@Vempromundo I see where you are coming from. It is, indeed, disheartening. If not delegation, then at least proper reasoning and justification would have eased things out. But ignorance is not acceptable.
From all the discussions, you can move out with a takeaway that even if you aren't getting any delegation, you have the support of so many people here (this is obvious from the kind of response all the related posts have received). You have testimonials from people shouting aloud what great job and value you are adding to the community. And that's a lot mate! I have personally witnessed similar response (or no repsonse) on my posts from some of the people and then the moment I like to settle with it, I notice simialr posts getting a huge response. But then, I thought there were so many other people supporting me and appreciating my content. Why do I even want to get a response from the ones who are not responding. Since that day, i stopped giving a damn and just keep posting. Some of my posts don't receive a dime but then some are appreciated by people and I respect them a lot.
Again, I know it's easier said than done. But that's how life is and we have no option but to accept it this way. Peace out and have a chill out day.