You won @proofofbrainio! I give up.

in Proof of Brain4 years ago (edited)

Sometimes we have to fight battles to defend our principles.

But we have to accept when we are being Don Quixote and fighting against mills.

It's no use coming here and trying to expose a thousand and one reasons for what should be improved in the community.

Because @proofofbrainio simply won't answer us.

16 days ago he created a post where he would answer the community's claims, and so far nothing.

He answered people in Discord, he answered only one person in the community in a long period of time, where that person was questioning about the HIVE delegation for POB, ie again he did not respond to the community's wishes.

The comment from @tobetada that he replied was what generated a long discussion between me and @calumam, such discussion only served for one thing: @proofofbrainio vote.

After the disappearance that he always practices, he appeared for a few minutes, in the community, voted on @calumam's replies, on the post that @calumam made and disappeared again. Distributing 505 POB in votes to his spokesperson.

This user, coincidentally, is the one who achieved the most POB with posts in the community.

Sometimes I wonder if @calumam is not the user behind the @proofofbrainio account

Already anticipating charges that will likely appear in the comments about the @bankofbrain account that I recently sold 30 POB in exchange for local currency.

I presented POB to a friend, and together I talked about PobTalk, the possibility of getting rewards for engagement and the ticket drawn daily.

It was totally his decision to buy POB through me, as he could buy through anyone else.

Just as it will be their decision to make a post whether presenting or not, just as it is up to any user to vote negatively on the rewards they will or will not receive.

And I will continue to invite people to POB, HIVE, LEO and any other community. What they will do here is unique and entirely their decision, I answer for my actions, making publications every day.

And so I decided to stop fighting battles that won't go anywhere, touch the community as you like, take whatever paths you want, I'll be just another one around here.

I will continue to routinely post PobTalk every day, and will continue to post on subjects that are of interest to me such as politics and economics on the world and Brazilian scene. I don't want respond to any comments on this publication, draw whatever conclusions you want.

The fight is now yours, the price of POB doesn't matter to me, I have no more hope for the future here.

I end this post by paraphrasing Dante Alighieri:

"Lasciate ogni speranza, voi che entrate"

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And so I decided to stop fighting battles that don't go anywhere, to touch the community as I want, to take whatever paths I want, I'll be just another one around here.

Well, I talked about it somehow in my last post... This could be a great platform, a business with huge potential, but so far... we see the official account assuming few people, we see money going just a few hands , and things don't have a goal, fun is cool, but people can have fun elsewhere, what keeps people on decentralized platforms is freedom, crypto and the possibility to build things...

I will stake what I'm receiving, but every day that passes without answers or change, I lost a little bit of the strength to believe...

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In my opinion so far you've been punching knives.

Everyone knows @proofofbrainio is missing... Most people have accepted. I even made a a post talking about the future of POB being self-sufficient... However, you continued to publicly charge and sometimes offend @proofofbrainio.

On the one hand, you charged him and offended him massively, on the other, you also asked for delegation massively, and you asked for it with a certain aggressiveness. I understand your anger at thinking you deserve something and not having...

But did you expect that with your attitude @proofofbrainio would magically decide to give in? Not to mention... You're a guy who earns well and there's no way to hide it, so what's the main reason you want delegation? What's the goal? What will this add to the community?

I don't agree with @proofofbrainio's long absences and I've already made that clear in some posts of mine and too in dicord channel. But, I also don't agree with your way of always complaining about him as if you didn't benefit in any way from the community the guy created.

Your work in the community is valued by many. Pob talk is certainly interesting, but you are arrogant because you overvalue it and think you deserve delegation for it when you already have a great voting power and are on the rich list.

The impression you give is that you are playing the victim when you are actually eating a lot from behind.

It doesn't make sense for you to complain so much.

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Even if you dont get the delegations, I feel what is important is to gain the support of the community. In the long term as the accounts you support would grow you will definately grow.

I think you are doing an excellent job by running the dailypob. We as the sub community should focus on creating more meaningful content and supporting each other.@vempromundo don't feel disheartened. You are doing a great job on this platform and you will always receive the support of the masses on this platform. I think that is the crux of the comments by @calumam, who has become an irreplaceable force because of the community he supported. @amr008 find the support on all the communities because the accounts he supported grew big and now they reciprocate.

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@Vempromundo I see where you are coming from. It is, indeed, disheartening. If not delegation, then at least proper reasoning and justification would have eased things out. But ignorance is not acceptable.

