempromundo

@vempromundo we will patiently wait for the updates from you boss.

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Good morning to you all,i believe we all have a wonderful night

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My night was cool and long

Pls can you explain the word long that your night is ?

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My night was good and cold

Yes yesterday night was very cold.
The rain fell lightly in our environment which makes the night very cold and I enjoyed my sleep

I think the rain is very much in my own environment it was a very cold night

Hmmm same to my environment also,but as a grade one bachelor to weather is not friendly.

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Knowledge Hope we ar not living at the same political zone?

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Good morning to you too friend is nice to have you again today.

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nice to have you here too I love to see you here with your good contributions to the community

Yes boss!me personally my night was awesome as good due to last night weather.

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the reward is not a problem, we are addicted to pob talk already

Very addicted!

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even without reward we are dedicated to the pleasure here

Addicted To what my lovely queen funsheea?
Good morning my dear,hw was your night and everyone in the family.

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We are all addicted to #pobtalk good afternoon to you i hope your day is going on well?

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Good morning @vempromundo.pob it is a wonderful thing to see you here this morning, I get as much that you are somehow busy this days.

And don't we will be waiting for the results thank you.

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I thought as much and even while is busy he still try to do his duty

You are doing a great job to drive engagement on this platform. I love the spirit here. Let's keep it moving

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No issue on that will surely wait for the update we just believe all we agreed that we can wait for that I believe you are the boss just take care of your self and take time to do the report

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It’s been a while since I have checked the results here. The engagement is not for the rewards anymore, it’s just fun and Learning.

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of course that is what I said in my previous comments it is not about the reward we are already addicted to this chat room

Already boss I wish am among the winner, because I can't wait to see myself winning everyday.

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No worries, all in due time. Thanks for your efforts and I'm confident you'll deliver in the end, as always..

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Hello Friends! Beautiful day to you all and i trust we are all doing great today?

Let have an interesting engagements today. And remember ;

No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn't trying—Tony Robbins.

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Yeah true talk
At least you tried and you are better than the person that not even make attempt.
And your mistake will even give you wisdom if you apply it wisely

Exactly, and don't duel on the mistakes just forge ahead.

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The thought should be that, someone is always behind you and you are always behind someone...

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This right here, sure it can be motivating to look at someone behind you and think you're doing well. But it can also make you lazy. It can be depressing to see others way ahead of you. But it can also make you hungry and determined to get there too some day.

Best is to focus on your journey and be better tham you were last year, last month, last week or even yesterday. Your individual progress will always be different from others and also probably never linear. So look at others and more importantly help others! But don't let their progress or lack of it influence your efforts and emotions too much.

One step at a time :-)

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It is true, the most important thing is you and your journey. Focus on being a better you everyday, because there will always be someone in front and someone behind but the most important thing is to know you are progressing.

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Yeah, and focus on forging ahead regardless of our mistake or not.

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That's normal you can't be everywhere no matter how the case maybe you need to behind somebody or somebody will behind you if you are first born in the family you have the person that will behind you and if you second-born in the family you know you are behind someone which is very normal....,.

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yes my mum used to tell me something she always say no matter your position in life you are still in the middle, no matter how good your condition is you are in the middle and no matter how bad your condition is you are still in the middle.

there are a lot of people that's their condition is worst than your own I need the things you are good and okay there are thousands of people that are better than you

That is setting of life! We all came different to the earth with different wisdom,so been ahead of someone so also someone most be ahead of you.

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that is very true, bit we should not look at those that we are better than but we should at those that are ahead of us so we can speed up and do more

I agree with you, the point is we should always look ahead regardless of our mistake or not.

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exactly 👍

Hello @funshee a beautiful morning to you too!

Yes, one should never stop trying because that’s how you move on and succeed in life.

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To my own prophecy is that successfully is meant for who struggle hard to achieve the gold,also success is meant for who is alive and willing to work hard.

