
My post at work became redundant. They offered me another job in the organisation, but unfortunately, I had a boss that didn't know what he was doing and caused people a lot of grief. I loved working for the organisation but because of him I couldn't stand it any more, so I took the redundancy money. I was also able to access a small pension from a previous job when I reached 55 yrs of age which helped. I still took a leap of faith and I honestly didn't know what was going to happen to me financially in the following years

I used to work for a disabled person's organisation in the information department. After I left, I applied for funding to start my own information service. I got local funding to keep me going for awhile but got turned down for major funding.

After that, my mum became ill so I cared for her. I was very close to my mum. After she died my brother and I received our inheritance but it's not going to last me until I claim my state pension. After I'd had enough with the information service I found myself on Hive. I also do a bit of ebaying to keep the funds up!

I don't regret a thing. I think people get to a certain age and realise things aren't what they used to be.

I'm sure you will come up with lots of interesting things to do, whether it's for financial reasons or hobbies. Good luck and enjoy it!

Thanks so much.

Sounds like you got by okay. I'm more like a squirrel wanting the security, but my hubs laughs it off and says 'money will come'. This freaks the bejesus out of me!

How annoying that a boss like that caused you to leave. Mind you, I dont like the people I work with either.

At least he's supportive. I'm sure things will work out and you will find something you love to do.

Found out so much about you in thos comment Ellen!

I found UK can be pretty expensive to live if you're not working and don't have enough pension. That's why we moved to a low cost country when we stopped working a few years ago and lived off our rental income here. That worked quite well till we came back last year cos of covid and am now living in our property hence have no income ☹️

By the way @lizelle runs a Silver Bloggers community, I'm sure your story would make an interesting post there

Thank you for the shoutout @livinguktaiwan!

I live in the Midlands but when I go to visit a friend in the south of England I can't believe how expensive it is. I spend a lot of time saying "how much?" lol.

I belong to the Silver Bloggers but not participated yet. I'm only just getting used to this blogging thing. It doesn't come easy to me.