Flippin' the Script: Exposing Critical Race(ism) Theory.

in Proof of Brain4 years ago (edited)

A concerned mother from Virginia who hails from Communist China (in her younger years) blasts the local school board for the critical race theory indoctrination programs they're forcing kids to undergo. The woman so-very succinctly illustrates how the CCP used the same tactics only instead of focusing on race the aim was to get people warring against each other based on the various social classes.

Tankman's Unknown Name Will Not be Forgotten.

She watched as teachers and students battled it out during the cultural revolution, and school names got changed in the name of political correctness. The programming she undergone trained her to denounce her heritage, and she watched as the Red Guard destroyed (the four olds) all things deemed not communist.

Not only that, they encouraged a snitch culture, so you had this panopticon of paranoia that pitted neighbor vs. neighbor. Nearing the end of the clip, she condemns the current practices as "the American version of the Chinese Cultural Revolution" and that "Critical Race Theory has its roots in Cultural Marxism" and thus has "no place in our schools."

Mom Who Fled Communist China Blasts Marxist Critical Race Theory.


The above has to be the most powerful and clear condemnation of CRT that I've seen to this day, which is why I led with it. I have a total of three videos on the topic. Coming in at a close second yet still, nose to nose with the winner is a Florida mother of two, called Keisha King.

I have to give all due credit to Keisha here. I say this because were it not for the inspiring technique she used in this forum, I wouldn't have had enough inspiration nor a title for this post. King flipped the script entirely by interpreting "white privilege" differently than most.

The message she receives is that they're telling her kids that white people are better, and that's about the most racist thing you can teach a black child in school today. I have to say that this tactic for intellectually eviscerating CRT is one of the most amazing things I've ever seen.

I'm kind of ashamed that I didn't bend it around enough in my head to see it that way. I'm not going to go through the blow by blow and outline every point she made, but she did it all in two minutes, and she did it so very effectively. I'll post it below so you can judge for yourself. I think this video, in combination with the first, are game-changers!

Mother of Two Magickally Turns CRT on its Head!


In our continuing effort to destroy critical race theory; Again, I'm going to say this video is also on a par with the other two. I don't even know why I wanted to rank the videos in the first place. Perhaps, to make it a post, I had to have a linear model for some congruency.

Here you have TikTok user Kory Yeshua and his daughter, Royalty. Their message is simple, and it is loving. And this takes me back to the multiverse that I remember. The one where Dr. Martin Luther King was a revered role model, and with his words and actions, he was able to play an integral part in ending most of the racism in America.

Dynamic Daddy and Daughter Duo Take on CRT!


Hey, thanks for reading this and for watching the videos. I hope they spoke to your mind and heart and will help you to destroy any credibility that critical race theory may have held with you. Perhaps, if you learn more about the topic, you can help wake others up!

I'll do you one better than that, share this link and then ask people to take a few minutes out of the day to challenge their beliefs about CRT. I still think that to this day, if people were taught MLK and then CRT, they'd choose the former over the latter out of merit.

Going off Script: Capturing Lightning in a Bottle!

YouTube.com/c/wsj/videos | MLK Jr.'s I HAVE A DREAM speech almost did not happen.

We don't need our youth thrown into boxes or cast in a mold (or class) of people who identify as permanent oppressors or the permanently oppressed. There is nothing more disempowering than placing harmful limitations or stigma like that on developing minds. Not only that, it plants the seeds of division, future strife, and class (or racial) warfare.

This terrible idea brings society to a place where you can "..imagine a boot stamping on a human head, forever." We'd do well to realize that "the smallest minority on earth is the individual." The sooner we have this realization and respect individual rights over that of group rights—the more fair things become for everyone. 'An Individual vs. THE BORG.'

Thanks for stopping by!
Thanks to @dwinblood for this gem!


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Many thanks! 🙏

Isn't it funny how people hailing from other countries with social/political problems can see the path the West has set themselves on and yet their own citizens can't?

So true. The reason is they've been there...experienced that. They know how far the rabbit hole extends.

Well said. Very good point, Leo!

Simply put, superb sir.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

TY so much, @shepz1!

This is the first I've heard of CRT (possibly because I'm Canadian? Or just out of the loop in general? lol).

CRT just seems like (yet) another misunderstanding (in a long history of misunderstandings) regarding a human being's power to create whatever they desire.

It's really quite easy to empower others if one takes a wise approach.

And it doesn't sound like CRT is such an approach, from what I've seen here, lol. 😁

It's very possible that you've escaped the systems of higher education before this became a thing. As of now, here in the US anyhow, it's infiltrated down to the grade school level, that and stuff that is 100 times worse! Basically, the schools are brainwashing camps that are inflicting mental harm on children. The propaganda is real!

Ah, yes, that's a possibility. Well, I learn something new everyday. :)

Interesting. that lady's pretty fired up in that clip, thanks for sharing.

The message she receives is that they're telling her kids that white people are better, and that's about the most racist thing you can teach a black child in school today. I have to say that this tactic for intellectually eviscerating CRT is one of the most amazing things I've ever seen.

