Brainiac Tool To Use - Mind Maps and a Free Subscription in the MindManager Starter Academy

in Proof of Brain4 years ago (edited)


I remember that back in 2003 I was amazed, curious, and fascinated while discovering mind maps and their usage.
In time, I've used them for almost all my workshops and training. I've designed them, improved them in collective work, brainstorm on them, delivered Business coaching using them, and so on. Back then, I had two main software I was using, one was free and the other one was a more complex one, for companies. The one that I had for free was from MindManager and they have issues different versions for free for many years.



From Tony Buzan, I have understood the concept of mind mapping even better in 2003. You can find many informative articles and videos over the internet where he explains the benefits of using mind-maps. I'll not elaborate on this now, because those that are interested can find information online, plus, I can send free digital resources about mindmaps, as well. The fact is that you don't need software to design a mind map. Just a little time, will, and a strong wish to chunk down a piece of information into particular and different angles to look at it.

Yesterday, the MindManager Starter Academy launched and it is designed for new and experienced users alike who want to perfect and expand their MindManager skills.

Their's sign-up is free and here is what you can take advantage of:

  • 5 guided training sessions from MindManager customer success managers
  • Live Customer Q&A sessions with MindManager experts taking place monthly in 3 languages
  • Free downloadable map samples so that you can easily apply the session learnings to your own work

I am subscribed to them, so I'm sharing with you their registration link directly.

Remember, feel free to ask me for digital resources regarding mind maps.
Do not ask me to explain this concept. Do your own work.
We can talk about their use in Project Management, General Business, Management, Marketing, Finance, Education, Creative industries once you get an idea of what they are. I'll even tell you how I've managed Pennsylvania Lab's team using mind maps.
If you're used to mind maps, I'll love to hear about your experience with them!

For those that have asked, I am re-editing this post to offer the next info:

The additional resources that I have need to be uploaded on my Dropbox. If there will be more wanting them, I will take some time to upload them. For internet-free resources on mind maps, I haven't checked that in years, since I have about 6GB of my own related to the topic.

ADAM SICINSKI has a great 12-month program named the IQ Matrix Member Module. It's excellent for working with mind maps for professional and personal purposes! Unique on the market, as well. Thinking bundles, Emotional Bundles, Learning Bundles, Social Bundles, Coaching Bundles, Leadership, and achiever ones.

Here is the back-door, you won't find on his actual site anymore: To make an idea, this is his website:

With brains focused and re-focused on strategy,


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I remember doing a mindmap a few years ago as a way to take inventory of myself. It was very helpful and I even went over it with my uncle. We picked apart what was realistic and important at the time and it really helped me to redirect my focus on what mattered most.

I really like the featured image also about "How to create a mindmap". It's a great example of how it can be used to broaden your perspective of a question or topic. Thanks for sharing, I think I'll be doing another mindmap inventory soon to see where I'm at.

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Feel free to use them whenever. They are a perfect opportunity to go from general into particular, by chunking down pieces of larger informational content.
My favorite ones come packed as infographics now.
Canva has this feature for free now.Sure, @calumam!

Btw...when Disney invented the storyboard concept, he was, in fact, using the same mental hack: slicing up the cake into smaller parts and organizing their meaning and effectiveness, arranging them so that his entire creative staff would get an idea of how that cartoon story should be created step by step.

I've just Googled my name now and added "mindmap" after. It seems it has indexed pages and jpg/png I have used years ago for my online work.

Let me know if you need more resources.

That's an interesting fact about Walt Disney, the method to the madness after all!

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Modeled by Robert Dilts and others, the Disney strategy is quite a feedback loop process for creating, organizing ideas, slicing them into what's effective and what's not, steps for was adopted in large project management strategies, as well. No madness, just mass manipulation back then :)

I use mind maps for a lot of things. They were a god send when I was revising for exams.

I've been considering creating one to help me sort out my finances. I have so many things that need to be done having them all on a linear list is overwhelming. A mind map would help me prioritise better.

I usually create a map by hand although I did have some software for it on my other computer. I found it a bit cumbersome to be honest. Took more time working out how it worked than doing the work itself.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Feel free to get in that academy, Gilian.
As for the software, I had to use them since many of my training and coaching programs were corporate. But for the flipchart part, I used to made individual or group ones by hand, and even let them fill some in :)

Thanks for providing and explanation and links to resources for mind maps I find they are a great way to learn and remember things.

...and thank you for reading!
If you need additional resources related to mindmaps or a free 12 months program, let me know. I will look for them and send them to you.

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Thanks for the offer, I mostly do this all by pen and paper, but if there are free resources feel free to link them in the comments.

@notak, feel free to check the article again, I have inserted the answer for you directly in the article, in the end.

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Thank you, Mr. :)
I'll be around, curating more these days. I hope to see you around, too!