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It's better to always attempt at doing something than not trying at all. That is always commend people for taking the bold move even if their progress gets stalled at some point. Mistakes will always happen, how we react to it determines how far we will go.

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My dear sister in deen you are really a good writer by copy the real writers name, that make you a great one not someone that plagiarized.

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Plagiarism is one of the rule this platform frown about , we have to be guide by the rules.
And its always the right thing to do, attributing the source or Names when using other people's works.

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Some people stay so far in the past that the future is gone before they get there.
The future of writings only those who prefer living in the past.no one has ever backed into prosperity. You can't have a better tomorrow if you are thinking about yesterday today. yesterday has passed for ever and it's beyond our control what lies behind us is insignificant compared to what lies ahead. Opportunity is all around the world matters is where you put your focus.

True that mate! Past is gone, doesn’t matter it was beautiful or bad, nothing can be done about it. What matters is the present and how you deal with your present decides your future. Your present and future decide your state of happiness and not your past. So live with good memories of your past and work for a better future.

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This is one truth we should all recognize. We shouldn't dwell on the past. The past holds nothing for us. It can be however a reference point or where we once were. We always should look towards the future has that is the place where we become what we desire to be.

If we intend to enter a new dimension of prosperity or success, we shouldn't look backwards has no ever putting his hands in the plough behind is fit for what is ahead. We are seek to become better and learn from our past errors or mistakes and not to dwell there.

We are to be attentive to what we still have power to influence which is our present and the future that is to come. A second ago is gone in eternity so we should look at what is ahead of us. It is important to do this so we don't miss opportunities that comes

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It is more valuable to look where you are going down to see where you have been. don't give you your future only from the perspective of yesterday. Is too easy to limit everything and in that the dream within you.
you can never plan the future by focusing on the past. Those to whom yesterday still looks big and ain't doing much today.
Your future contains more happiness than any past you can remember.
Don't focus on your past to determine your future.

Good morning everyone
How was yesterday pob talk
I'm just so busy these days and I could not get engage in pob talk

Good morning how was your night and I believe you really enjoy your night, thought now adays people are busy with work and some other things they have plans for the week.

So i believe you are one of them because I know you will have schedule your plans for this week since last week.

Because you have alot to achieve, but thank you are here now, you welcome back.

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Thanks for the welcome thanks for the welcome thanks for the welcome

I totally forgot on one hand, and I thought it is a weekly thing on the other hand

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Greetings iyiade. This things happens has the offline life happens to keep us away from here. Good you still had here in mind despite how busy you were. Just try not forget here no matter how busy it could get for you. Always love to see you around here

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Those who predominantly talk about the past or going back with those who talk about the present I usually fast maintain but those who talk about the future growing.
Looking at the past might only bring you down, especially if you have a successful past it will make you relent.

People who tend to talk about the past often stagnate their possiblities has dwelling in such plane keeps them bound from moving forward. It is best to discuss about where we see ourselves or where we will love to be in years time has this give us some direction going forward. In the process of walking towards it, one tend to grow and stay motivaTed towards that course. For those who have achieved success in past as still think of that happens to dwell on past Glory which will do little or nothing for them other than hold them tied down in what was instead of what ought to be.

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Hello everyone!

Since it's the first time I'm organising this it could use some attention.
There are just two submissions up until now and I have three prizes (50%. 30% and 20% of the POB payout of the post).Anyone interested in joining my #pobphotocontest ?

The subject is FLOWERS.

I may consider trying it. Though I don't have very attractive flowers around but will give it a try if I can get my hands to nearby places.

That is good I will try to be there and I hope I will win in the contest.

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Cool! Looking forward to your submission.

Just getting to see this. You could have included a link to the contest announcement here.

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Nice, you are holding a contest. I have some pictures but they are not recent ones but ya, they are mine. Can i post those?

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Sure. You can submit a recent photo or one from your archive.

