Feel free to use them whenever. They are a perfect opportunity to go from general into particular, by chunking down pieces of larger informational content.
My favorite ones come packed as infographics now.
Canva has this feature for free now.Sure, @calumam!
Btw...when Disney invented the storyboard concept, he was, in fact, using the same mental hack: slicing up the cake into smaller parts and organizing their meaning and effectiveness, arranging them so that his entire creative staff would get an idea of how that cartoon story should be created step by step.
I've just Googled my name now and added "mindmap" after. It seems it has indexed pages and jpg/png I have used years ago for my online work.
Let me know if you need more resources.
That's an interesting fact about Walt Disney, the method to the madness after all!
Modeled by Robert Dilts and others, the Disney strategy is quite a feedback loop process for creating, organizing ideas, slicing them into what's effective and what's not, steps for implementation...it was adopted in large project management strategies, as well. No madness, just mass manipulation back then :)