I've been saying that since that poster came out from the Smithsonian Institute that was supposed to be against White Supremacy. They listed all of these traits that were white. If they were correct then they clearly must have thought white people were superior because they were highly desirable traits.

Of course it was B.S. They got so much backlash they eventually pulled it.



That is some parts of it because of course the internet preserved it. They can't erase it. It was too overt and caught far too much attention to erase.

Re: "white privilege."

Amazing! People, black and white alike, have gotten so comfortable using it as a pejorative that they can't comprehend why they should be offended by, and or ashamed to use, the term. Thanks so much for sharing the image, as it adds even more emphasis to Keisha's oration!

A lot of people were pissed by that poster when the Smithsonian put it out. Rightfully so.

FOUND IT! Can you please
tell'em to PUT IT BACK! 😂

Edit: includes wayback link to "white culture" infograph.

Smithsonian's National Museum of
African American History & Culture.
The Newest Smithsonian Institution.


So kind of the Smithsonian to instruct black folk on what they cannot do.

Can you believe the Smithsonian Institute published that garbage?

It also is a pretty huge window into the minds of the people that pushed that drivel.

Very racist, and definitely would fit the term white supremacists quite well even if they themselves are not white.

They are sharing pretty amazing traits there for the most part that most people I know regardless of skin color aspire to. They are calling that white.

It's much like calling math racist.

They don't realize they are saying because people are smart and learn math (again, nothing to do with skin color) they are racist.

So by extension they must be implying that these other people are not as smart, which in some ways would mean inferior.

Yet they claim to be so virtuous and anti-racist.

They either know exactly what they are doing and are some truly sick and evil people, or they are so totally brainwashed and ignorant they can't see the fact their ideas are wearing no clothes.

Almost all of the things I've seen happen over the last six years have me in a complete state of shock and awe. It started with a short clip I saw on the internet called 'Modern Educayshun.' I watched it but didn't get it, and at the same time, I found it hilarious! I thought it was some weird caricature of whatever the hell was going on in college lately. I didn't realize it was a photorealistic carbon copy of what's happening in college nowadays.

Shortly thereafter, Jordan Peterson got confronted about rejecting prescribed language at the University of Toronto. Then it was Yale students freaking out at professor Nicholas Christakis about Halloween costumes that "culturally appropriate." The Bret Weinstein incident followed suit over at Evergreen State College in Washington. I believe this was when the whole microaggressions thing became this huge phenomenon. And some of them are legitimately slightful, while others aim to turn Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's message on its head.

So if you acknowledge someone's skin color, that's racist. But if you're colorblind, then you're marginalizing someone's experience. The goings-on in the past several years has been the most radical shitshow I've seen before in my entire life. Oh, and "anti-racism" is just racism against straight white males. But advocates of this type of racism don't think it's racism because they identify with one of the myriads of "oppressed and marginalized" splinter groups who fancy themselves as victims.

They think they do not have "institutional power" and believe that prejudice + institutional power = racism. And since they don't have this "institutional power," they think they are only doing bigotry or prejudice but not racism. Essentially they've had their minds washed with a horse shit enema straight in the earhole, a bunch of pseudo-intellectual tripe served to them with a silver spoon on an ornate platter manifesting itself as a college degree.

Yeah I sometimes call it mind rot. I often refer to it as a mental or mind virus too.

Just like most illnesses it has a lot of unpleasant but different symptoms depending upon where it occurs.

That's why I bother arguing with them. It is rare I wake someone up. Yet when I do they usually become quite amazing. It is much like people surviving an illness then having an immunity.

Education is the only place we might be able to confer that immunity without them having to live through it. Yet right now the Education System is one of the clusters of illness that is spreading it everywhere else.


I shared this post on my facebook. Excellent post.

That's the perfect place to share!Hey, thank you, @active-truth!

yeh well I don't have as many 'friends' on here as I do on there yet ;-)

Thanks for sharing these videos on this most important subject and movement.

I agree, it's very important. They're doing lots of
damage to peoples brains with this and other
various Marxist indoctrination techniques.Thanks for reading my article, @justclickindiva!

There are always two sides to an issue. Going about it the right way can produce different results.

Although this is true, different results are not always better results. I don't know if you saw that Jordan Peterson clip at the end, but he highlights the absurdity of identity politics and why it's impossible to make groups equal. On the other hand, if we see the individual as the smallest minority and respect individual rights, no matter who the individual is, then we're going places. What TPTB is trying to do is divide and conquer with identity politics. They will attempt to have a Chinese-style cultural revolution on a global scale. And this is a fool's errand because there is no achievable objective to win. All of the violence and death, if they are successful, will be meaningless as it will only serve to make the people more indentured into their servitude to government.

It is great that people are speaking out at school board meetings all across this country. The indoctrination has gone too far and CRT does nothing but divide us more. I hope people will continue to wake up and we can come together as a country and not further divide.

Hell yeah, that's what I'm talking about!