Hello people! Hope you are having a great day.

Keep working hard and don’t compare yourself with others. Some might be better and other might be worse but what should matter to you is who are you. Somebody earning more would not fill your wallet and you can’t fill pockets of those earning less than you.

So just give your best and leave the rest on God. He surely has the best plans for you.

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True talk, this is the word of motivation, we should never compare ourselves with other, do you know this "compare" issue have affects alot people.

And it as lead them to journey of no return, because they see their friends riding a car they too want to buy and start riding a car.so they will now steal from their company pocket or find all means to get the money.

And at the end they will be arrested, they will destory their beautiful and lovely names and as have said the matter point is who we are.

Somebody earning more would not fill your wallet and you can’t fill pockets of those earning less than you.

Never is impossible, nobody can satisfy other needy.

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True! I think people here compare their upvotes to others which leads to discouragement at times. One should not do that either. You get what you deserve and if you want more, just work harder, maybe you are not giving enough.

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Sometimes comparing yourself with others improves your performance. You try harder because you don't want to be left behind. Competition really improves things, even though it is uncomfortable.

Agreed! Healthy competition is good. Competition is bad if it brings out feelings of jealousy or demotivates you to do certain things.

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The sky has more than enough space for every bird to fly without interference. Someone else's success can neither delay nor fasttrack yours. Contentment and prayer are key

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Yeah that's normal and the sky is enough for birds to fly no matter how you hide somebody's destiny can never be sign to you either yours can be signed to another person just let's keep in the right and give more friendship community you are blessed and welcome to this great community

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Thank you, friend.

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Always welcome and I'm seeing you doing great in this community will come back for you that you are one of my good friends and you have a great questions to give us to answer a question so that everybody will learn with that of your questions keep It Up and have a nice day

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You are mostly welcome friend and welcome to the great community as well and it's a new day that we can do more than yesterday glory be to Almighty that we are alive today let keep engaging

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Nice one friend You said it all don't compare yourself with another person No matter how struggling you are some people will be earning more than you and you most be earning more than another person So you don't just keep something's equal because this life didn't balance
Do your best and leave the rest on God
He have the best plain 👍
Thanks for the word's of advice

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Righto! We should rather see those who are below us because for sure there are millions just like how millions are above us. We should be happy with what we have achieved.

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Yeah those people that they are below us are millions Why we are both a million people that are above us just to cut our clothes according to our sizes. Thanks for your reply

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Indeed we shouldn't compare ourselves to our neighbors has it happens to step our joy has it somehow brings envy. We all run different races and we should stick to our timeline. It is good to always want more but we must be willing to put in the work if we want a better results.

Truly while we may feel we are sometimes earning less or less paid, we should also consider that others are earn far less than us. We should be thankful and appreciative of what we currently have and do what we have to do going forward. Life is not balanced but we can play a part our balancing the side of the coin.

No matter what we have done or think we are doing we should all leave it up all up to God has he alone can help shift us all up to the desired destination. He knows what is best for us and will give us what we deserve at the appropriate time. Very nice submission on this topic.

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Hello dear, How are you? Any luck with new House help?
Very true words. We all are unique and special in our own way. There is no point in comparing with others mad feelings sad about it. Just life happily with what we have and work hard to achieve more. 😊👍

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Hey! No man! I am tired of managing everything on my own, feels like being crippled without house help which I honestly never wanted. I never wanted full-time domestic help in the first place because I know this would happen when she leaves. But now it's impossible for me to function without here especially if I want to work over and above my 9 to 6 office job.

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$PIZZA@sugandhaseth! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @vikbuddy.

Did you know you can spend $PIZZA on games in the $Pizza Store? (4/10)

Yesterday's Winners

22 participants - 8 Prizes


100%: @trostnandia.pob 87%: @duncanek 74%: @riandeuk 61%: @joemark 48%: @esmeesmith 35%: @funshee 22%: @jersteemit 9%: @rapha-el7

Extra Prize (Ticket)



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Wow This is very great Congratulations to those who made the list for today an am holding a party for this my 100% and congratulations to all of us because we are winner right you know everybody will wait his or her time as far as you're here and keep engaging in this community
Congratulation to everyone once again

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Oh wow you got lucky today!

