This is the first I've heard of CRT (possibly because I'm Canadian? Or just out of the loop in general? lol).
CRT just seems like (yet) another misunderstanding (in a long history of misunderstandings) regarding a human being's power to create whatever they desire.
It's really quite easy to empower others if one takes a wise approach.
And it doesn't sound like CRT is such an approach, from what I've seen here, lol. 😁
It's very possible that you've escaped the systems of higher education before this became a thing. As of now, here in the US anyhow, it's infiltrated down to the grade school level, that and stuff that is 100 times worse! Basically, the schools are brainwashing camps that are inflicting mental harm on children. The propaganda is real!
Ah, yes, that's a possibility. Well, I learn something new everyday. :)
Interesting. that lady's pretty fired up in that clip, thanks for sharing.