From all the discussions, you can move out with a takeaway that even if you aren't getting any delegation, you have the support of so many people here (this is obvious from the kind of response all the related posts have received). You have testimonials from people shouting aloud what great job and value you are adding to the community. And that's a lot mate! I have personally witnessed similar response (or no repsonse) on my posts from some of the people and then the moment I like to settle with it, I notice simialr posts getting a huge response. But then, I thought there were so many other people supporting me and appreciating my content. Why do I even want to get a response from the ones who are not responding. Since that day, i stopped giving a damn and just keep posting. Some of my posts don't receive a dime but then some are appreciated by people and I respect them a lot.

Again, I know it's easier said than done. But that's how life is and we have no option but to accept it this way. Peace out and have a chill out day.

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oh, I didn't know that my comment started all of this discussion about delegation. I do remember a post by proofofbrain where I think he mentioned that he wasn't feeling so good. So maybe that's the reason for his absence. Hope that things will get better again; so what's the state of the community currently without him? Is there still development ongoing are there goals etc.?


Guy. Realize that not even Brazilians support you anymore. That before, in the beginning, the idea was to strengthen our BR community.

But you simply got lost in your posts and phrases. It doesn't match reality. I had realized this for a long time, but I didn't want to say anything until @calumam said it some time ago.

Unfortunately what @aiuna said is exactly what I saw too. Attacks and offenses and then wanting to win? What logic is this? Since not even correct curation is done... I think the PobTalk idea is great. But I never liked the idea of ​​paying for something. And the history of Brazilians has always been a mere fallacy.

And I say again that in numbers. Your curation done every day you put the 5k together in two easy months. Just do it!

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Wow m short of words, the last time I checked about this issue there was a suggestion about getting someone to fill in for @proofofbrain if he ain't around. There hasn't been any move about that. This community is known for transparency, it LL be cool to continue that way

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You will not be the first person I gave this recommendation too...

Hang out, have fun, some fights are not worth fighting. POB is in good hands in the community and if he never shows up again, we might be better off... that said... there is too much that we cannot control.

I think you bring a lot value to this platform with pob-talk and curation. Focus on adding to the platform and let go of the things you can't control... it is enough to drive one mad. I'm rooting for you and POB.

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Great advice.... POB is the best place for Creators and Curators. POB will be much higher in a few weeks. I'm buying all the POB I can.

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Good conclusion and great work from you with nice observation. But for me i don't think @calumam is the user behind proof of brain. Most time those that are leaders tend to issolate theirselves from being involve in lot of thing so as to command respect and i think that is the reason we are not seeing @proofofbrain coming online to actively participate in the community like that. And sometimes leaders like this do read every comment and post but may decide not to talk. If @calumam is the man behind proof of brain account then he should be voting himself in every post.

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If @calumam is the man behind proof of brain account then he should be voting himself in every post.

I can assure you I'm not, but it's touching to know that @vempromundo thinks I have that kind of drive. If you look back towards the start of the tribe, I would have been curating, posting, commenting and interacting off-chain more or less 24/7, and then as things progressed, doing what I do now. I'm flattered honestly, even if it's from seriously flawed logic.

The link shared below is an interesting one too. Not sure why @vempromundo shared it.

A very good post to bring up. I fear, however, it is outdated. A LOT of changes and passions have been expressed following that post 18 days ago. I certainly won't fault 1A from bringing it up as it was important.

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Not looking good coming from the proofofbrain founder. A reply should atleast be given to this persistent appeal of yours for betterment of the POB talk initiative and POB platform in general. I implore you just continue your good work and keep doing what you do best. Hopefully he will see reason in time.

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It's definitely good work Vem does. I can't speak for the founder and I'm not privy to all the mechanisms of the community. I believe in what Vem does as much as what the community is meant to do.

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Yeah. I believe Vem got the community interest at heart. Just hope the project founder see reasons to his request or at least give reasons why it shouldn't be considered as there might be some mechanisms we don't understand.

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This is really touching and I must say I can not but agree with you ,but I want to believe that your cry is for the betterment of the community and most especially the user's,cause me too I do wonder what future does this platform carries if ideas that are been brought into the table are not checked and looked into for consideration,but am not giving up any way as all hope is not lost and your view might still be given a look into,but of all I wished we can all have a community where ideas in developing such community will be of great paramount to the big whales

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I dont know what's going on with my account. Anytime I want to post is not going on proofobrain

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As a newbie,one thing i have learnt on public forums or platforms is that it tends to grow big when the leader or creator of the platform is a good listener and give response to criticism,complaints and also opinions made by the users of the platform...this post helped me to know the owner of the platform,and i am happy to see such discussion because it shows that people are willing to bring up ideas and discussions that will make the platform to become greater and better i want to say "well done " to @vempromundo who started the discussion...

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I see great things for POB .... I am buying as much as I can. We will see POB at $10 soon.

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Honestly just reading this post kind of builds up my curiosity on how things are going sideways in the community.
You just do what you do and avoid the noise, trust me you'll be more than fine.

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