So where is the party and who is doing the party dance 💃

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I'm expecting you guys to come to the party which I believe you will be the one that will prepared us the food and I'm expecting everybody to come over it party time .....and for your question I will like you to start the party dance 💃💃💃💃💃

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Wow pls let the party be a BOM one,so that we all will gather and have fun.

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Wow I'm just seeing this now the party have started since morning So but includes a party or nothing you message I mean your reply seen another day we will surely bom the party even in the pob talk community

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Congratulation to all the yesterday winners, am so happy for you people and let keep engage for the day

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I Also imply in at @ hookup.pop

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Happy to make the list for the first time. Congratulations to every one who also did. This is more motivation to engagement as much as possible

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Congratulation to you, am happy to see you among the winner of the list, keep it up.

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Thanks a lot

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Congratulations to all the winners!

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Congratulations to all the winners and those ensuring here become a place to regularly visit. Today is another day to do better in terms of engagement. Have a wonderful Wednesday you all.

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I feel strengthened as was able to make the list on my first time..
Congrats to those who made the list as well..I celebrate you..

Thanks everyone, bless you!!

How do you find out if the person in front of you is safe to talk to?
How do you recognize the threat from people?

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I really don't have an answer to your question.
Because I can't sit through anybody is at except except I am the person do see each other every day and have an opportunity to study the person's character but I can't see through someone's heart so I really don't have an answer to that your question.
But I know there is an answer to that question

People who are a threat to us have that vibe, it’s something i can figure out just be talking to them. They are either over positive or shrewd to me, as per my experience till date. And I don’t like such people and prefer to draw away from them.

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I think the response they give when you talk to them for the first time is what matters. Some people are more receptive that others that does not automatically make them a threat though, but I think within you, you will be able to tell if they are a potential threat, It is like a feeling and you just know

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Sometimes I judged with the first expression and impression...i always have that feeling even when I don't talk to them, you can sense something form their behaviour if you focus...

Just my own reasoning..

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You will probably need to add more context to your question so that people can properly answer

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Don't trust anyone.

Tell no-one your secrets and no-one can use them against you.

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Good morning everyone...
Hope your night was good?

Questioning is the first step to gaining wisdom; it is only when we question that we strive to seek answers...

what's that question you have always wanted to ask?

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My question is is there answer to all questions?

Can anybody ask me a question that does not have an answer here

In my opinion there are answers to every question. Although some answers are not straight forward, some require more than one answer, and there are those that require you answering the question yourself.

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Not at all
Not all questions has a correct answer oo

You asked if it has an answer, you did not ask for a correct answer. Some question don't have correct answers, IT varies depending on the situation and the individuals

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No exactly, but all I know is collectively answer make more sense and more understanding.

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Very subjective indeed, some may have answers, other may not; some might answer it wrongly and you won't even know.

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An inquisitive mind goes a long way. Children are inquisitive, they want answers to everything, and that's how they grow and learn. If you don't question, you don't get answers and you don't learn.

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Yes questions is the first step to gain wisdom, because you ask questions because you don't know that Things and when your question is being attend to your gain more knowledge and you will never loss it.

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Yeap! I totally agree with you, whatever you learn ad gain it becomes part and pastel of you also increase your IQ in life.

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Congratulation to you keep it up and engage well today

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A lot of questions but I don't know if those would be too personal or appropriate to ask on social media.
But Yeah I am trying to ask a lot of brainy question here :)

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Why don't you give it a try?

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Yes she should try it and see say no harm in trying .

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When it come to questioning really you are trying and I believe your questions is well attempted in this great community.

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Friend nobody is highland of knowledge your ask question before you can be acquired the knowledge you can know everything you ask a question and the answer will provided or be given an answer to exactly what you ask because you are thought before you know that thing

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Let's not forget the great Mr. Google :D

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Yes Mr Google is doing well and we can't forget him because what we don't have knowledge about he give us the meaning and we'll learn from him God bless Mr Google

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I agree with you entirely on this one. It reminds me of adage over here, someone that ask many questions never gets lost. We don't know all, our daily goal should be to improve in wisdom, knowledge and understanding

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Someone who ask a lot of question will have more knowledge than a person who doesn't and assumes they know it all.

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Yes rightly said. The more we ask, the more we know. I always encourage people to speak up when they lack understanding about a matter. Refusing to ask will only leave a person to be ignorant. We should always be open to learn new things and avoid assumptions.

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I'm making a comment to fill space and kill time.


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Sadly, I have no time to kill these days :(

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The black hole already killed time. You can't even compete.

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Don't worry bro, I am here 😊🤗

Hear about the new restaurant called Karma? There's no menu—you get what you deserve.

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Beautiful little horror joke. Logic always wins.

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Is actually a horror joke indeed mere looking at his face ad his two side teeth so long also scaring .

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I genuinely wish to get into splinterland game. Anyone with an easy guide for a newbie like me. Thanks in advance

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Please kindly tag me along if you get any guide, thanks you in advance .

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Sure. I am yet to get anything helpful though.

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You are not alone on this. Thought as I was the only yet to understand how this game is been played. Kindly do well to tag if you find any useful information that could help one become a lover of this game

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No problem. You are the second person that would make this kind of request. I am more determined to crack the game now and teach others.

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You can't walk backwards into the future.
true mystery can be found by being a yesterday person trying to get along in a tomorrow world. Don't let your past mistakes become memorials. Instead they should be cremated and not embalmed.
Good morning everyone

Mistakes are there to serve as guides. One who does not make a mistake has really not learned anything.

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Good morning to all the great people ain the great community it another day which I believe we can do more more more more and more but don't forget that Engagement the key let's keep engage.
Good morning once again

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Good morning my beautiful and handsome people of the great community (pob),this morning I want to share my last night experience.
Although the night is awesome and pretty good due to the nature of last night weather,so calm and lovely but as single man and bachelor in high rank it wasn't easy at point because noone to say hi to when it come to weather of two and am one.thanks

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Get a big teddy bear bro or simply go and get married if you can afford it.

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🤣🤣🤣🤣 Just get the Big Teddy @profdanzy ...until you find someone

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You are certain he's yet to find someone? :)

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Good day man. Quite understand your plight. I believe you might need a huge teddy bear to cuddle pending when you get married. It is important to maintain level of self control no matter how difficult it might

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Good day everyone!

THanks for the encouraging messages yesterday. My new laptop finally arrived!
I talked to the store that sold it to me and they offered to send me a very nice looking backpack as a compensation for the delay.

I checked and it costs 4 times what I paid for fast shipping so in the end I think it was a good deal

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What is your laptop model? As in is it a gaming laptop?

Not a gaming laptop as I'm not too much of a gamer.
It's an Acer Aspire 5. Nothing fancy, really, just enough to get the job done hehe

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Wow am very happy for you @ tfranzini! So what you own dis great community, is to celebrate your new arrival laptop with each ad every member of this community.

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Well said my friend! Let's celebrate!

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Wow congratulations... Who's given you a PIZZA for this....

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Thank you very much rapha :)

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Wow that is good congratulation to you and you see that the delay lead to another blessings that is am so happy to hear that.

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That's very true. The universe works in mysterious ways :)

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Congratulations to you. Now, make the laptop work for its money

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Greetings tfranzini. Good your laptop eventually did arrive after the slight delay. Good one from the store in making it up with the backpack. Such a good thing to do. Believe it is worth the wait

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That's great. Good luck to you friend. Hope to see you around more now. 😊👍. !PIZZA

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$PIZZA@tfranzini! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @vikbuddy.

Did you know you can trade $PIZZA on Hive-Engine, Tribaldex, or LeoDex? (3/10)

I'll probably be around more indeed! Now I don't have to deal with all the frustration that I had with my old laptop. It served me well for many years and I was happy with it, but it was on its last days and I'm glad to have a new one now

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Hello friends I'm new here, I hope we are all doing great? I Am very glad to be here and I hope am welcome?

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You are highly welcome from me personally.
Consistent Engaging in this place is the key

You are very welcome here my friend!
I hope you enjoy our great community

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Thanks friend,I must confess,am having fun and also learning in few days,I wished I had joined this platform earlier.

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You have no regret now now that you have joined.
You are still earlier than some people. And I can guarantee you that you will enjoy this community much more

I really hope so ,thanks friend

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Yes I hope yo are enjoying the community here you can have enough fun and reward in this community The more you interact the more the rewards But don't forget engagement is the key
keep engaging
Welcome to the great community of the great people

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Thanks for the information I appreciate.,I will definitely interact and engage myself well. Also don't hesitate to share the knowledge in here with me so I can achieve good result in a limited time.

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Welcome to the community. This is where the real interaction is on the hive blockchain

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Thanks @ gentleshaid

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You are welcome @beegold.. @vikbuddy do the needful... 😉😉

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Thanks friend

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So glad to you have you here on pobtalk. You are very welcome. Don't hesitate to ask any questions. Do well to hop right by jumping into an comment to kick off the engagement has that is the purpose of this initiative

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Thanks for the warm welcome jersteemit , I won't hesitate to ask you any thing I need to be clear on here. How was your day? Mine was Great

Posted via proofofbrain.io

My pleasure. Would be looking forward to that and seeing you more frequently around here. My day was awesome. Glad it's weekend over. Time to unwind after a long week of stress. Trust yours is great too?

Posted via proofofbrain.io

My day was great,thank God is weekend one can take a good rest and be more active here. Good morning and have a great weekend friend.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Good to know. Yeah the reason I do much the weekend. Good day to you. Thanks. Do have an awesome one too

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Welcome to POB talks 😄🙏. Have fun around, interact and engage with others. Learn more about the POB community. Put your brain to work and be productive. Be Consistent and Be Yourself. Enjoy the day 👍. !PIZZA

Posted via proofofbrain.io

$PIZZA@beegold! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @vikbuddy.

Did you know you can spend $PIZZA on games in the $Pizza Store? (6/10)

Yes friend ,I must say my brain has been more effective since I joined ,am learning and will definitely be productive, am really having fun here ....Hunhun🤭..thanks for the pizza

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Yes vikbuddy ,I must say my brain has been more effective since I joined ,am learning and will definitely be productive, am really having fun here ....Hunhun🤭..thanks for the pizza

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Hi fam!

This should be fun and silly too..

How would you rate your looks on a scale of 1-10 ?


Posted via proofofbrain.io

If I say 10, you would say I am too proud of myself :D
If I say 1, you would say I am not confident :D :D

The answer is, I can't overall rate myself. I am 10 at places and 1 at others, may be 6 at some. So it depends on what task I have on hand.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

🤣🤣🤣🤣 Perfect answer..

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Good day my great people in the great community we can have some fun before we go for the day What do you think we happen in the world for today which are Arsenal see same as I repeat see myself Arsenal I don't know how they can do it today I wish to watch there game because it will be enough fun seen the same Arsenal with the same mistake Let's engage

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Oh i missed today, i wanted being here from the start to also feel the flow..
But anyways i see that you all had a nice time here

Better late than ever. Good you eventually did show up. We sure did have a nice time. Believe another day just began, just do well to get right in on the conversations

Posted via proofofbrain.io